Put on a happy face nghĩa là gì

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "put on a brave face", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ put on a brave face, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ put on a brave face trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. " Let's put a smile on that face. "

2. 26 Her brave and beaming face was duplicated on the reversed covers.

3. Put on swim fins and a face mask.

4. Put the ice on your face.

5. He tried to put a bold face on his failure.

6. Whether in denial or putting on a brave face, the delegates professed to be unperturbed by those numbers.

7. The photographs put a human face on an abstract political event.

8. Buck Mulligan at once put on a blithe broadly smiling face.

9. I put a "+2" on his paper and a big smiley face.

10. With the way she had carried on smiling, stifling the grief, putting on her brave face to the world?

11. She powdered her face and put on her lipstick.

12. He put the cards face down on the table.

13. A brave retreat is a brave exploit. 

14. 18 She powdered her face and put on her lipstick.

15. Nice to put a face to the voice.

16. Let's face it, possum, there are some who would put me on a pedestal.

17. Anne Frank was the girl whose diary put a human face on the Holocaust.

18. What he fails to do is to put a human face on these processes.

19. Sure, a bigger house and a fancier car might briefly put a smile on your face.

20. I remembered to put on gloves, and the aide handed me a face shield.

21. The theory falls flat on its face when put into practice.

22. The King conferred a knighthood on the brave man.

23. Lébuþa put on the face, to tréiþti happy until deep old age?

24. 7 A Brave Man

25. They don't put on the cute whiny face and play the weaker sex.

Idioms browser ?

  • put no stock in (something)
  • put nose in
  • put nose out of joint
  • put nose to the grindstone
  • put oar in
  • put off
  • put off by
  • put off the evil day
  • put off the evil hour
  • put off the scent
  • put off the track
  • put on
  • put on (one's) best face
  • put on (one's) big-boy pants
  • put on (one's) dancing shoes
  • put on (one's) face
  • put on (one's) Mae West
  • put on (one's) thinking cap
  • put on (one's)/the wobbly boot(s)
  • put on a (brave) front
  • put on a brave face
  • put on a brave front
  • put on a clinic
  • put on a good, poor, wonderful, etc. show
  • put on a good/poor/etc. show
  • put on a happy face
  • put on a/the wooden overcoat
  • put on airs
  • put on airs and graces
  • put on airs, to
  • put on an act
  • put on hold
  • put on hold/ice/the back burner, to
  • put on ice
  • put on one's thinking cap
  • put on one's thinking cap, to
  • put on paper
  • put on sackcloth and ashes
  • put on side
  • put on the (old) feedbag
  • put on the (old) nosebag
  • put on the block
  • put on the brakes
  • put on the clamps
  • put on the cuff
  • put on the dog
  • put on the dog, to
  • put on the feed bag
  • put on the feedbag
  • put on the finishing touch(es)
  • put on the map

Full browser ?

  • put off their stroke
  • put off their stroke
  • put off their stroke
  • put off their stroke
  • put on
  • put on
  • put on
  • put on
  • put on
  • put on
  • put on (one's) best face
  • put on (one's) big-boy pants
  • put on (one's) dancing shoes
  • put on (one's) face
  • put on (one's) Mae West
  • put on (one's) thinking cap
  • put on (one's)/the wobbly boot(s)
  • put on /the wobbly boot
  • put on a (brave) front
  • put on a (good, poor, etc.) show
  • put on a back burner
  • put on a brave face
  • put on a brave front
  • put on a clinic
  • put on a diet
  • put on a front
  • put on a front burner
  • put on a good show
  • put on a good, poor, wonderful, etc. show
  • put on a good/poor/etc. show
  • put on a happy face
  • put on a happy face, to
  • put on a pedestal
  • put on a poor show
  • put on a show
  • put on a wooden overcoat
  • put on a wooden-overcoat
  • put on a/the wooden overcoat
  • put on airs
  • put on airs
  • put on airs and graces
  • put on airs, to
  • put on an act
  • put on an act
  • put on an act
  • put on an act
  • put on an act
  • put on an act
  • put on best face
  • put on best face, to
  • put on big boy pants
  • put on big boy pants, to
  • put on big-boy pants
  • put on big-boy pants, to
  • put on blast
  • put on country
  • put on dancing shoes
  • put on display
  • put on display, to
  • put on face
  • put on feet