In the years before the passage of the chinese exclusion act in 1882,

[Congressional Record (Bound Edition), Volume 158 (2012), Part 7] [House] [Pages 9196-9201] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office,] {time} 1630 EXPRESSING REGRET FOR PASSAGE OF LAWS ADVERSELY AFFECTING THE CHINESE IN THE UNITED STATES Mr. SMITH of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I move to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution (H. Res. 683) expressing the regret of the House of Representatives for the passage of laws that adversely affected the Chinese in the United States, including the Chinese Exclusion Act. The Clerk read the title of the resolution. The text of the resolution is as follows: H. Res. 683 Whereas many Chinese came to the United States in the 19th and 20th centuries, as did people from other countries, in search of the opportunity to create a better life; Whereas the United States ratified the Burlingame Treaty on October 19, 1868, which permitted the free movement of the Chinese people to, from, and within the United States and made China a ``most favored nation''; Whereas in 1878, the House of Representatives passed a resolution requesting that President Rutherford B. Hayes renegotiate [[Page 9197]] the Burlingame Treaty so Congress could limit Chinese immigration to the United States; Whereas, on February 22, 1879, the House of Representatives passed the Fifteen Passenger Bill, which only permitted 15 Chinese passengers on any ship coming to the United States; Whereas, on March 1, 1879, President Hayes vetoed the Fifteen Passenger Bill as being incompatible with the Burlingame Treaty; Whereas, on May 9, 1881, the United States ratified the Angell Treaty, which allowed the United States to suspend, but not prohibit, immigration of Chinese laborers, declared that ``Chinese laborers who are now in the United States shall be allowed to go and come of their own free will,'' and reaffirmed that Chinese persons possessed ``all the rights, privileges, immunities, and exemptions which are accorded to the citizens and subjects of the most favored nation''; Whereas the House of Representatives passed legislation that adversely affected Chinese persons in the United States and limited their civil rights, including-- (1) on March 23, 1882, the first Chinese Exclusion bill, which excluded for 20 years skilled and unskilled Chinese laborers and expressly denied Chinese persons alone the right to be naturalized as American citizens, and which was opposed by President Chester A. Arthur as incompatible with the terms and spirit of the Angell Treaty; (2) on April 17, 1882, intending to address President Arthur's concerns, the House passed a new Chinese Exclusion bill, which prohibited Chinese workers from entering the United States for 10 years instead of 20, required certain Chinese laborers already legally present in the United States who later wished to reenter the United States to obtain ``certificates of return,'' and prohibited courts from naturalizing Chinese individuals; (3) on May 3, 1884, an expansion of the Chinese Exclusion Act, which applied it to all persons of Chinese descent, ``whether subjects of China or any other foreign power''; (4) on September 3, 1888, the Scott Act, which prohibited legal Chinese laborers from reentering the United States and cancelled all previously issued ``certificates of return,'' and which was later determined by the Supreme Court to have abrogated the Angell Treaty; and (5) on April 4, 1892, the Geary Act, which reauthorized the Chinese Exclusion Act for another ten years, denied Chinese immigrants the right to be released on bail upon application for a writ of habeas corpus, and contrary to customary legal standards regarding the presumption of innocence, authorized the deportation of Chinese persons who could not produce a certificate of residence unless they could establish residence through the testimony of ``at least one credible white witness''; Whereas in the 1894 Gresham-Yang Treaty, the Chinese government consented to a prohibition of Chinese immigration and the enforcement of the Geary Act in exchange for readmission to the United States of Chinese persons who were United States residents; Whereas in 1898, the United States annexed Hawaii, took control of the Philippines, and excluded only the residents of Chinese ancestry of these territories from entering the United States mainland; Whereas, on April 29, 1902, as the Geary Act was expiring, Congress indefinitely extended all laws regulating and restricting Chinese immigration and residence, to the extent consistent with Treaty commitments; Whereas in 1904, after the Chinese government withdrew from the Gresham-Yang Treaty, Congress permanently extended, ``without modification, limitation, or condition,'' the prohibition on Chinese naturalization and immigration; Whereas these Federal statutes enshrined in law the exclusion of the Chinese from the democratic process and the promise of American freedom; Whereas in an attempt to undermine the American-Chinese alliance during World War II, enemy forces used the Chinese exclusion legislation passed in Congress as evidence of anti- Chinese attitudes in the United States; Whereas in 1943, in furtherance of American war objectives, at the urging of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Congress repealed previously enacted legislation and permitted Chinese persons to become United States citizens; Whereas Chinese-Americans continue to play a significant role in the success of the United States; and Whereas the United States was founded on the principle that all persons are created equal: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, SECTION 1. