Shell script mongodb

MongoDB Shell là cách nhanh nhất để kết nối, định cấu hình, truy vấn và làm việc với cơ sở dữ liệu MongoDB của bạn. Nó hoạt động như một máy khách dòng lệnh của máy chủ MongoDB

Bạn có thể khởi động MongoDB Shell bằng cách thực thi lệnh

C:\>mongosh --help

  $ mongosh [options] [db address] [file names [ending in .js or .mongodb]]


    -h, --help                                 Show this usage information
    -f, --file [arg]                           Load the specified mongosh script
        --host [arg]                           Server to connect to
        --port [arg]                           Port to connect to
        --version                              Show version information
        --verbose                              Increase the verbosity of the output of the shell
        --quiet                                Silence output from the shell during the connection process
        --shell                                Run the shell after executing files
        --nodb                                 Don't connect to mongod on startup - no 'db address' [arg] expected
        --norc                                 Will not run the '.mongoshrc.js' file on start up
        --eval [arg]                           Evaluate javascript
        --retryWrites                          Automatically retry write operations upon transient network errors

  Authentication Options:

    -u, --username [arg]                       Username for authentication
    -p, --password [arg]                       Password for authentication
        --authenticationDatabase [arg]         User source [defaults to dbname]
        --authenticationMechanism [arg]        Authentication mechanism
        --awsIamSessionToken [arg]             AWS IAM Temporary Session Token ID
        --gssapiServiceName [arg]              Service name to use when authenticating using GSSAPI/Kerberos
        --sspiHostnameCanonicalization [arg]   Specify the SSPI hostname canonicalization [none or forward, available on Windows]
        --sspiRealmOverride [arg]              Specify the SSPI server realm [available on Windows]

  TLS Options:

        --tls                                  Use TLS for all connections
        --tlsCertificateKeyFile [arg]          PEM certificate/key file for TLS
        --tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword [arg]  Password for key in PEM file for TLS
        --tlsCAFile [arg]                      Certificate Authority file for TLS
        --tlsAllowInvalidHostnames             Allow connections to servers with non-matching hostnames
        --tlsAllowInvalidCertificates          Allow connections to servers with invalid certificates
        --tlsCertificateSelector [arg]         TLS Certificate in system store [Windows and macOS only]
        --tlsCRLFile [arg]                     Specifies the .pem file that contains the Certificate Revocation List
        --tlsDisabledProtocols [arg]           Comma separated list of TLS protocols to disable [TLS1_0,TLS1_1,TLS1_2]

  API version options:

        --apiVersion [arg]                     Specifies the API version to connect with
        --apiStrict                            Use strict API version mode
        --apiDeprecationErrors                 Fail deprecated commands for the specified API version

  FLE Options:

        --awsAccessKeyId [arg]                 AWS Access Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSecretAccessKey [arg]             AWS Secret Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSessionToken [arg]                Optional AWS Session Token ID
        --keyVaultNamespace [arg]              database.collection to store encrypted FLE parameters
        --kmsURL [arg]                         Test parameter to override the URL of the KMS endpoint

  DB Address Examples:

        foo                                    Foo database on local machine                        Foo database on machine                   Foo database on machine on port 9999
        mongodb://         Connection string URI can also be used

  File Names:

        A list of files to run. Files must end in .js and will exit after unless --shell is specified.


        Start mongosh using 'ships' database on specified connection string:
        $ mongosh mongodb://

  For more information on usage: //
3 hoặc
C:\>mongosh --help

  $ mongosh [options] [db address] [file names [ending in .js or .mongodb]]


    -h, --help                                 Show this usage information
    -f, --file [arg]                           Load the specified mongosh script
        --host [arg]                           Server to connect to
        --port [arg]                           Port to connect to
        --version                              Show version information
        --verbose                              Increase the verbosity of the output of the shell
        --quiet                                Silence output from the shell during the connection process
        --shell                                Run the shell after executing files
        --nodb                                 Don't connect to mongod on startup - no 'db address' [arg] expected
        --norc                                 Will not run the '.mongoshrc.js' file on start up
        --eval [arg]                           Evaluate javascript
        --retryWrites                          Automatically retry write operations upon transient network errors

  Authentication Options:

    -u, --username [arg]                       Username for authentication
    -p, --password [arg]                       Password for authentication
        --authenticationDatabase [arg]         User source [defaults to dbname]
        --authenticationMechanism [arg]        Authentication mechanism
        --awsIamSessionToken [arg]             AWS IAM Temporary Session Token ID
        --gssapiServiceName [arg]              Service name to use when authenticating using GSSAPI/Kerberos
        --sspiHostnameCanonicalization [arg]   Specify the SSPI hostname canonicalization [none or forward, available on Windows]
        --sspiRealmOverride [arg]              Specify the SSPI server realm [available on Windows]

  TLS Options:

        --tls                                  Use TLS for all connections
        --tlsCertificateKeyFile [arg]          PEM certificate/key file for TLS
        --tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword [arg]  Password for key in PEM file for TLS
        --tlsCAFile [arg]                      Certificate Authority file for TLS
        --tlsAllowInvalidHostnames             Allow connections to servers with non-matching hostnames
        --tlsAllowInvalidCertificates          Allow connections to servers with invalid certificates
        --tlsCertificateSelector [arg]         TLS Certificate in system store [Windows and macOS only]
        --tlsCRLFile [arg]                     Specifies the .pem file that contains the Certificate Revocation List
        --tlsDisabledProtocols [arg]           Comma separated list of TLS protocols to disable [TLS1_0,TLS1_1,TLS1_2]

  API version options:

        --apiVersion [arg]                     Specifies the API version to connect with
        --apiStrict                            Use strict API version mode
        --apiDeprecationErrors                 Fail deprecated commands for the specified API version

  FLE Options:

        --awsAccessKeyId [arg]                 AWS Access Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSecretAccessKey [arg]             AWS Secret Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSessionToken [arg]                Optional AWS Session Token ID
        --keyVaultNamespace [arg]              database.collection to store encrypted FLE parameters
        --kmsURL [arg]                         Test parameter to override the URL of the KMS endpoint

  DB Address Examples:

        foo                                    Foo database on local machine                        Foo database on machine                   Foo database on machine on port 9999
        mongodb://         Connection string URI can also be used

  File Names:

        A list of files to run. Files must end in .js and will exit after unless --shell is specified.


        Start mongosh using 'ships' database on specified connection string:
        $ mongosh mongodb://

  For more information on usage: //
4 trên dấu nhắc lệnh/thiết bị đầu cuối.
C:\>mongosh --help

  $ mongosh [options] [db address] [file names [ending in .js or .mongodb]]


    -h, --help                                 Show this usage information
    -f, --file [arg]                           Load the specified mongosh script
        --host [arg]                           Server to connect to
        --port [arg]                           Port to connect to
        --version                              Show version information
        --verbose                              Increase the verbosity of the output of the shell
        --quiet                                Silence output from the shell during the connection process
        --shell                                Run the shell after executing files
        --nodb                                 Don't connect to mongod on startup - no 'db address' [arg] expected
        --norc                                 Will not run the '.mongoshrc.js' file on start up
        --eval [arg]                           Evaluate javascript
        --retryWrites                          Automatically retry write operations upon transient network errors

  Authentication Options:

    -u, --username [arg]                       Username for authentication
    -p, --password [arg]                       Password for authentication
        --authenticationDatabase [arg]         User source [defaults to dbname]
        --authenticationMechanism [arg]        Authentication mechanism
        --awsIamSessionToken [arg]             AWS IAM Temporary Session Token ID
        --gssapiServiceName [arg]              Service name to use when authenticating using GSSAPI/Kerberos
        --sspiHostnameCanonicalization [arg]   Specify the SSPI hostname canonicalization [none or forward, available on Windows]
        --sspiRealmOverride [arg]              Specify the SSPI server realm [available on Windows]

  TLS Options:

        --tls                                  Use TLS for all connections
        --tlsCertificateKeyFile [arg]          PEM certificate/key file for TLS
        --tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword [arg]  Password for key in PEM file for TLS
        --tlsCAFile [arg]                      Certificate Authority file for TLS
        --tlsAllowInvalidHostnames             Allow connections to servers with non-matching hostnames
        --tlsAllowInvalidCertificates          Allow connections to servers with invalid certificates
        --tlsCertificateSelector [arg]         TLS Certificate in system store [Windows and macOS only]
        --tlsCRLFile [arg]                     Specifies the .pem file that contains the Certificate Revocation List
        --tlsDisabledProtocols [arg]           Comma separated list of TLS protocols to disable [TLS1_0,TLS1_1,TLS1_2]

  API version options:

        --apiVersion [arg]                     Specifies the API version to connect with
        --apiStrict                            Use strict API version mode
        --apiDeprecationErrors                 Fail deprecated commands for the specified API version

  FLE Options:

        --awsAccessKeyId [arg]                 AWS Access Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSecretAccessKey [arg]             AWS Secret Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSessionToken [arg]                Optional AWS Session Token ID
        --keyVaultNamespace [arg]              database.collection to store encrypted FLE parameters
        --kmsURL [arg]                         Test parameter to override the URL of the KMS endpoint

  DB Address Examples:

        foo                                    Foo database on local machine                        Foo database on machine                   Foo database on machine on port 9999
        mongodb://         Connection string URI can also be used

  File Names:

        A list of files to run. Files must end in .js and will exit after unless --shell is specified.


