How do you dynamically load a class in python?

Adding a bit of sophistication to the existing answers....

Depending on the use case, it may be somewhat inconvenient to have to explicitly specify the full path (E.g. package.subpackage.module...) of the class/method you want to import. On top of importlib, we can leverage to make things even cleaner.

Let's say I have a python package, like so:

├── modes
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──, say, have some class/functions we'd like to use somewhere else in our program:

from modes.modes import Mode

class Foo(Mode):
    def __init__(self, *arg, **kwargs):
        super(Foo, self).__init__(*arg, **kwargs)
    def run(self):"This is FOO!")

With a command line argument, I can pass an argument that corresponds to a mode that I want to run. I'd like to be able to so something like this:

def set_mode(mode):
    """  """
    import importlib
    module = importlib.import_module('')
    getattr(module, mode)().run()

which outputs:

>> set_mode("Foo")
>> engine_logger:INFO - This is FOO!

That works fine, however what we'd REALLY want to get at is this:

def set_mode(mode):
    """  """
    import importlib
    module = importlib.import_module('modes')  # only import the package, not modules explicitely
    getattr(module, mode)().run()

Which raises an error:

>> set_mode("Foo")
>> AttributeError: module 'modes' has no attribute 'Foo'

However, we can add the following to /modes/

from .foo import Foo
from .bar import Bar

Then, we can do:

>> set_mode("Foo")
>> engine_logger:INFO - This is FOO!

>> set_mode("Bar")
>> engine_logger:INFO - This is BAR!

In other worlds, all sub modules/functions/classes we import in will be found directly with importlib.import_module(...), without having to specify the full path from outside.

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    Python provides a feature to create and store classes and methods and store them for further use. The file containing these sets of methods and classes is called a module. A module can have other modules inside it.

    Note: For more information, refer to Python Modules

    Example: A simple example of importing a module is shown below in which, there are 2 files that are and in the same directory. The file acts as a module to file.

    def welcome(str):

        print("Hi ! % s Welcome to GfG" % str) file

    import module as mod



    Hi! User_1 Welcome to GfG

    Dynamically Loading Modules or Classes

    The modules added in the above code are importing modules statically i.e in compile time. In Python we can import modules dynamically by two ways

    • By using __import__() method: __import__() is a dunder method (methods of class starting and ending with double underscore also called magic method) and all classes own it. It is used to import a module or a class within the instance of a class. There is an example on this method given as follows, in which we will be importing a module dynamically. The module file is now modified as:

      class Welcome:

          def welcome(str):

              print("Hi ! % s Welcome to GfG" % str)

      class Dimport:

          def __init__(self, module_name, class_name):

              module = __import__(module_name)

              my_class = getattr(module, class_name)


      obj = Dimport("module", "Welcome")


      Hi! User_1 Welcome to GfG
    • Using the imp module: Modules can be imported dynamically by the imp module in python. The example below is a demonstration on the using the imp module. It provides the find_module() method to find the module and the import_module() method to import it.

      import imp

      import sys

      def dynamic_imp(name, class_name):


              fp, path, desc = imp.find_module(name)

          except ImportError:

              print ("module not found: " + name)


              example_package = imp.load_module(name, fp,

                                                path, desc)

          except Exception as e:



              myclass = imp.load_module("% s.% s" % (name,


                                        fp, path, desc)

          except Exception as e:


          return example_package, myclass

      if __name__ == "__main__":

          mod, modCl = dynamic_imp("GFG", "addNumbers")

          modCl.addNumbers(1, 2)


      Hi! User_1 Welcome to GfG

    How do you load a class dynamically in Python?

    Dynamically Loading Modules or Classes.
    By using __import__() method: __import__() is a dunder method (methods of class starting and ending with double underscore also called magic method) and all classes own it. ... .
    Using the imp module: Modules can be imported dynamically by the imp module in python..

    How do you make a dynamic code in Python?

    Method 1: exec() Python's built-in exec() executes the Python code you pass as a string or executable object argument. This is called dynamic execution because, in contrast to normal static Python code, you can generate code and execute it at runtime. This way, you can run programmatically-created Python code.

    What is __ all __ in Python?

    In the file of a package __all__ is a list of strings with the names of public modules or other objects. Those features are available to wildcard imports. As with modules, __all__ customizes the * when wildcard-importing from the package.

    Are Python objects dynamic?

    Python is a dynamically typed language.