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. That the House of Representatives regrets the passage of legislation that adversely affected people of Chinese origin in the United States because of their ethnicity. SEC. 2. DISCLAIMER. Nothing in this resolution may be construed or relied on to authorize or support any claim, including but not limited to constitutionally based claims, claims for monetary compensation or claims for equitable relief against the United States or any other party, or serve as a settlement of any claim against the United States. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from Texas (Mr. Smith) and the gentlewoman from California (Ms. Chu) each will control 20 minutes. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Texas. General Leave Mr. SMITH of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that all Members may have 5 legislative days within which to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous materials on House Resolution 683 currently under consideration. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Texas? There was no objection. Mr. SMITH of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume. Mr. Speaker, I first want to thank the gentlewoman from California (Ms. Chu) for introducing H. Res. 683, expressing the regret of the House of Representatives for the passage of laws that adversely affected the Chinese in the United States, including the Chinese Exclusion Act. I know, through conversations with several of my colleagues, including the ranking member of the Foreign Relations Committee, Mr. Berman, that this is an important resolution for them and their constituents. The resolution concerns laws passed by the House of Representatives that restricted the civil rights of certain individuals in the United States based solely on the ethnicity of those individuals. Specifically, during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Congress passed, and Presidents signed, laws that restricted the rights of people of Chinese ethnicity. For instance, in March 1882, the House of Representatives passed the initial Chinese Exclusion Act that denied Chinese people the right to be naturalized as American citizens. And in April 1892, the House of Representatives passed the Geary Act, which reauthorized the Chinese Exclusion Act for 10 years and denied Chinese immigrants the right to be released on bail upon application for a writ of habeas corpus. Laws that deny certain civil rights to individuals legally in the United States are inconsistent with the values on which this country was founded. I thank the gentlewoman from California for working with me to refine the text of this resolution. I reserve the balance of my time. Ms. CHU. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself as much time as I may consume. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of House Resolution 683. First, I want to thank Chairman Lamar Smith and Subcommittee Chair Trent Franks of the Judiciary Committee for all their work on this resolution. I appreciate it so much. We have come together across party lines to show that no matter what side of the aisle we sit on, Congress can make amends for the past, no matter how long ago those violations occurred. It is because we have worked together in a bipartisan way that we will make history today. Today, for the first time in 130 years, the House of Representatives will vote on a bill that expresses regret for the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, one of the most discriminatory acts in American history. Over a century ago, the Chinese came here in search of a better life. During the California Gold Rush, the Chinese came to the United States to make something of themselves. Their blood, sweat, and tears built the first transcontinental railroad, connecting the people of our Nation. They opened our mines, constructed the levees, and became the backbone of farm production. Their efforts helped build America. But as the economy soured in the 1870s, the Chinese became scapegoats. They were called racial slurs, were spat upon in the streets, and even brutally murdered. The harsh conditions they faced were evident in the Halls of Congress. By the time 1882 came around, Members of Congress were competing with each other to get the most discriminatory law passed and routinely made speeches on the House floor against the so-called ``Mongolian horde.'' Representative Albert Shelby Willis from Kentucky fought particularly hard for [[Page 9198]] a Chinese Exclusion Act. In his floor speech, he said the Chinese were an invading race. He called them aliens with sordid and unrepublican habits. He declared that the Pacific States had been cursed with the evils of Chinese immigration and that they disturbed the peace and order of society. {time} 1640 The official House committee report accompanying the bill claimed that the Chinese ``retain their distinctive peculiarities and characteristics, refusing to assimilate themselves to our institutions and remaining a separate and distinct class, entrenched behind immovable prejudices; that their ignorance or disregard of sanitary laws, as evidenced in their habits of life, breeds disease, pestilence and death.'' So on April 17, 1882, under a simple suspension of the rules, the House passed the Chinese Exclusion Act. It prevented them from becoming naturalized citizens. It prevented them from ever having the right to vote. It also prevented the Chinese--and the Chinese alone--from immigrating. But this was only the beginning. As the years passed, the House built upon this act, increasing the discriminatory restrictions on the Chinese. Two years later, the House made clear that any ethnically Chinese laborer, even