        Start mongosh using 'ships' database on specified connection string:
        $ mongosh mongodb://

  For more information on usage: //
4 là trình bao MongoDB mới với một số tính năng hơn trình bao
C:\>mongosh --help

  $ mongosh [options] [db address] [file names [ending in .js or .mongodb]]


    -h, --help                                 Show this usage information
    -f, --file [arg]                           Load the specified mongosh script
        --host [arg]                           Server to connect to
        --port [arg]                           Port to connect to
        --version                              Show version information
        --verbose                              Increase the verbosity of the output of the shell
        --quiet                                Silence output from the shell during the connection process
        --shell                                Run the shell after executing files
        --nodb                                 Don't connect to mongod on startup - no 'db address' [arg] expected
        --norc                                 Will not run the '.mongoshrc.js' file on start up
        --eval [arg]                           Evaluate javascript
        --retryWrites                          Automatically retry write operations upon transient network errors

  Authentication Options:

    -u, --username [arg]                       Username for authentication
    -p, --password [arg]                       Password for authentication
        --authenticationDatabase [arg]         User source [defaults to dbname]
        --authenticationMechanism [arg]        Authentication mechanism
        --awsIamSessionToken [arg]             AWS IAM Temporary Session Token ID
        --gssapiServiceName [arg]              Service name to use when authenticating using GSSAPI/Kerberos
        --sspiHostnameCanonicalization [arg]   Specify the SSPI hostname canonicalization [none or forward, available on Windows]
        --sspiRealmOverride [arg]              Specify the SSPI server realm [available on Windows]

  TLS Options:

        --tls                                  Use TLS for all connections
        --tlsCertificateKeyFile [arg]          PEM certificate/key file for TLS
        --tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword [arg]  Password for key in PEM file for TLS
        --tlsCAFile [arg]                      Certificate Authority file for TLS
        --tlsAllowInvalidHostnames             Allow connections to servers with non-matching hostnames
        --tlsAllowInvalidCertificates          Allow connections to servers with invalid certificates
        --tlsCertificateSelector [arg]         TLS Certificate in system store [Windows and macOS only]
        --tlsCRLFile [arg]                     Specifies the .pem file that contains the Certificate Revocation List
        --tlsDisabledProtocols [arg]           Comma separated list of TLS protocols to disable [TLS1_0,TLS1_1,TLS1_2]

  API version options:

        --apiVersion [arg]                     Specifies the API version to connect with
        --apiStrict                            Use strict API version mode
        --apiDeprecationErrors                 Fail deprecated commands for the specified API version

  FLE Options:

        --awsAccessKeyId [arg]                 AWS Access Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSecretAccessKey [arg]             AWS Secret Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSessionToken [arg]                Optional AWS Session Token ID
        --keyVaultNamespace [arg]              database.collection to store encrypted FLE parameters
        --kmsURL [arg]                         Test parameter to override the URL of the KMS endpoint

  DB Address Examples:

        foo                                    Foo database on local machine                        Foo database on machine                   Foo database on machine on port 9999
        mongodb://         Connection string URI can also be used

  File Names:

        A list of files to run. Files must end in .js and will exit after unless --shell is specified.


        Start mongosh using 'ships' database on specified connection string:
        $ mongosh mongodb://

  For more information on usage: //
3 cũ



C:\>mongosh --help

  $ mongosh [options] [db address] [file names [ending in .js or .mongodb]]


    -h, --help                                 Show this usage information
    -f, --file [arg]                           Load the specified mongosh script
        --host [arg]                           Server to connect to
        --port [arg]                           Port to connect to
        --version                              Show version information
        --verbose                              Increase the verbosity of the output of the shell
        --quiet                                Silence output from the shell during the connection process
        --shell                                Run the shell after executing files
        --nodb                                 Don't connect to mongod on startup - no 'db address' [arg] expected
        --norc                                 Will not run the '.mongoshrc.js' file on start up
        --eval [arg]                           Evaluate javascript
        --retryWrites                          Automatically retry write operations upon transient network errors

  Authentication Options:

    -u, --username [arg]                       Username for authentication
    -p, --password [arg]                       Password for authentication
        --authenticationDatabase [arg]         User source [defaults to dbname]
        --authenticationMechanism [arg]        Authentication mechanism
        --awsIamSessionToken [arg]             AWS IAM Temporary Session Token ID
        --gssapiServiceName [arg]              Service name to use when authenticating using GSSAPI/Kerberos
        --sspiHostnameCanonicalization [arg]   Specify the SSPI hostname canonicalization [none or forward, available on Windows]
        --sspiRealmOverride [arg]              Specify the SSPI server realm [available on Windows]

  TLS Options:

        --tls                                  Use TLS for all connections
        --tlsCertificateKeyFile [arg]          PEM certificate/key file for TLS
        --tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword [arg]  Password for key in PEM file for TLS
        --tlsCAFile [arg]                      Certificate Authority file for TLS
        --tlsAllowInvalidHostnames             Allow connections to servers with non-matching hostnames
        --tlsAllowInvalidCertificates          Allow connections to servers with invalid certificates
        --tlsCertificateSelector [arg]         TLS Certificate in system store [Windows and macOS only]
        --tlsCRLFile [arg]                     Specifies the .pem file that contains the Certificate Revocation List
        --tlsDisabledProtocols [arg]           Comma separated list of TLS protocols to disable [TLS1_0,TLS1_1,TLS1_2]

  API version options:

        --apiVersion [arg]                     Specifies the API version to connect with
        --apiStrict                            Use strict API version mode
        --apiDeprecationErrors                 Fail deprecated commands for the specified API version

  FLE Options:

        --awsAccessKeyId [arg]                 AWS Access Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSecretAccessKey [arg]             AWS Secret Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSessionToken [arg]                Optional AWS Session Token ID
        --keyVaultNamespace [arg]              database.collection to store encrypted FLE parameters
        --kmsURL [arg]                         Test parameter to override the URL of the KMS endpoint

  DB Address Examples:

        foo                                    Foo database on local machine                        Foo database on machine                   Foo database on machine on port 9999
        mongodb://         Connection string URI can also be used

  File Names:

        A list of files to run. Files must end in .js and will exit after unless --shell is specified.


        Start mongosh using 'ships' database on specified connection string:
        $ mongosh mongodb://

  For more information on usage: //
7 hiển thị tất cả các lệnh mà bạn có thể sử dụng với
C:\>mongosh --help

  $ mongosh [options] [db address] [file names [ending in .js or .mongodb]]


    -h, --help                                 Show this usage information
    -f, --file [arg]                           Load the specified mongosh script
        --host [arg]                           Server to connect to
        --port [arg]                           Port to connect to
        --version                              Show version information
        --verbose                              Increase the verbosity of the output of the shell
        --quiet                                Silence output from the shell during the connection process
        --shell                                Run the shell after executing files
        --nodb                                 Don't connect to mongod on startup - no 'db address' [arg] expected
        --norc                                 Will not run the '.mongoshrc.js' file on start up
        --eval [arg]                           Evaluate javascript
        --retryWrites                          Automatically retry write operations upon transient network errors

  Authentication Options:

    -u, --username [arg]                       Username for authentication
    -p, --password [arg]                       Password for authentication
        --authenticationDatabase [arg]         User source [defaults to dbname]
        --authenticationMechanism [arg]        Authentication mechanism
        --awsIamSessionToken [arg]             AWS IAM Temporary Session Token ID
        --gssapiServiceName [arg]              Service name to use when authenticating using GSSAPI/Kerberos
        --sspiHostnameCanonicalization [arg]   Specify the SSPI hostname canonicalization [none or forward, available on Windows]
        --sspiRealmOverride [arg]              Specify the SSPI server realm [available on Windows]

  TLS Options:

        --tls                                  Use TLS for all connections
        --tlsCertificateKeyFile [arg]          PEM certificate/key file for TLS
        --tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword [arg]  Password for key in PEM file for TLS
        --tlsCAFile [arg]                      Certificate Authority file for TLS
        --tlsAllowInvalidHostnames             Allow connections to servers with non-matching hostnames
        --tlsAllowInvalidCertificates          Allow connections to servers with invalid certificates
        --tlsCertificateSelector [arg]         TLS Certificate in system store [Windows and macOS only]
        --tlsCRLFile [arg]                     Specifies the .pem file that contains the Certificate Revocation List
        --tlsDisabledProtocols [arg]           Comma separated list of TLS protocols to disable [TLS1_0,TLS1_1,TLS1_2]

  API version options:

        --apiVersion [arg]                     Specifies the API version to connect with
        --apiStrict                            Use strict API version mode
        --apiDeprecationErrors                 Fail deprecated commands for the specified API version

  FLE Options:

        --awsAccessKeyId [arg]                 AWS Access Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSecretAccessKey [arg]             AWS Secret Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSessionToken [arg]                Optional AWS Session Token ID
        --keyVaultNamespace [arg]              database.collection to store encrypted FLE parameters
        --kmsURL [arg]                         Test parameter to override the URL of the KMS endpoint

  DB Address Examples:

        foo                                    Foo database on local machine                        Foo database on machine                   Foo database on machine on port 9999
        mongodb://         Connection string URI can also be used

  File Names:

        A list of files to run. Files must end in .js and will exit after unless --shell is specified.


