How do i extract a specific word from a list in python?

for word in info: is a loop. Its body (the indented part) will execute once for each element of info.

You could access info elements by index, as other answers suggest. You can also unpack the list into reasonably-named variables:

name, job, marital_status = info # the unpacking: 3 variables for 3 list items
print "My name is", name, "my job is", job, "I am", marital_status

The loop comes in handy when you have a list of people to process:

people = [  # a list of lists
  ["Joe", "painter", "single"],
  ["Jane", "writer", "divorced"],
  ["Mario", "plumber", "married"]

for person_info in people:
  print "Name:", person_info[0], "job:", person_info[1], "is", person_info[2]

It is idiomatic to unpack nested items right in the loop:

for name, job, marital_status in people:
  print "Person named", name, "works as a", job, "and is", marital_status

We sometimes come through situations where we require to get all the words present in the string, this can be a tedious task done using the native method. Hence having shorthands to perform this task is always useful. Additionally, this article also includes the cases in which punctuation marks have to be ignored.
Method #1 : Using split() 
Using the split function, we can split the string into a list of words and this is the most generic and recommended method if one wished to accomplish this particular task. But the drawback is that it fails in cases the string contains punctuation marks.


test_string = "Geeksforgeeks is best Computer Science Portal"

print ("The original string is : " +  test_string)

res = test_string.split()

print ("The list of words is : " +  str(res))

The original string is : Geeksforgeeks is best Computer Science Portal 
The list of words is : [‘Geeksforgeeks’, ‘is’, ‘best’, ‘Computer’, ‘Science’, ‘Portal’] 

Method #2 : Using regex( findall() ) 
In the cases which contain all the special characters and punctuation marks, as discussed above, the conventional method of finding words in string using split can fail and hence requires regular expressions to perform this task. findall function returns the list after filtering the string and extracting words ignoring punctuation marks.


import re

test_string = "Geeksforgeeks,    is best @# Computer Science Portal.!!!"

print ("The original string is : " +  test_string)

res = re.findall(r'\w+', test_string)

print ("The list of words is : " +  str(res))

The original string is : Geeksforgeeks, is best @# Computer Science Portal.!!! 
The list of words is : [‘Geeksforgeeks’, ‘is’, ‘best’, ‘Computer’, ‘Science’, ‘Portal’] 

Method #3 : Using regex() + string.punctuation 
This method also used regular expressions, but string function of getting all the punctuations is used to ignore all the punctuation marks and get the filtered result string.


import re

import string

test_string = "Geeksforgeeks,    is best @# Computer Science Portal.!!!"

print ("The original string is : " +  test_string)

res = re.sub('['+string.punctuation+']', '', test_string).split()

print ("The list of words is : " +  str(res))

The original string is : Geeksforgeeks, is best @# Computer Science Portal.!!! 
The list of words is : [‘Geeksforgeeks’, ‘is’, ‘best’, ‘Computer’, ‘Science’, ‘Portal’] 

When it is required to extract keywords from a list, a simple iteration and the ‘iskeyword’ method is used.


Below is a demonstration of the same −

import keyword

my_list = ["python", 'is', 'fun', 'to', 'learn']

print("The list is :")

my_result = []
for element in my_list:
   for word in element.split():

      if keyword.iskeyword(word):

print("The result is :")


The list is :
['python', 'is', 'fun', 'to', 'learn']
The result is :


  • A list of strings is defined and is displayed on the console.

  • An empty list is defined.

  • The list is iterated over, and every element is split based on spaces.

  • The ‘iskeyword’ method is used to check if any of the elements in the list are a keyword in the language.

  • If yes, it is appended to the empty list.

  • This list is displayed on the console as the output.

How do i extract a specific word from a list in python?

Updated on 08-Sep-2021 07:09:22

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How do I extract a specific item from a list in Python?

Use the syntax [list[index] for index in index_list] to get a list containing the elements in list at the indices in index_list ..
a_list = ["apple", "pear", "banana", "peach"].
indices = [1, 3].
extracted_elements = [a_list[index] for index in indices].

How do I find a specific word in Python?

String find() in Python The find(query) method is built-in to standard python. Just call the method on the string object to search for a string, like so: obj. find(“search”). The find() method searches for a query string and returns the character position if found.

How do you select a specific part of a list in Python?

To select elements from a Python list, we will use list. append(). We will create a list of indices to be accessed and the loop is used to iterate through this index list to access the specified element. And then we add these elements to the new list using an index.