if he were not from China but from somewhere like Hong Kong or the Philippines, was banned from U.S. shores. Four years later, the House passed the Scott Act. This bill prohibited all Chinese laborers from reentering the United States, if they ever left, even if they were legal residents in the U.S. and even if they had the certificates of return that should have guaranteed their right of return. This prevented approximately 20,000 legal U.S. residents who had gone abroad, including 600 on ships who were literally en route back to the United States, from returning to their families or their homes. With little floor debate, the Scott Act passed the House unanimously. In 1892, when the Chinese Exclusion Act was set to expire, the House extended it for another decade, but it increased restrictions further. It made the Chinese the only residents who could not receive bail after applying for a writ of habeas corpus, that being to protest an unjust imprisonment. It made them the only people in America who had to carry papers, or certificates of residence, with them at all times. If they couldn't produce the proper documents, authorities threw them into prison or out of the country regardless of whether they were U.S. citizens or not. Legally, the only means by which this could be stopped is if a white person testified on their behalf. In 1898, the U.S. annexed Hawaii and the Philippines, making them U.S. Territories; and while other residents of the territories could come and go between their homes and the U.S., who did the House make sure to exclude? Only the Chinese. Then, in 1904, the House made the Chinese Exclusion Act permanent. This act lasted for 60 long years. It was not until 1943 that this law was repealed, but it was only because of World War II, when the United States needed to maintain a critical military alliance with China. U.S. enemies were pointing to the Chinese Exclusion Act as proof that the U.S. was anti-Chinese, and the U.S. had to erase that perception. However, Congress made no formal acknowledgment that these laws were wrong. The Chinese Exclusion Act was the first and only Federal law in our history that excluded a single group of people from immigration on no basis other than its race, and the effects of this act produced deep scars on the Chinese American community. Families were split apart permanently without the ability to naturalize as citizens and to vote. The community was disenfranchised. Because immigration had been so severely restricted, few women could come, and the ratio of males to females was as high as 20-1. Many Chinese American males could not have families and were forced to die completely alone. If they did try to marry, they were forced to go abroad, and families were separated. The family of Jean Quan, mayor of Oakland, had been here legally since 1880. Her father went abroad to marry a woman in China in 1920, but had to leave her behind along with her children. When the Chinese Exclusion Act was repealed over 25 years later, his wife was finally able to come and have Jean in the United States, but the siblings did not know each other for decades. The Chinese, like my grandfather, did not have the legal right to become naturalized citizens. He had been here legally since 1904, but unlike non-Chinese immigrants, he was forced to register and carry a certificate of residence at all times for almost 40 years or else be deported. He could only be saved if a white person vouched for him. These laws are why we ask for this expression of regret. Last October, the U.S. Senate did its part to right history by passing its own resolution of regret for these hateful laws. It did so unanimously with bipartisan support. Today, the House should also issue its expression of regret. It is for my grandfather and for all Chinese Americans that we must pass this resolution, for those who were told for six decades by the U.S. Government that the land of the free wasn't open to them. We must finally and formally acknowledge these ugly laws that were incompatible with America's founding principles. We must express the sincere regret that Chinese Americans deserve. By doing so, we will acknowledge that discrimination has no place in our society, and we will reaffirm our strong commitment to preserving the civil rights and constitutional protections for all people of every color, ever race, and from every background. I reserve the balance of my time. Mr. SMITH of Texas. Mr. Speaker, we have no other speakers on this side, so I reserve the balance of my time. Ms. CHU. I yield 3 minutes to the gentleman from California, Representative Mike Honda. Mr. HONDA. I, too, would like to add my thanks to the leadership, specifically to Chairman Lamar Smith. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of H. Res. 683, a resolution expressing the regret of the House of Representatives for the passage of laws that adversely affected the Chinese in the United States, including the passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act. A century and a half ago, the Chinese were used as cheap labor to do the most dangerous work--laying the tracks of our transcontinental railway and building the California delta levees. They strengthened our Nation's infrastructure only to be persecuted when their labor was seen as competition and when the dirtiest work was done. In 1848, when gold fever spread across the Pacific Ocean, many thousands of young Chinese came in boats to Gold Mountain, to California. In 1861 to 1865, there was waged a Civil War in this country. There were over 50 Chinese Americans who battled each other in this Civil War, a battle which went unnoticed. In 1863, the construction of the transcontinental railway commenced. With