        Start mongosh using 'ships' database on specified connection string:
        $ mongosh mongodb://

  For more information on usage: //
3 hoặc
C:\>mongosh --help

  $ mongosh [options] [db address] [file names [ending in .js or .mongodb]]


    -h, --help                                 Show this usage information
    -f, --file [arg]                           Load the specified mongosh script
        --host [arg]                           Server to connect to
        --port [arg]                           Port to connect to
        --version                              Show version information
        --verbose                              Increase the verbosity of the output of the shell
        --quiet                                Silence output from the shell during the connection process
        --shell                                Run the shell after executing files
        --nodb                                 Don't connect to mongod on startup - no 'db address' [arg] expected
        --norc                                 Will not run the '.mongoshrc.js' file on start up
        --eval [arg]                           Evaluate javascript
        --retryWrites                          Automatically retry write operations upon transient network errors

  Authentication Options:

    -u, --username [arg]                       Username for authentication
    -p, --password [arg]                       Password for authentication
        --authenticationDatabase [arg]         User source [defaults to dbname]
        --authenticationMechanism [arg]        Authentication mechanism
        --awsIamSessionToken [arg]             AWS IAM Temporary Session Token ID
        --gssapiServiceName [arg]              Service name to use when authenticating using GSSAPI/Kerberos
        --sspiHostnameCanonicalization [arg]   Specify the SSPI hostname canonicalization [none or forward, available on Windows]
        --sspiRealmOverride [arg]              Specify the SSPI server realm [available on Windows]

  TLS Options:

        --tls                                  Use TLS for all connections
        --tlsCertificateKeyFile [arg]          PEM certificate/key file for TLS
        --tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword [arg]  Password for key in PEM file for TLS
        --tlsCAFile [arg]                      Certificate Authority file for TLS
        --tlsAllowInvalidHostnames             Allow connections to servers with non-matching hostnames
        --tlsAllowInvalidCertificates          Allow connections to servers with invalid certificates
        --tlsCertificateSelector [arg]         TLS Certificate in system store [Windows and macOS only]
        --tlsCRLFile [arg]                     Specifies the .pem file that contains the Certificate Revocation List
        --tlsDisabledProtocols [arg]           Comma separated list of TLS protocols to disable [TLS1_0,TLS1_1,TLS1_2]

  API version options:

        --apiVersion [arg]                     Specifies the API version to connect with
        --apiStrict                            Use strict API version mode
        --apiDeprecationErrors                 Fail deprecated commands for the specified API version

  FLE Options:

        --awsAccessKeyId [arg]                 AWS Access Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSecretAccessKey [arg]             AWS Secret Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSessionToken [arg]                Optional AWS Session Token ID
        --keyVaultNamespace [arg]              database.collection to store encrypted FLE parameters
        --kmsURL [arg]                         Test parameter to override the URL of the KMS endpoint

  DB Address Examples:

        foo                                    Foo database on local machine                        Foo database on machine                   Foo database on machine on port 9999
        mongodb://         Connection string URI can also be used

  File Names:

        A list of files to run. Files must end in .js and will exit after unless --shell is specified.


        Start mongosh using 'ships' database on specified connection string:
        $ mongosh mongodb://

  For more information on usage: //
4, như hình bên dưới

C:\>mongosh --help

  $ mongosh [options] [db address] [file names [ending in .js or .mongodb]]


    -h, --help                                 Show this usage information
    -f, --file [arg]                           Load the specified mongosh script
        --host [arg]                           Server to connect to
        --port [arg]                           Port to connect to
        --version                              Show version information
        --verbose                              Increase the verbosity of the output of the shell
        --quiet                                Silence output from the shell during the connection process
        --shell                                Run the shell after executing files
        --nodb                                 Don't connect to mongod on startup - no 'db address' [arg] expected
        --norc                                 Will not run the '.mongoshrc.js' file on start up
        --eval [arg]                           Evaluate javascript
        --retryWrites                          Automatically retry write operations upon transient network errors

  Authentication Options:

    -u, --username [arg]                       Username for authentication
    -p, --password [arg]                       Password for authentication
        --authenticationDatabase [arg]         User source [defaults to dbname]
        --authenticationMechanism [arg]        Authentication mechanism
        --awsIamSessionToken [arg]             AWS IAM Temporary Session Token ID
        --gssapiServiceName [arg]              Service name to use when authenticating using GSSAPI/Kerberos
        --sspiHostnameCanonicalization [arg]   Specify the SSPI hostname canonicalization [none or forward, available on Windows]
        --sspiRealmOverride [arg]              Specify the SSPI server realm [available on Windows]

  TLS Options:

        --tls                                  Use TLS for all connections
        --tlsCertificateKeyFile [arg]          PEM certificate/key file for TLS
        --tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword [arg]  Password for key in PEM file for TLS
        --tlsCAFile [arg]                      Certificate Authority file for TLS
        --tlsAllowInvalidHostnames             Allow connections to servers with non-matching hostnames
        --tlsAllowInvalidCertificates          Allow connections to servers with invalid certificates
        --tlsCertificateSelector [arg]         TLS Certificate in system store [Windows and macOS only]
        --tlsCRLFile [arg]                     Specifies the .pem file that contains the Certificate Revocation List
        --tlsDisabledProtocols [arg]           Comma separated list of TLS protocols to disable [TLS1_0,TLS1_1,TLS1_2]

  API version options:

        --apiVersion [arg]                     Specifies the API version to connect with
        --apiStrict                            Use strict API version mode
        --apiDeprecationErrors                 Fail deprecated commands for the specified API version

  FLE Options:

        --awsAccessKeyId [arg]                 AWS Access Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSecretAccessKey [arg]             AWS Secret Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSessionToken [arg]                Optional AWS Session Token ID
        --keyVaultNamespace [arg]              database.collection to store encrypted FLE parameters
        --kmsURL [arg]                         Test parameter to override the URL of the KMS endpoint

  DB Address Examples:

        foo                                    Foo database on local machine                        Foo database on machine                   Foo database on machine on port 9999
        mongodb://         Connection string URI can also be used

  File Names:

        A list of files to run. Files must end in .js and will exit after unless --shell is specified.


        Start mongosh using 'ships' database on specified connection string:
        $ mongosh mongodb://

  For more information on usage: //

Ví dụ:

C:\>mongosh --nodb
Current Mongosh Log ID: 6166bab1a1acde9f7f388c27
Using Mongosh:          1.1.0

For mongosh info see: //

Warning: Found ~/.mongorc.js, but not ~/.mongoshrc.js. ~/.mongorc.js will not be loaded.
  You may want to copy or rename ~/.mongorc.js to ~/.mongoshrc.js.
0 cho phép bạn chạy trình bao MongoDB mà không cần kết nối với cơ sở dữ liệu

C:\>mongosh --nodb
Current Mongosh Log ID: 6166bab1a1acde9f7f388c27
Using Mongosh:          1.1.0

For mongosh info see: //

Warning: Found ~/.mongorc.js, but not ~/.mongoshrc.js. ~/.mongorc.js will not be loaded.
  You may want to copy or rename ~/.mongorc.js to ~/.mongoshrc.js.

Kết nối với cơ sở dữ liệu MongoDB

Theo mặc định, lệnh

C:\>mongosh --help

  $ mongosh [options] [db address] [file names [ending in .js or .mongodb]]


    -h, --help                                 Show this usage information
    -f, --file [arg]                           Load the specified mongosh script
        --host [arg]                           Server to connect to
        --port [arg]                           Port to connect to
        --version                              Show version information
        --verbose                              Increase the verbosity of the output of the shell
        --quiet                                Silence output from the shell during the connection process
        --shell                                Run the shell after executing files
        --nodb                                 Don't connect to mongod on startup - no 'db address' [arg] expected
        --norc                                 Will not run the '.mongoshrc.js' file on start up
        --eval [arg]                           Evaluate javascript
        --retryWrites                          Automatically retry write operations upon transient network errors

  Authentication Options:

    -u, --username [arg]                       Username for authentication
    -p, --password [arg]                       Password for authentication
        --authenticationDatabase [arg]         User source [defaults to dbname]
        --authenticationMechanism [arg]        Authentication mechanism
        --awsIamSessionToken [arg]             AWS IAM Temporary Session Token ID
        --gssapiServiceName [arg]              Service name to use when authenticating using GSSAPI/Kerberos
        --sspiHostnameCanonicalization [arg]   Specify the SSPI hostname canonicalization [none or forward, available on Windows]
        --sspiRealmOverride [arg]              Specify the SSPI server realm [available on Windows]

  TLS Options:

        --tls                                  Use TLS for all connections
        --tlsCertificateKeyFile [arg]          PEM certificate/key file for TLS
        --tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword [arg]  Password for key in PEM file for TLS
        --tlsCAFile [arg]                      Certificate Authority file for TLS
        --tlsAllowInvalidHostnames             Allow connections to servers with non-matching hostnames
        --tlsAllowInvalidCertificates          Allow connections to servers with invalid certificates
        --tlsCertificateSelector [arg]         TLS Certificate in system store [Windows and macOS only]
        --tlsCRLFile [arg]                     Specifies the .pem file that contains the Certificate Revocation List
        --tlsDisabledProtocols [arg]           Comma separated list of TLS protocols to disable [TLS1_0,TLS1_1,TLS1_2]

  API version options:

        --apiVersion [arg]                     Specifies the API version to connect with
        --apiStrict                            Use strict API version mode
        --apiDeprecationErrors                 Fail deprecated commands for the specified API version

  FLE Options:

        --awsAccessKeyId [arg]                 AWS Access Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSecretAccessKey [arg]             AWS Secret Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSessionToken [arg]                Optional AWS Session Token ID
        --keyVaultNamespace [arg]              database.collection to store encrypted FLE parameters
        --kmsURL [arg]                         Test parameter to override the URL of the KMS endpoint

  DB Address Examples:

        foo                                    Foo database on local machine                        Foo database on machine                   Foo database on machine on port 9999
        mongodb://         Connection string URI can also be used

  File Names:

        A list of files to run. Files must end in .js and will exit after unless --shell is specified.