the discovery of silver in Nevada in 1865, many of the white workers left the railroad to search for silver. To fill the labor shortage, Charles Crocker, one of the big four investors of the railroad and the man responsible for constructing the western portion of the railroad, began hiring Chinese immigrants. Crocker's famous justification was, They built the Great Wall of China, didn't they? For the promise of $25 to $30 a month, the new workers endured long hours and harsh winters in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. While working in the Sierras, Chinese workers were hung in baskets, which were 2,000 feet above raging rivers, in order to blast into the impenetrable granite mountain, making way for laying the tracks. Once they bored holes and stuffed them with dynamite, they had to be pulled back up before the fuse exploded, endangering the lives of everyone on both ends of the rope; and sometimes these poor souls in the baskets were not drawn up safely because there was no faith in the timing of the fuse--hence the origin of the phrase: you ain't got a Chinaman's chance. By 1867, 90 percent of the workers were Chinese; and by 1869, over 11,000 workers were Chinese. [[Page 9199]] On the national historic site of the Golden Spike at Promontory, Utah, where on May 10, 1869, the final spike was driven, sits a plaque commemorating ``the attainment and achievement of the great political objective of binding together by iron bonds the extremities of the continental United States, a rail link from ocean to ocean.'' However, neither in Thomas Hill's famous painting nor in the historical photos of ``The Last Spike'' are the faces of the 11,000 Chinese workers visible. One wonders, where were these 11,000 workers? Perhaps they were given the day off on that day. Though absent in these visual, historical depictions, the Chinese left an undeniable and indelible mark on the history of California and in the larger story of binding this country from ocean to ocean. Upon the railroad completion, the Chinese settled in the California delta to help with the levee construction, thus advancing California's agricultural development. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The time of the gentleman has expired. Ms. CHU. I yield one more minute to the gentleman from California. Mr. HONDA. The passage of anti-Chinese laws illustrates the xenophobic hysteria of this country's shameful chapter of exclusion. We cannot vilify entire groups of people--we learned that--because it is politically or economically expedient. {time} 1650 The great thing about humanity is that we have the opportunity to learn from our mistakes. In closing, Mr. Speaker, I'm pleased that this resolution is on the floor today. Acknowledging and addressing these injustices throughout our Nation's history not only strengthens civil rights and civil justice, but doing so brings us closer to a more educated Nation and a more perfect union. Ms. CHU. Mr. Speaker, I yield 5 minutes to the gentleman from American Samoa, Representative Eni Faleomavaega. Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Mr. Speaker, I want to thank the gentleman from Texas, the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, Mr. Lamar Smith, for his leadership and support of this legislation, as well as my good friend, Congressman Conyers, the ranking member of the Judiciary Committee, for his support. I especially want to express my appreciation and thanks to the chairwoman of our congressional Asian Pacific Caucus, Ms. Judy Chu, not only as the chief sponsor of this legislation but for her dynamic leadership in bringing this bill to the floor today. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of House Resolution 683, a resolution of regret for the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. The Chinese Exclusion Act was the first major law restricting immigration to the United States to enforce a 10-year moratorium on Chinese immigrant laborers and denying naturalization to those who were already in the United States. Enacted on the premise that Chinese labors ``endangered the good order of certain localities,'' the law was largely motivated by economic fears by our fellow Americans who felt that Chinese laborers were to blame for unemployment and the declining wages in the West. Through the Geary Act of 1892, the Chinese Exclusion Act was extended for another 10 years before becoming permanent in 1902, and it was only repealed by the Magnuson Act of 1943, when China became an ally of the United States during World War II. Even then, the new law only allowed 105 Chinese immigrants per year, a much lower quota than immigrant quotas from other countries and regions of the world. Large-scale Chinese immigration was only finally allowed again with the Immigration Act of 1965, some 80 years after the Chinese Exclusion Act. Like their counterparts from European countries, Chinese immigrants in the 19th century came to the United States in search of opportunities for a better life. Since the first wave of Chinese immigrants to the United States, the Chinese American community has contributed greatly to the development of our Nation, and it is a shame that these discriminatory practices and fear-based laws split up Chinese families and prevented them for decades from pursuing the American Dream. For example, Chinese laborers made up the majority of the Central Pacific railroad network workforce that connected the First Transcontinental Railroad through the Sierra Mountains into the Western States. Of course, that final spike was done in the State of Utah. The completion of the railroad--with the help of these Chinese laborers-- would later mobilize other industries and pave the way for a more connected and prosperous America. But the Chinese Exclusion Act, Mr. Speaker--the first law restricting entry of an ethnic working group--stifled Chinese immigrants' ability to lend their skills to the betterment of our Nation and become a part of the American family. Because this law was validated by leaders in our Nation, it gave credence to the underlying notion that certain groups did not deserve fair treatment in our Nation. The policy sent a clear message that Chinese immigrants were not qualified for the American Dream. Furthermore, it set a precedent for later policies against immigrant groups such as the National Origins Act of 1929, which barred Asian immigration, and our shameful policy of interning some 100,000 Americans born in the United States but who happened to be of Japanese ancestry. This is one reason why I always admired our Nation, Mr. Speaker, and our form of democracy, and that is, it tries to correct its mistakes from the past. While our Nation has come a long way since this legislation was enacted 130 years ago, let us continually be reminded in our diverse country to uphold the founding principle of our Nation: that all men and women are to be treated equally and fairly under the law. With that, I urge my colleagues to pass this bill. Ms. CHU. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume. Today is historic. This is a very significant day in the Chinese American community. It is an expression that discrimination has no place in our society and that the promise of equality is available to all. This is only the fourth such apology in the last 25 years. In 1988, President Reagan signed the bill apologizing for the Japanese American interment during World War II. In 1993, Congress apologized to Hawaiians for the U.S.-led overthrow of their monarchy. In 2008, the House issued an apology to African Americans on behalf of the people of the United States for the wrongs committed against them and their ancestors who suffered under slavery and Jim Crow. This bill was a huge undertaking, requiring the efforts of Chinese Americans and their supporters all across the Nation. Without the dedication of countless community organizations and grassroots advocates across the country, none of this would have happened. I thank them, and I thank all the Congress Members from both sides of the aisle, including the 50 cosponsors of the bill and especially Chairman Lamar Smith, for their support. With that, I yield back the balance of my time. Mr. SMITH of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance of my time. Mr. BERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of H. Res. 683, which expresses regret for a series of discriminatory laws passed between 1879 and 1904 that targeted individuals of Chinese descent in the United States, and yield myself as much time as I may consume. I'd like to begin by thanking the gentlelady from California, Ms. Chu, for her leadership on this bipartisan resolution. To my friend, the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, Mr. Smith, thank you for your work on this resolution and for bringing it to the floor so quickly. Beginning in 1879, Congress passed a series of discriminatory measures against the Chinese that restricted immigration and violated the civil rights of the Chinese living in the U.S. At the height of Chinese immigration to the U.S. in the 19th and 20th centuries, many Chinese--like immigrants from other parts of the world--were searching for the opportunity to create a better life, driven by their hope that America could be their new promised land. [[Page 9200]] With the enactment of multiple Chinese Exclusion Acts, immigrants from China were denied the right to be naturalized as American citizens. Six decades of anti-Chinese legislation resulted in the persecution and political alienation of persons of Chinese descent and legitimized racial discrimination, excluding them both from the democratic process and the American promise of freedom. Chinese-Americans have since achieved prominence in all walks of American life. Though we may not be able to reverse the past, we can take action now. By acknowledging and expressing regret for this bleak period in our history, we reaffirm our core principles of equality and justice upon which our country was founded. Mr. Speaker, H. Res. 683 is an important demonstration of our bipartisan commitment to recognize the continued contributions of the Chinese-American community in the United States, and I urge my colleagues to support it. Ms. JACKSON LEE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of H. Res. 683, ``Expressing the regret of the House of Representatives for the passages of laws that adversely affected the Chinese in the United States, including the Chinese Exclusion Act.'' This resolution acknowledges the historical injustices against Chinese Americans, as reflected by a series of laws; however, with a particular emphasis on the Chinese Exclusion Act that which was first passed on March 23, 1882. One hundred thirty years after the passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act and other such measures unjustly targeting individuals in the U.S. with Chinese heritage, it is necessary for Congress to take steps to right the wrongs that were placed on thousands of people by recognizing that discriminatory laws were passed that had a harmful effect on persons of Chinese decent here in the United States. Just last year, I congratulated the Chinese American Citizens Alliance in Houston, Texas during their momentous 51st Biennial National Convention. This historical and highly respected organization was founded in response to the repressive 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act