        Start mongosh using 'ships' database on specified connection string:
        $ mongosh mongodb://

  For more information on usage: //
4 hoặc
C:\>mongosh --help

  $ mongosh [options] [db address] [file names [ending in .js or .mongodb]]


    -h, --help                                 Show this usage information
    -f, --file [arg]                           Load the specified mongosh script
        --host [arg]                           Server to connect to
        --port [arg]                           Port to connect to
        --version                              Show version information
        --verbose                              Increase the verbosity of the output of the shell
        --quiet                                Silence output from the shell during the connection process
        --shell                                Run the shell after executing files
        --nodb                                 Don't connect to mongod on startup - no 'db address' [arg] expected
        --norc                                 Will not run the '.mongoshrc.js' file on start up
        --eval [arg]                           Evaluate javascript
        --retryWrites                          Automatically retry write operations upon transient network errors

  Authentication Options:

    -u, --username [arg]                       Username for authentication
    -p, --password [arg]                       Password for authentication
        --authenticationDatabase [arg]         User source [defaults to dbname]
        --authenticationMechanism [arg]        Authentication mechanism
        --awsIamSessionToken [arg]             AWS IAM Temporary Session Token ID
        --gssapiServiceName [arg]              Service name to use when authenticating using GSSAPI/Kerberos
        --sspiHostnameCanonicalization [arg]   Specify the SSPI hostname canonicalization [none or forward, available on Windows]
        --sspiRealmOverride [arg]              Specify the SSPI server realm [available on Windows]

  TLS Options:

        --tls                                  Use TLS for all connections
        --tlsCertificateKeyFile [arg]          PEM certificate/key file for TLS
        --tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword [arg]  Password for key in PEM file for TLS
        --tlsCAFile [arg]                      Certificate Authority file for TLS
        --tlsAllowInvalidHostnames             Allow connections to servers with non-matching hostnames
        --tlsAllowInvalidCertificates          Allow connections to servers with invalid certificates
        --tlsCertificateSelector [arg]         TLS Certificate in system store [Windows and macOS only]
        --tlsCRLFile [arg]                     Specifies the .pem file that contains the Certificate Revocation List
        --tlsDisabledProtocols [arg]           Comma separated list of TLS protocols to disable [TLS1_0,TLS1_1,TLS1_2]

  API version options:

        --apiVersion [arg]                     Specifies the API version to connect with
        --apiStrict                            Use strict API version mode
        --apiDeprecationErrors                 Fail deprecated commands for the specified API version

  FLE Options:

        --awsAccessKeyId [arg]                 AWS Access Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSecretAccessKey [arg]             AWS Secret Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSessionToken [arg]                Optional AWS Session Token ID
        --keyVaultNamespace [arg]              database.collection to store encrypted FLE parameters
        --kmsURL [arg]                         Test parameter to override the URL of the KMS endpoint

  DB Address Examples:

        foo                                    Foo database on local machine                        Foo database on machine                   Foo database on machine on port 9999
        mongodb://         Connection string URI can also be used

  File Names:

        A list of files to run. Files must end in .js and will exit after unless --shell is specified.


        Start mongosh using 'ships' database on specified connection string:
        $ mongosh mongodb://

  For more information on usage: //
3 kết nối với cơ sở dữ liệu MongoDB cục bộ trên
C:\>mongosh --nodb
Current Mongosh Log ID: 6166bab1a1acde9f7f388c27
Using Mongosh:          1.1.0

For mongosh info see: //

Warning: Found ~/.mongorc.js, but not ~/.mongoshrc.js. ~/.mongorc.js will not be loaded.
  You may want to copy or rename ~/.mongorc.js to ~/.mongoshrc.js.
3. Vì vậy,
C:\>mongosh --help

  $ mongosh [options] [db address] [file names [ending in .js or .mongodb]]


    -h, --help                                 Show this usage information
    -f, --file [arg]                           Load the specified mongosh script
        --host [arg]                           Server to connect to
        --port [arg]                           Port to connect to
        --version                              Show version information
        --verbose                              Increase the verbosity of the output of the shell
        --quiet                                Silence output from the shell during the connection process
        --shell                                Run the shell after executing files
        --nodb                                 Don't connect to mongod on startup - no 'db address' [arg] expected
        --norc                                 Will not run the '.mongoshrc.js' file on start up
        --eval [arg]                           Evaluate javascript
        --retryWrites                          Automatically retry write operations upon transient network errors

  Authentication Options:

    -u, --username [arg]                       Username for authentication
    -p, --password [arg]                       Password for authentication
        --authenticationDatabase [arg]         User source [defaults to dbname]
        --authenticationMechanism [arg]        Authentication mechanism
        --awsIamSessionToken [arg]             AWS IAM Temporary Session Token ID
        --gssapiServiceName [arg]              Service name to use when authenticating using GSSAPI/Kerberos
        --sspiHostnameCanonicalization [arg]   Specify the SSPI hostname canonicalization [none or forward, available on Windows]
        --sspiRealmOverride [arg]              Specify the SSPI server realm [available on Windows]

  TLS Options:

        --tls                                  Use TLS for all connections
        --tlsCertificateKeyFile [arg]          PEM certificate/key file for TLS
        --tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword [arg]  Password for key in PEM file for TLS
        --tlsCAFile [arg]                      Certificate Authority file for TLS
        --tlsAllowInvalidHostnames             Allow connections to servers with non-matching hostnames
        --tlsAllowInvalidCertificates          Allow connections to servers with invalid certificates
        --tlsCertificateSelector [arg]         TLS Certificate in system store [Windows and macOS only]
        --tlsCRLFile [arg]                     Specifies the .pem file that contains the Certificate Revocation List
        --tlsDisabledProtocols [arg]           Comma separated list of TLS protocols to disable [TLS1_0,TLS1_1,TLS1_2]

  API version options:

        --apiVersion [arg]                     Specifies the API version to connect with
        --apiStrict                            Use strict API version mode
        --apiDeprecationErrors                 Fail deprecated commands for the specified API version

  FLE Options:

        --awsAccessKeyId [arg]                 AWS Access Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSecretAccessKey [arg]             AWS Secret Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSessionToken [arg]                Optional AWS Session Token ID
        --keyVaultNamespace [arg]              database.collection to store encrypted FLE parameters
        --kmsURL [arg]                         Test parameter to override the URL of the KMS endpoint

  DB Address Examples:

        foo                                    Foo database on local machine                        Foo database on machine                   Foo database on machine on port 9999
        mongodb://         Connection string URI can also be used

  File Names:

        A list of files to run. Files must end in .js and will exit after unless --shell is specified.


        Start mongosh using 'ships' database on specified connection string:
        $ mongosh mongodb://

  For more information on usage: //
4 và
C:\>mongosh --nodb
Current Mongosh Log ID: 6166bab1a1acde9f7f388c27
Using Mongosh:          1.1.0

For mongosh info see: //

Warning: Found ~/.mongorc.js, but not ~/.mongoshrc.js. ~/.mongorc.js will not be loaded.
  You may want to copy or rename ~/.mongorc.js to ~/.mongoshrc.js.
5 giống nhau kết nối với cơ sở dữ liệu trên máy chủ cục bộ tại cổng 27017

Để kết nối với cơ sở dữ liệu cục bộ trên một cổng khác, hãy sử dụng tùy chọn

C:\>mongosh --nodb
Current Mongosh Log ID: 6166bab1a1acde9f7f388c27
Using Mongosh:          1.1.0

For mongosh info see: //

Warning: Found ~/.mongorc.js, but not ~/.mongoshrc.js. ~/.mongorc.js will not be loaded.
  You may want to copy or rename ~/.mongorc.js to ~/.mongoshrc.js.

C:\>mongosh --help

  $ mongosh [options] [db address] [file names [ending in .js or .mongodb]]


    -h, --help                                 Show this usage information
    -f, --file [arg]                           Load the specified mongosh script
        --host [arg]                           Server to connect to
        --port [arg]                           Port to connect to
        --version                              Show version information
        --verbose                              Increase the verbosity of the output of the shell
        --quiet                                Silence output from the shell during the connection process
        --shell                                Run the shell after executing files
        --nodb                                 Don't connect to mongod on startup - no 'db address' [arg] expected
        --norc                                 Will not run the '.mongoshrc.js' file on start up
        --eval [arg]                           Evaluate javascript
        --retryWrites                          Automatically retry write operations upon transient network errors

  Authentication Options:

    -u, --username [arg]                       Username for authentication
    -p, --password [arg]                       Password for authentication
        --authenticationDatabase [arg]         User source [defaults to dbname]
        --authenticationMechanism [arg]        Authentication mechanism
        --awsIamSessionToken [arg]             AWS IAM Temporary Session Token ID
        --gssapiServiceName [arg]              Service name to use when authenticating using GSSAPI/Kerberos
        --sspiHostnameCanonicalization [arg]   Specify the SSPI hostname canonicalization [none or forward, available on Windows]
        --sspiRealmOverride [arg]              Specify the SSPI server realm [available on Windows]

  TLS Options:

        --tls                                  Use TLS for all connections
        --tlsCertificateKeyFile [arg]          PEM certificate/key file for TLS
        --tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword [arg]  Password for key in PEM file for TLS
        --tlsCAFile [arg]                      Certificate Authority file for TLS
        --tlsAllowInvalidHostnames             Allow connections to servers with non-matching hostnames
        --tlsAllowInvalidCertificates          Allow connections to servers with invalid certificates
        --tlsCertificateSelector [arg]         TLS Certificate in system store [Windows and macOS only]
        --tlsCRLFile [arg]                     Specifies the .pem file that contains the Certificate Revocation List
        --tlsDisabledProtocols [arg]           Comma separated list of TLS protocols to disable [TLS1_0,TLS1_1,TLS1_2]

  API version options:

        --apiVersion [arg]                     Specifies the API version to connect with
        --apiStrict                            Use strict API version mode
        --apiDeprecationErrors                 Fail deprecated commands for the specified API version

  FLE Options:

        --awsAccessKeyId [arg]                 AWS Access Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSecretAccessKey [arg]             AWS Secret Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSessionToken [arg]                Optional AWS Session Token ID
        --keyVaultNamespace [arg]              database.collection to store encrypted FLE parameters
        --kmsURL [arg]                         Test parameter to override the URL of the KMS endpoint

  DB Address Examples:

        foo                                    Foo database on local machine                        Foo database on machine                   Foo database on machine on port 9999
        mongodb://         Connection string URI can also be used

  File Names:

        A list of files to run. Files must end in .js and will exit after unless --shell is specified.