and other Federal and State laws that aimed to restrict and ostracize. This celebration highlights the organization's 116 years as the oldest Asian American civil rights organization, consciously commemorating its courageous founders by continuing to pioneer a pragmatic future. Securing equal economic and political support, cultivating minds through the exchange of knowledge, defending American citizenship, and observing the practice of the principles of brotherly love and mutual help, are a few of this organization's highly beneficial practices. These goals are achieved by the organization's eighteen affiliated chapters being highly decorated with individuals of significant achievement; including leaders in the legal, medical, educational, scientific, arts and literature as well as corporate, business, and entrepreneurial endeavors. These endeavors are also supported by Members of Congress who recognize the important contributions of Chinese Americans. Legislation like the one before us today serve as reminders of how important it is not to remember our past so that we do not repeat it. The United States has always been a place where people from diverse backgrounds arrive in hopes of attaining better opportunity, seeking refuge to escape prosecution and provide a more fruitful lifestyle for their families, likewise in the 19th and 20th century many Chinese came to the United States for similar reasons, unfortunately they were not treated favorably. With the passage of legislation that limited Chinese immigration such as the renegotiation of the Burlingame Treaty and the Fifteen Passenger Bill which only permitted 15 Chinese passengers on any ship coming to the United States, the Chinese in this country were directly affected by unequal treatment. On a personal level I can relate to the plight of many Chinese Americans as they fought to be accepted in the United States. I am well aware of the United State's history of discrimination and the harmful impact such discrimination has upon our society as a whole. It is my belief that no one should be forced to endure inequality on the basis of their race, class, gender or religious belief. It is necessary that measures are constantly taken to ensure that our past failures are acknowledged and not repeated. H.R. 683 demonstrates the regret felt by the House of Representatives for the passages of laws that targeted people of Chinese origin solely based upon their ethnicity. The passage of this bill will make clear that we do not support those actions today. It is essential that we continue to aim for cultural acceptance and embrace the differences that make up the diversity of this country that sets us apart from any other nation. Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of H. Res. 683. This resolution expresses the regret of the House of Representatives for the passage of laws that adversely affected the Chinese in the United States, including the Chinese Exclusion Act. These laws discriminated against people of Chinese descent and blatantly contradicted our belief that all people are created equal. Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882. The bill imposed a ten-year moratorium on immigration and naturalization of Chinese settlers. The law was expanded several times to apply to all persons of Chinese descent and each expansion imposed increasingly tougher restrictions on Chinese immigration and naturalization. As the resolution before us today states, the Chinese exclusion laws ``enshrined in law the exclusion of the Chinese from the democratic process and the promise of American freedom.'' The United States Senate passed a similar resolution in October 2011. I believe passage of H. Res. 683 will be a historic acknowledgment by Congress of the injustice of the Chinese exclusion laws. I am proud to cosponsor this resolution and I encourage my colleagues to support it. Mrs. BIGGERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in strong support of House Resolution 683. This resolution expresses the regret of the House of Representatives for laws that unfairly targeted the Chinese community in the United States, specifically the Chinese Exclusion Act. I want to thank my good friend from California, Ms. Chu, for her hard work and determination in bringing this important resolution to the floor, and I am proud to join her as the lead cosponsor of this historic effort. America's strength has always been derived from our commitment to the principles of our founders. And although we do not always succeed in living up to those ideals, we continually strive to do so, and we become stronger in the process. Today, we have the opportunity to take another important step by recognizing one of the great--yet often overlooked--injustices in our shared history. One-hundred and thirty years ago, just thirteen years after the last spike was driven into the first transcontinental railroad, the Congress of the United States strayed from the path laid by our founders and implemented the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. This ten-year ban on Chinese immigration and naturalization targeted Chinese immigrants for physical and political exclusion, and its passage was driven by an unfortunate mix of racism, jingoism, and intolerance. In subsequent years, Congress expanded and hardened these laws, making it impossible for legal Chinese workers to reenter America, apply for citizenship, and reunite with their families. And it wasn't until the U.S.-Chinese alliance of World War Two that Congress finally repealed these laws and restored the rights of Chinese-Americans. Since that time, this body has passed many reforms. Yet, over 100 years later, this chamber has yet to acknowledge its own misguided actions. Today, we have the opportunity to do just that and reaffirm our shared commitment to equality. Mr. Speaker, I also would like to thank Linda Yang, the Director of the Xilin [SI-LIN] Asian Community Center in Naperville, Illinois, whose advice and input has helped to drive this resolution to the floor. It was she who told me about the individuals in our own community whose parents and grandparents were impacted by the Chinese Exclusion Act. Unfortunately, many of these victims are no longer with us. But for those who remain, it is critical to address this issue now, before the opportunity is lost forever. With that in mind, I urge all of my colleagues to support this important resolution. Through it, let us acknowledge the past, express our regret, and promote a greater appreciation for the challenges that past generations of Chinese Americans have bravely overcome. Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, I strongly support passage of H. Res. 683, an overdue and needed resolution that expresses the regret of the House for passing laws that targeted Chinese in the United States, including the Chinese Exclusion Act. A previous commitment has prevented me from being present to vote in support of H. Res. 683 today, but had been present, I most certainly would have voted for the Resolution, adding my voice to the Sense of the House of Representatives in expressing regret for the unconscionable Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. That Act stands as an example of the intolerance against which Americans must constantly fight to achieve the ideals on which our nation was founded. We can't ignore our country's history of exclusion and discrimination based on identity and country of origin. [[Page 9201]] But today, the House's expression of regret for the past and apology to Chinese Americans is an important milestone in our nation's ongoing moral journey. This resolution, insufficient to repair the historical harm caused by such laws, does serve to recognize past wrongs and to remind us of our continuing work ensuring inclusion and equality for all. While I could not be present to add my solemn support to the votes in favor of the resolution, I wish to express my regret for this historical legislation. I join my fellow members of the House of Representatives in recognition of the immense contribution of Chinese- Americans to the success of the United States historically and today, and affirm my commitment to securing the rights of all who call America home. Ms. McCOLLUM. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support of H. Res. 683, expressing the regret of the House of Representatives for the passage of laws that adversely affected the Chinese in the United States, including the Chinese Exclusion Act. In 1882, the U.S. Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act to prohibit people of Chinese descent from immigrating to the U.S. and becoming naturalized citizens. While the Chinese Exclusion Act was finally repealed in 1943, severe restrictions on Chinese immigration continued until the Immigration Act of 1965. For sixty years of our history, America closed its doors to the Chinese people. During this period, Chinese immigrants already living in the United States were prevented from becoming citizens, regardless of how long they had called this country home. This official discrimination by the government of the United States against people of Chinese descent was deeply wrong and a fundamental violation of America's principles of equality and justice. The pain caused by the Chinese Exclusion Act and other discriminatory policies cannot be undone. Still, Members of Congress have an obligation to recognize these injustices as a means of apology to all Chinese-Americans. Today, one hundred and thirty years after passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act, Congress is voting to express our regret on behalf of the American people. May this action also strengthen the resolve of this body to protect and defend the civil rights of all peoples, in all times. I urge all of my colleagues to support this measure. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The question is on the motion offered by the gentleman from Texas (Mr. Smith) that the House suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, House Resolution 683. The question was taken; and (two-thirds being in the affirmative) the rules were suspended and the resolution was agreed to. A motion to reconsider was laid on the table. ____________________

What was the purpose of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 quizlet?

Meant to curb the influx of Chinese immigrants to the United States—particularly California—the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 suspended Chinese immigration for ten years and declared Chinese immigrants ineligible for naturalization. President Chester A. Arthur signed it into law on May 6, 1882.

How did the Chinese Exclusion Act affect foreign policies?

The exclusion laws had dramatic impacts on Chinese immigrants and communities. They significantly decreased the number of Chinese immigrants into the United States and forbade those who left to return.

When was Chinese Exclusion Act repealed?

In 1943, Congress passed a measure to repeal the discriminatory exclusion laws against Chinese immigrants and to establish an immigration quota for China of around 105 visas per year.

What is the Chinese Immigration Act of 1885 what was the purpose of this act?

The Chinese Immigration Act of 1885 was the first piece of Canadian legislation to exclude immigrants on the basis of their ethnic origin. It imposed a duty of $50 on every Chinese person seeking entry into Canada.