        Start mongosh using 'ships' database on specified connection string:
        $ mongosh mongodb://

  For more information on usage: //

Phần sau kết nối với cơ sở dữ liệu từ xa trên

C:\>mongosh --nodb
Current Mongosh Log ID: 6166bab1a1acde9f7f388c27
Using Mongosh:          1.1.0

For mongosh info see: //

Warning: Found ~/.mongorc.js, but not ~/.mongoshrc.js. ~/.mongorc.js will not be loaded.
  You may want to copy or rename ~/.mongorc.js to ~/.mongoshrc.js.
7 tại cổng 23023

C:\>mongosh --help

  $ mongosh [options] [db address] [file names [ending in .js or .mongodb]]


    -h, --help                                 Show this usage information
    -f, --file [arg]                           Load the specified mongosh script
        --host [arg]                           Server to connect to
        --port [arg]                           Port to connect to
        --version                              Show version information
        --verbose                              Increase the verbosity of the output of the shell
        --quiet                                Silence output from the shell during the connection process
        --shell                                Run the shell after executing files
        --nodb                                 Don't connect to mongod on startup - no 'db address' [arg] expected
        --norc                                 Will not run the '.mongoshrc.js' file on start up
        --eval [arg]                           Evaluate javascript
        --retryWrites                          Automatically retry write operations upon transient network errors

  Authentication Options:

    -u, --username [arg]                       Username for authentication
    -p, --password [arg]                       Password for authentication
        --authenticationDatabase [arg]         User source [defaults to dbname]
        --authenticationMechanism [arg]        Authentication mechanism
        --awsIamSessionToken [arg]             AWS IAM Temporary Session Token ID
        --gssapiServiceName [arg]              Service name to use when authenticating using GSSAPI/Kerberos
        --sspiHostnameCanonicalization [arg]   Specify the SSPI hostname canonicalization [none or forward, available on Windows]
        --sspiRealmOverride [arg]              Specify the SSPI server realm [available on Windows]

  TLS Options:

        --tls                                  Use TLS for all connections
        --tlsCertificateKeyFile [arg]          PEM certificate/key file for TLS
        --tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword [arg]  Password for key in PEM file for TLS
        --tlsCAFile [arg]                      Certificate Authority file for TLS
        --tlsAllowInvalidHostnames             Allow connections to servers with non-matching hostnames
        --tlsAllowInvalidCertificates          Allow connections to servers with invalid certificates
        --tlsCertificateSelector [arg]         TLS Certificate in system store [Windows and macOS only]
        --tlsCRLFile [arg]                     Specifies the .pem file that contains the Certificate Revocation List
        --tlsDisabledProtocols [arg]           Comma separated list of TLS protocols to disable [TLS1_0,TLS1_1,TLS1_2]

  API version options:

        --apiVersion [arg]                     Specifies the API version to connect with
        --apiStrict                            Use strict API version mode
        --apiDeprecationErrors                 Fail deprecated commands for the specified API version

  FLE Options:

        --awsAccessKeyId [arg]                 AWS Access Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSecretAccessKey [arg]             AWS Secret Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSessionToken [arg]                Optional AWS Session Token ID
        --keyVaultNamespace [arg]              database.collection to store encrypted FLE parameters
        --kmsURL [arg]                         Test parameter to override the URL of the KMS endpoint

  DB Address Examples:

        foo                                    Foo database on local machine                        Foo database on machine                   Foo database on machine on port 9999
        mongodb://         Connection string URI can also be used

  File Names:

        A list of files to run. Files must end in .js and will exit after unless --shell is specified.


        Start mongosh using 'ships' database on specified connection string:
        $ mongosh mongodb://

  For more information on usage: //

Hoặc, sử dụng các tùy chọn

C:\>mongosh --nodb
Current Mongosh Log ID: 6166bab1a1acde9f7f388c27
Using Mongosh:          1.1.0

For mongosh info see: //

Warning: Found ~/.mongorc.js, but not ~/.mongoshrc.js. ~/.mongorc.js will not be loaded.
  You may want to copy or rename ~/.mongorc.js to ~/.mongoshrc.js.
8 và
C:\>mongosh --nodb
Current Mongosh Log ID: 6166bab1a1acde9f7f388c27
Using Mongosh:          1.1.0

For mongosh info see: //

Warning: Found ~/.mongorc.js, but not ~/.mongoshrc.js. ~/.mongorc.js will not be loaded.
  You may want to copy or rename ~/.mongorc.js to ~/.mongoshrc.js.

C:\>mongosh --help

  $ mongosh [options] [db address] [file names [ending in .js or .mongodb]]


    -h, --help                                 Show this usage information
    -f, --file [arg]                           Load the specified mongosh script
        --host [arg]                           Server to connect to
        --port [arg]                           Port to connect to
        --version                              Show version information
        --verbose                              Increase the verbosity of the output of the shell
        --quiet                                Silence output from the shell during the connection process
        --shell                                Run the shell after executing files
        --nodb                                 Don't connect to mongod on startup - no 'db address' [arg] expected
        --norc                                 Will not run the '.mongoshrc.js' file on start up
        --eval [arg]                           Evaluate javascript
        --retryWrites                          Automatically retry write operations upon transient network errors

  Authentication Options:

    -u, --username [arg]                       Username for authentication
    -p, --password [arg]                       Password for authentication
        --authenticationDatabase [arg]         User source [defaults to dbname]
        --authenticationMechanism [arg]        Authentication mechanism
        --awsIamSessionToken [arg]             AWS IAM Temporary Session Token ID
        --gssapiServiceName [arg]              Service name to use when authenticating using GSSAPI/Kerberos
        --sspiHostnameCanonicalization [arg]   Specify the SSPI hostname canonicalization [none or forward, available on Windows]
        --sspiRealmOverride [arg]              Specify the SSPI server realm [available on Windows]

  TLS Options:

        --tls                                  Use TLS for all connections
        --tlsCertificateKeyFile [arg]          PEM certificate/key file for TLS
        --tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword [arg]  Password for key in PEM file for TLS
        --tlsCAFile [arg]                      Certificate Authority file for TLS
        --tlsAllowInvalidHostnames             Allow connections to servers with non-matching hostnames
        --tlsAllowInvalidCertificates          Allow connections to servers with invalid certificates
        --tlsCertificateSelector [arg]         TLS Certificate in system store [Windows and macOS only]
        --tlsCRLFile [arg]                     Specifies the .pem file that contains the Certificate Revocation List
        --tlsDisabledProtocols [arg]           Comma separated list of TLS protocols to disable [TLS1_0,TLS1_1,TLS1_2]

  API version options:

        --apiVersion [arg]                     Specifies the API version to connect with
        --apiStrict                            Use strict API version mode
        --apiDeprecationErrors                 Fail deprecated commands for the specified API version

  FLE Options:

        --awsAccessKeyId [arg]                 AWS Access Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSecretAccessKey [arg]             AWS Secret Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSessionToken [arg]                Optional AWS Session Token ID
        --keyVaultNamespace [arg]              database.collection to store encrypted FLE parameters
        --kmsURL [arg]                         Test parameter to override the URL of the KMS endpoint

  DB Address Examples:

        foo                                    Foo database on local machine                        Foo database on machine                   Foo database on machine on port 9999
        mongodb://         Connection string URI can also be used

  File Names:

        A list of files to run. Files must end in .js and will exit after unless --shell is specified.


        Start mongosh using 'ships' database on specified connection string:
        $ mongosh mongodb://

  For more information on usage: //

Sử dụng các tùy chọn dòng lệnh

C:\>mongosh --help

  $ mongosh [options] [db address] [file names [ending in .js or .mongodb]]


    -h, --help                                 Show this usage information
    -f, --file [arg]                           Load the specified mongosh script
        --host [arg]                           Server to connect to
        --port [arg]                           Port to connect to
        --version                              Show version information
        --verbose                              Increase the verbosity of the output of the shell
        --quiet                                Silence output from the shell during the connection process
        --shell                                Run the shell after executing files
        --nodb                                 Don't connect to mongod on startup - no 'db address' [arg] expected
        --norc                                 Will not run the '.mongoshrc.js' file on start up
        --eval [arg]                           Evaluate javascript
        --retryWrites                          Automatically retry write operations upon transient network errors

  Authentication Options:

    -u, --username [arg]                       Username for authentication
    -p, --password [arg]                       Password for authentication
        --authenticationDatabase [arg]         User source [defaults to dbname]
        --authenticationMechanism [arg]        Authentication mechanism
        --awsIamSessionToken [arg]             AWS IAM Temporary Session Token ID
        --gssapiServiceName [arg]              Service name to use when authenticating using GSSAPI/Kerberos
        --sspiHostnameCanonicalization [arg]   Specify the SSPI hostname canonicalization [none or forward, available on Windows]
        --sspiRealmOverride [arg]              Specify the SSPI server realm [available on Windows]

  TLS Options:

        --tls                                  Use TLS for all connections
        --tlsCertificateKeyFile [arg]          PEM certificate/key file for TLS
        --tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword [arg]  Password for key in PEM file for TLS
        --tlsCAFile [arg]                      Certificate Authority file for TLS
        --tlsAllowInvalidHostnames             Allow connections to servers with non-matching hostnames
        --tlsAllowInvalidCertificates          Allow connections to servers with invalid certificates
        --tlsCertificateSelector [arg]         TLS Certificate in system store [Windows and macOS only]
        --tlsCRLFile [arg]                     Specifies the .pem file that contains the Certificate Revocation List
        --tlsDisabledProtocols [arg]           Comma separated list of TLS protocols to disable [TLS1_0,TLS1_1,TLS1_2]

  API version options:

        --apiVersion [arg]                     Specifies the API version to connect with
        --apiStrict                            Use strict API version mode
        --apiDeprecationErrors                 Fail deprecated commands for the specified API version

  FLE Options:

        --awsAccessKeyId [arg]                 AWS Access Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSecretAccessKey [arg]             AWS Secret Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSessionToken [arg]                Optional AWS Session Token ID
        --keyVaultNamespace [arg]              database.collection to store encrypted FLE parameters
        --kmsURL [arg]                         Test parameter to override the URL of the KMS endpoint

  DB Address Examples:

        foo                                    Foo database on local machine                        Foo database on machine                   Foo database on machine on port 9999
        mongodb://         Connection string URI can also be used

  File Names:

        A list of files to run. Files must end in .js and will exit after unless --shell is specified.


        Start mongosh using 'ships' database on specified connection string:
        $ mongosh mongodb://

  For more information on usage: //
70 và
C:\>mongosh --help

  $ mongosh [options] [db address] [file names [ending in .js or .mongodb]]


    -h, --help                                 Show this usage information
    -f, --file [arg]                           Load the specified mongosh script
        --host [arg]                           Server to connect to
        --port [arg]                           Port to connect to
        --version                              Show version information
        --verbose                              Increase the verbosity of the output of the shell
        --quiet                                Silence output from the shell during the connection process
        --shell                                Run the shell after executing files
        --nodb                                 Don't connect to mongod on startup - no 'db address' [arg] expected
        --norc                                 Will not run the '.mongoshrc.js' file on start up
        --eval [arg]                           Evaluate javascript
        --retryWrites                          Automatically retry write operations upon transient network errors

  Authentication Options:

    -u, --username [arg]                       Username for authentication
    -p, --password [arg]                       Password for authentication
        --authenticationDatabase [arg]         User source [defaults to dbname]
        --authenticationMechanism [arg]        Authentication mechanism
        --awsIamSessionToken [arg]             AWS IAM Temporary Session Token ID
        --gssapiServiceName [arg]              Service name to use when authenticating using GSSAPI/Kerberos
        --sspiHostnameCanonicalization [arg]   Specify the SSPI hostname canonicalization [none or forward, available on Windows]
        --sspiRealmOverride [arg]              Specify the SSPI server realm [available on Windows]

  TLS Options:

        --tls                                  Use TLS for all connections
        --tlsCertificateKeyFile [arg]          PEM certificate/key file for TLS
        --tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword [arg]  Password for key in PEM file for TLS
        --tlsCAFile [arg]                      Certificate Authority file for TLS
        --tlsAllowInvalidHostnames             Allow connections to servers with non-matching hostnames
        --tlsAllowInvalidCertificates          Allow connections to servers with invalid certificates
        --tlsCertificateSelector [arg]         TLS Certificate in system store [Windows and macOS only]
        --tlsCRLFile [arg]                     Specifies the .pem file that contains the Certificate Revocation List
        --tlsDisabledProtocols [arg]           Comma separated list of TLS protocols to disable [TLS1_0,TLS1_1,TLS1_2]

  API version options:

        --apiVersion [arg]                     Specifies the API version to connect with
        --apiStrict                            Use strict API version mode
        --apiDeprecationErrors                 Fail deprecated commands for the specified API version

  FLE Options:

        --awsAccessKeyId [arg]                 AWS Access Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSecretAccessKey [arg]             AWS Secret Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSessionToken [arg]                Optional AWS Session Token ID
        --keyVaultNamespace [arg]              database.collection to store encrypted FLE parameters
        --kmsURL [arg]                         Test parameter to override the URL of the KMS endpoint

  DB Address Examples:

        foo                                    Foo database on local machine                        Foo database on machine                   Foo database on machine on port 9999
        mongodb://         Connection string URI can also be used

  File Names:

        A list of files to run. Files must end in .js and will exit after unless --shell is specified.


        Start mongosh using 'ships' database on specified connection string:
        $ mongosh mongodb://

  For more information on usage: //
71 để kết nối với cơ sở dữ liệu yêu cầu xác thực

C:\>mongosh --help

  $ mongosh [options] [db address] [file names [ending in .js or .mongodb]]


    -h, --help                                 Show this usage information
    -f, --file [arg]                           Load the specified mongosh script
        --host [arg]                           Server to connect to
        --port [arg]                           Port to connect to
        --version                              Show version information
        --verbose                              Increase the verbosity of the output of the shell
        --quiet                                Silence output from the shell during the connection process
        --shell                                Run the shell after executing files
        --nodb                                 Don't connect to mongod on startup - no 'db address' [arg] expected
        --norc                                 Will not run the '.mongoshrc.js' file on start up
        --eval [arg]                           Evaluate javascript
        --retryWrites                          Automatically retry write operations upon transient network errors

  Authentication Options:

    -u, --username [arg]                       Username for authentication
    -p, --password [arg]                       Password for authentication
        --authenticationDatabase [arg]         User source [defaults to dbname]
        --authenticationMechanism [arg]        Authentication mechanism
        --awsIamSessionToken [arg]             AWS IAM Temporary Session Token ID
        --gssapiServiceName [arg]              Service name to use when authenticating using GSSAPI/Kerberos
        --sspiHostnameCanonicalization [arg]   Specify the SSPI hostname canonicalization [none or forward, available on Windows]
        --sspiRealmOverride [arg]              Specify the SSPI server realm [available on Windows]

  TLS Options:

        --tls                                  Use TLS for all connections
        --tlsCertificateKeyFile [arg]          PEM certificate/key file for TLS
        --tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword [arg]  Password for key in PEM file for TLS
        --tlsCAFile [arg]                      Certificate Authority file for TLS
        --tlsAllowInvalidHostnames             Allow connections to servers with non-matching hostnames
        --tlsAllowInvalidCertificates          Allow connections to servers with invalid certificates
        --tlsCertificateSelector [arg]         TLS Certificate in system store [Windows and macOS only]
        --tlsCRLFile [arg]                     Specifies the .pem file that contains the Certificate Revocation List
        --tlsDisabledProtocols [arg]           Comma separated list of TLS protocols to disable [TLS1_0,TLS1_1,TLS1_2]

  API version options:

        --apiVersion [arg]                     Specifies the API version to connect with
        --apiStrict                            Use strict API version mode
        --apiDeprecationErrors                 Fail deprecated commands for the specified API version

  FLE Options:

        --awsAccessKeyId [arg]                 AWS Access Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSecretAccessKey [arg]             AWS Secret Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSessionToken [arg]                Optional AWS Session Token ID
        --keyVaultNamespace [arg]              database.collection to store encrypted FLE parameters
        --kmsURL [arg]                         Test parameter to override the URL of the KMS endpoint

  DB Address Examples:

        foo                                    Foo database on local machine                        Foo database on machine                   Foo database on machine on port 9999
        mongodb://         Connection string URI can also be used

  File Names:

        A list of files to run. Files must end in .js and will exit after unless --shell is specified.


        Start mongosh using 'ships' database on specified connection string:
        $ mongosh mongodb://

  For more information on usage: //

Tìm hiểu thêm về các tùy chọn kết nối với mongodb

Lệnh MongoDB Trợ giúp

Bạn cũng có thể nhận trợ giúp về các lệnh

C:\>mongosh --help

  $ mongosh [options] [db address] [file names [ending in .js or .mongodb]]


    -h, --help                                 Show this usage information
    -f, --file [arg]                           Load the specified mongosh script
        --host [arg]                           Server to connect to
        --port [arg]                           Port to connect to
        --version                              Show version information
        --verbose                              Increase the verbosity of the output of the shell
        --quiet                                Silence output from the shell during the connection process
        --shell                                Run the shell after executing files
        --nodb                                 Don't connect to mongod on startup - no 'db address' [arg] expected
        --norc                                 Will not run the '.mongoshrc.js' file on start up
        --eval [arg]                           Evaluate javascript
        --retryWrites                          Automatically retry write operations upon transient network errors

  Authentication Options:

    -u, --username [arg]                       Username for authentication
    -p, --password [arg]                       Password for authentication
        --authenticationDatabase [arg]         User source [defaults to dbname]
        --authenticationMechanism [arg]        Authentication mechanism
        --awsIamSessionToken [arg]             AWS IAM Temporary Session Token ID
        --gssapiServiceName [arg]              Service name to use when authenticating using GSSAPI/Kerberos
        --sspiHostnameCanonicalization [arg]   Specify the SSPI hostname canonicalization [none or forward, available on Windows]
        --sspiRealmOverride [arg]              Specify the SSPI server realm [available on Windows]

  TLS Options:

        --tls                                  Use TLS for all connections
        --tlsCertificateKeyFile [arg]          PEM certificate/key file for TLS
        --tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword [arg]  Password for key in PEM file for TLS
        --tlsCAFile [arg]                      Certificate Authority file for TLS
        --tlsAllowInvalidHostnames             Allow connections to servers with non-matching hostnames
        --tlsAllowInvalidCertificates          Allow connections to servers with invalid certificates
        --tlsCertificateSelector [arg]         TLS Certificate in system store [Windows and macOS only]
        --tlsCRLFile [arg]                     Specifies the .pem file that contains the Certificate Revocation List
        --tlsDisabledProtocols [arg]           Comma separated list of TLS protocols to disable [TLS1_0,TLS1_1,TLS1_2]

  API version options:

        --apiVersion [arg]                     Specifies the API version to connect with
        --apiStrict                            Use strict API version mode
        --apiDeprecationErrors                 Fail deprecated commands for the specified API version

  FLE Options:

        --awsAccessKeyId [arg]                 AWS Access Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSecretAccessKey [arg]             AWS Secret Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSessionToken [arg]                Optional AWS Session Token ID
        --keyVaultNamespace [arg]              database.collection to store encrypted FLE parameters
        --kmsURL [arg]                         Test parameter to override the URL of the KMS endpoint

  DB Address Examples:

        foo                                    Foo database on local machine                        Foo database on machine                   Foo database on machine on port 9999
        mongodb://         Connection string URI can also be used

  File Names:

        A list of files to run. Files must end in .js and will exit after unless --shell is specified.


        Start mongosh using 'ships' database on specified connection string:
        $ mongosh mongodb://

  For more information on usage: //
4 hoặc
C:\>mongosh --help

  $ mongosh [options] [db address] [file names [ending in .js or .mongodb]]


    -h, --help                                 Show this usage information
    -f, --file [arg]                           Load the specified mongosh script
        --host [arg]                           Server to connect to
        --port [arg]                           Port to connect to
        --version                              Show version information
        --verbose                              Increase the verbosity of the output of the shell
        --quiet                                Silence output from the shell during the connection process
        --shell                                Run the shell after executing files
        --nodb                                 Don't connect to mongod on startup - no 'db address' [arg] expected
        --norc                                 Will not run the '.mongoshrc.js' file on start up
        --eval [arg]                           Evaluate javascript
        --retryWrites                          Automatically retry write operations upon transient network errors

  Authentication Options:

    -u, --username [arg]                       Username for authentication
    -p, --password [arg]                       Password for authentication
        --authenticationDatabase [arg]         User source [defaults to dbname]
        --authenticationMechanism [arg]        Authentication mechanism
        --awsIamSessionToken [arg]             AWS IAM Temporary Session Token ID
        --gssapiServiceName [arg]              Service name to use when authenticating using GSSAPI/Kerberos
        --sspiHostnameCanonicalization [arg]   Specify the SSPI hostname canonicalization [none or forward, available on Windows]
        --sspiRealmOverride [arg]              Specify the SSPI server realm [available on Windows]

  TLS Options:

        --tls                                  Use TLS for all connections
        --tlsCertificateKeyFile [arg]          PEM certificate/key file for TLS
        --tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword [arg]  Password for key in PEM file for TLS
        --tlsCAFile [arg]                      Certificate Authority file for TLS
        --tlsAllowInvalidHostnames             Allow connections to servers with non-matching hostnames
        --tlsAllowInvalidCertificates          Allow connections to servers with invalid certificates
        --tlsCertificateSelector [arg]         TLS Certificate in system store [Windows and macOS only]
        --tlsCRLFile [arg]                     Specifies the .pem file that contains the Certificate Revocation List
        --tlsDisabledProtocols [arg]           Comma separated list of TLS protocols to disable [TLS1_0,TLS1_1,TLS1_2]

  API version options:

        --apiVersion [arg]                     Specifies the API version to connect with
        --apiStrict                            Use strict API version mode
        --apiDeprecationErrors                 Fail deprecated commands for the specified API version

  FLE Options:

        --awsAccessKeyId [arg]                 AWS Access Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSecretAccessKey [arg]             AWS Secret Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSessionToken [arg]                Optional AWS Session Token ID
        --keyVaultNamespace [arg]              database.collection to store encrypted FLE parameters
        --kmsURL [arg]                         Test parameter to override the URL of the KMS endpoint

  DB Address Examples:

        foo                                    Foo database on local machine                        Foo database on machine                   Foo database on machine on port 9999
        mongodb://         Connection string URI can also be used

  File Names:

        A list of files to run. Files must end in .js and will exit after unless --shell is specified.


        Start mongosh using 'ships' database on specified connection string:
        $ mongosh mongodb://

  For more information on usage: //
3 sau khi kết nối với cơ sở dữ liệu bằng lệnh
C:\>mongosh --help

  $ mongosh [options] [db address] [file names [ending in .js or .mongodb]]


    -h, --help                                 Show this usage information
    -f, --file [arg]                           Load the specified mongosh script
        --host [arg]                           Server to connect to
        --port [arg]                           Port to connect to
        --version                              Show version information
        --verbose                              Increase the verbosity of the output of the shell
        --quiet                                Silence output from the shell during the connection process
        --shell                                Run the shell after executing files
        --nodb                                 Don't connect to mongod on startup - no 'db address' [arg] expected
        --norc                                 Will not run the '.mongoshrc.js' file on start up
        --eval [arg]                           Evaluate javascript
        --retryWrites                          Automatically retry write operations upon transient network errors

  Authentication Options:

    -u, --username [arg]                       Username for authentication
    -p, --password [arg]                       Password for authentication
        --authenticationDatabase [arg]         User source [defaults to dbname]
        --authenticationMechanism [arg]        Authentication mechanism
        --awsIamSessionToken [arg]             AWS IAM Temporary Session Token ID
        --gssapiServiceName [arg]              Service name to use when authenticating using GSSAPI/Kerberos
        --sspiHostnameCanonicalization [arg]   Specify the SSPI hostname canonicalization [none or forward, available on Windows]
        --sspiRealmOverride [arg]              Specify the SSPI server realm [available on Windows]

  TLS Options:

        --tls                                  Use TLS for all connections
        --tlsCertificateKeyFile [arg]          PEM certificate/key file for TLS
        --tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword [arg]  Password for key in PEM file for TLS
        --tlsCAFile [arg]                      Certificate Authority file for TLS
        --tlsAllowInvalidHostnames             Allow connections to servers with non-matching hostnames
        --tlsAllowInvalidCertificates          Allow connections to servers with invalid certificates
        --tlsCertificateSelector [arg]         TLS Certificate in system store [Windows and macOS only]
        --tlsCRLFile [arg]                     Specifies the .pem file that contains the Certificate Revocation List
        --tlsDisabledProtocols [arg]           Comma separated list of TLS protocols to disable [TLS1_0,TLS1_1,TLS1_2]

  API version options:

        --apiVersion [arg]                     Specifies the API version to connect with
        --apiStrict                            Use strict API version mode
        --apiDeprecationErrors                 Fail deprecated commands for the specified API version

  FLE Options:

        --awsAccessKeyId [arg]                 AWS Access Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSecretAccessKey [arg]             AWS Secret Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSessionToken [arg]                Optional AWS Session Token ID
        --keyVaultNamespace [arg]              database.collection to store encrypted FLE parameters
        --kmsURL [arg]                         Test parameter to override the URL of the KMS endpoint

  DB Address Examples:

        foo                                    Foo database on local machine                        Foo database on machine                   Foo database on machine on port 9999
        mongodb://         Connection string URI can also be used

  File Names:

        A list of files to run. Files must end in .js and will exit after unless --shell is specified.


        Start mongosh using 'ships' database on specified connection string:
        $ mongosh mongodb://

  For more information on usage: //
74, như minh họa bên dưới

C:\>mongosh --help

  $ mongosh [options] [db address] [file names [ending in .js or .mongodb]]


    -h, --help                                 Show this usage information
    -f, --file [arg]                           Load the specified mongosh script
        --host [arg]                           Server to connect to
        --port [arg]                           Port to connect to
        --version                              Show version information
        --verbose                              Increase the verbosity of the output of the shell
        --quiet                                Silence output from the shell during the connection process
        --shell                                Run the shell after executing files
        --nodb                                 Don't connect to mongod on startup - no 'db address' [arg] expected
        --norc                                 Will not run the '.mongoshrc.js' file on start up
        --eval [arg]                           Evaluate javascript
        --retryWrites                          Automatically retry write operations upon transient network errors

  Authentication Options:

    -u, --username [arg]                       Username for authentication
    -p, --password [arg]                       Password for authentication
        --authenticationDatabase [arg]         User source [defaults to dbname]
        --authenticationMechanism [arg]        Authentication mechanism
        --awsIamSessionToken [arg]             AWS IAM Temporary Session Token ID
        --gssapiServiceName [arg]              Service name to use when authenticating using GSSAPI/Kerberos
        --sspiHostnameCanonicalization [arg]   Specify the SSPI hostname canonicalization [none or forward, available on Windows]
        --sspiRealmOverride [arg]              Specify the SSPI server realm [available on Windows]

  TLS Options:

        --tls                                  Use TLS for all connections
        --tlsCertificateKeyFile [arg]          PEM certificate/key file for TLS
        --tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword [arg]  Password for key in PEM file for TLS
        --tlsCAFile [arg]                      Certificate Authority file for TLS
        --tlsAllowInvalidHostnames             Allow connections to servers with non-matching hostnames
        --tlsAllowInvalidCertificates          Allow connections to servers with invalid certificates
        --tlsCertificateSelector [arg]         TLS Certificate in system store [Windows and macOS only]
        --tlsCRLFile [arg]                     Specifies the .pem file that contains the Certificate Revocation List
        --tlsDisabledProtocols [arg]           Comma separated list of TLS protocols to disable [TLS1_0,TLS1_1,TLS1_2]

  API version options:

        --apiVersion [arg]                     Specifies the API version to connect with
        --apiStrict                            Use strict API version mode
        --apiDeprecationErrors                 Fail deprecated commands for the specified API version

  FLE Options:

        --awsAccessKeyId [arg]                 AWS Access Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSecretAccessKey [arg]             AWS Secret Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSessionToken [arg]                Optional AWS Session Token ID
        --keyVaultNamespace [arg]              database.collection to store encrypted FLE parameters
        --kmsURL [arg]                         Test parameter to override the URL of the KMS endpoint

  DB Address Examples:

        foo                                    Foo database on local machine                        Foo database on machine                   Foo database on machine on port 9999
        mongodb://         Connection string URI can also be used

  File Names:

        A list of files to run. Files must end in .js and will exit after unless --shell is specified.


        Start mongosh using 'ships' database on specified connection string:
        $ mongosh mongodb://

  For more information on usage: //

Như bạn có thể thấy ở trên, hãy sử dụng các lệnh khác nhau để làm việc với cơ sở dữ liệu được kết nối. Nối

C:\>mongosh --help

  $ mongosh [options] [db address] [file names [ending in .js or .mongodb]]


    -h, --help                                 Show this usage information
    -f, --file [arg]                           Load the specified mongosh script
        --host [arg]                           Server to connect to
        --port [arg]                           Port to connect to
        --version                              Show version information
        --verbose                              Increase the verbosity of the output of the shell
        --quiet                                Silence output from the shell during the connection process
        --shell                                Run the shell after executing files
        --nodb                                 Don't connect to mongod on startup - no 'db address' [arg] expected
        --norc                                 Will not run the '.mongoshrc.js' file on start up
        --eval [arg]                           Evaluate javascript
        --retryWrites                          Automatically retry write operations upon transient network errors

  Authentication Options:

    -u, --username [arg]                       Username for authentication
    -p, --password [arg]                       Password for authentication
        --authenticationDatabase [arg]         User source [defaults to dbname]
        --authenticationMechanism [arg]        Authentication mechanism
        --awsIamSessionToken [arg]             AWS IAM Temporary Session Token ID
        --gssapiServiceName [arg]              Service name to use when authenticating using GSSAPI/Kerberos
        --sspiHostnameCanonicalization [arg]   Specify the SSPI hostname canonicalization [none or forward, available on Windows]
        --sspiRealmOverride [arg]              Specify the SSPI server realm [available on Windows]

  TLS Options:

        --tls                                  Use TLS for all connections
        --tlsCertificateKeyFile [arg]          PEM certificate/key file for TLS
        --tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword [arg]  Password for key in PEM file for TLS
        --tlsCAFile [arg]                      Certificate Authority file for TLS
        --tlsAllowInvalidHostnames             Allow connections to servers with non-matching hostnames
        --tlsAllowInvalidCertificates          Allow connections to servers with invalid certificates
        --tlsCertificateSelector [arg]         TLS Certificate in system store [Windows and macOS only]
        --tlsCRLFile [arg]                     Specifies the .pem file that contains the Certificate Revocation List
        --tlsDisabledProtocols [arg]           Comma separated list of TLS protocols to disable [TLS1_0,TLS1_1,TLS1_2]

  API version options:

        --apiVersion [arg]                     Specifies the API version to connect with
        --apiStrict                            Use strict API version mode
        --apiDeprecationErrors                 Fail deprecated commands for the specified API version

  FLE Options:

        --awsAccessKeyId [arg]                 AWS Access Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSecretAccessKey [arg]             AWS Secret Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSessionToken [arg]                Optional AWS Session Token ID
        --keyVaultNamespace [arg]              database.collection to store encrypted FLE parameters
        --kmsURL [arg]                         Test parameter to override the URL of the KMS endpoint

  DB Address Examples:

        foo                                    Foo database on local machine                        Foo database on machine                   Foo database on machine on port 9999
        mongodb://         Connection string URI can also be used

  File Names:

        A list of files to run. Files must end in .js and will exit after unless --shell is specified.


        Start mongosh using 'ships' database on specified connection string:
        $ mongosh mongodb://

  For more information on usage: //
75 vào lệnh trên để nhận trợ giúp của lệnh đó. Ví dụ: thực hiện lệnh
C:\>mongosh --help

  $ mongosh [options] [db address] [file names [ending in .js or .mongodb]]


    -h, --help                                 Show this usage information
    -f, --file [arg]                           Load the specified mongosh script
        --host [arg]                           Server to connect to
        --port [arg]                           Port to connect to
        --version                              Show version information
        --verbose                              Increase the verbosity of the output of the shell
        --quiet                                Silence output from the shell during the connection process
        --shell                                Run the shell after executing files
        --nodb                                 Don't connect to mongod on startup - no 'db address' [arg] expected
        --norc                                 Will not run the '.mongoshrc.js' file on start up
        --eval [arg]                           Evaluate javascript
        --retryWrites                          Automatically retry write operations upon transient network errors

  Authentication Options:

    -u, --username [arg]                       Username for authentication
    -p, --password [arg]                       Password for authentication
        --authenticationDatabase [arg]         User source [defaults to dbname]
        --authenticationMechanism [arg]        Authentication mechanism
        --awsIamSessionToken [arg]             AWS IAM Temporary Session Token ID
        --gssapiServiceName [arg]              Service name to use when authenticating using GSSAPI/Kerberos
        --sspiHostnameCanonicalization [arg]   Specify the SSPI hostname canonicalization [none or forward, available on Windows]
        --sspiRealmOverride [arg]              Specify the SSPI server realm [available on Windows]

  TLS Options:

        --tls                                  Use TLS for all connections
        --tlsCertificateKeyFile [arg]          PEM certificate/key file for TLS
        --tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword [arg]  Password for key in PEM file for TLS
        --tlsCAFile [arg]                      Certificate Authority file for TLS
        --tlsAllowInvalidHostnames             Allow connections to servers with non-matching hostnames
        --tlsAllowInvalidCertificates          Allow connections to servers with invalid certificates
        --tlsCertificateSelector [arg]         TLS Certificate in system store [Windows and macOS only]
        --tlsCRLFile [arg]                     Specifies the .pem file that contains the Certificate Revocation List
        --tlsDisabledProtocols [arg]           Comma separated list of TLS protocols to disable [TLS1_0,TLS1_1,TLS1_2]

  API version options:

        --apiVersion [arg]                     Specifies the API version to connect with
        --apiStrict                            Use strict API version mode
        --apiDeprecationErrors                 Fail deprecated commands for the specified API version

  FLE Options:

        --awsAccessKeyId [arg]                 AWS Access Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSecretAccessKey [arg]             AWS Secret Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSessionToken [arg]                Optional AWS Session Token ID
        --keyVaultNamespace [arg]              database.collection to store encrypted FLE parameters
        --kmsURL [arg]                         Test parameter to override the URL of the KMS endpoint

  DB Address Examples:

        foo                                    Foo database on local machine                        Foo database on machine                   Foo database on machine on port 9999
        mongodb://         Connection string URI can also be used

  File Names:

        A list of files to run. Files must end in .js and will exit after unless --shell is specified.


        Start mongosh using 'ships' database on specified connection string:
        $ mongosh mongodb://

  For more information on usage: //
76 để hiển thị trợ giúp của
C:\>mongosh --help

  $ mongosh [options] [db address] [file names [ending in .js or .mongodb]]


    -h, --help                                 Show this usage information
    -f, --file [arg]                           Load the specified mongosh script
        --host [arg]                           Server to connect to
        --port [arg]                           Port to connect to
        --version                              Show version information
        --verbose                              Increase the verbosity of the output of the shell
        --quiet                                Silence output from the shell during the connection process
        --shell                                Run the shell after executing files
        --nodb                                 Don't connect to mongod on startup - no 'db address' [arg] expected
        --norc                                 Will not run the '.mongoshrc.js' file on start up
        --eval [arg]                           Evaluate javascript
        --retryWrites                          Automatically retry write operations upon transient network errors

  Authentication Options:

    -u, --username [arg]                       Username for authentication
    -p, --password [arg]                       Password for authentication
        --authenticationDatabase [arg]         User source [defaults to dbname]
        --authenticationMechanism [arg]        Authentication mechanism
        --awsIamSessionToken [arg]             AWS IAM Temporary Session Token ID
        --gssapiServiceName [arg]              Service name to use when authenticating using GSSAPI/Kerberos
        --sspiHostnameCanonicalization [arg]   Specify the SSPI hostname canonicalization [none or forward, available on Windows]
        --sspiRealmOverride [arg]              Specify the SSPI server realm [available on Windows]

  TLS Options:

        --tls                                  Use TLS for all connections
        --tlsCertificateKeyFile [arg]          PEM certificate/key file for TLS
        --tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword [arg]  Password for key in PEM file for TLS
        --tlsCAFile [arg]                      Certificate Authority file for TLS
        --tlsAllowInvalidHostnames             Allow connections to servers with non-matching hostnames
        --tlsAllowInvalidCertificates          Allow connections to servers with invalid certificates
        --tlsCertificateSelector [arg]         TLS Certificate in system store [Windows and macOS only]
        --tlsCRLFile [arg]                     Specifies the .pem file that contains the Certificate Revocation List
        --tlsDisabledProtocols [arg]           Comma separated list of TLS protocols to disable [TLS1_0,TLS1_1,TLS1_2]

  API version options:

        --apiVersion [arg]                     Specifies the API version to connect with
        --apiStrict                            Use strict API version mode
        --apiDeprecationErrors                 Fail deprecated commands for the specified API version

  FLE Options:

        --awsAccessKeyId [arg]                 AWS Access Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSecretAccessKey [arg]             AWS Secret Key for FLE Amazon KMS
        --awsSessionToken [arg]                Optional AWS Session Token ID
        --keyVaultNamespace [arg]              database.collection to store encrypted FLE parameters
        --kmsURL [arg]                         Test parameter to override the URL of the KMS endpoint

  DB Address Examples:

        foo                                    Foo database on local machine                        Foo database on machine                   Foo database on machine on port 9999
        mongodb://         Connection string URI can also be used

  File Names:

        A list of files to run. Files must end in .js and will exit after unless --shell is specified.


        Start mongosh using 'ships' database on specified connection string:
        $ mongosh mongodb://

  For more information on usage: //
77, như hình bên dưới

Làm cách nào để kết nối MongoDB với shell script?

Điều kiện tiên quyết .
Máy chủ MongoDB phải được cài đặt và chạy trước khi bạn có thể kết nối với nó từ mongo shell. .
Once you have verified that the mongod server is running, open a terminal window [or a command prompt for Windows] and go to your directory:.

Làm cách nào để chạy vỏ MongoDB?

Để mở trình bao MongoDB, chạy lệnh mongo từ dấu nhắc máy chủ của bạn . Theo mặc định, lệnh mongo sẽ mở trình bao được kết nối với phiên bản MongoDB được cài đặt cục bộ chạy trên cổng 27017. Hãy thử chạy lệnh mongo không có tham số bổ sung. mongo.

Làm cách nào để chạy truy vấn MongoDB từ dòng lệnh?

Kết nối với cơ sở dữ liệu MongoDB . Sau đó nhập lệnh mongo để chạy shell . Bây giờ bạn đang ở trong vỏ Mongo. Nếu muốn, bạn có thể chạy mongo và mongod mà không cần dấu nhắc lệnh.

Shell trong MongoDB là gì?

MongoDB có JavaScript shell cho phép tương tác với MongoDB instance từ dòng lệnh. Nếu bạn muốn tạo một bảng, bạn phải đặt tên cho bảng và xác định cột của nó và kiểu dữ liệu của từng cột. Shell rất hữu ích để thực hiện các chức năng quản trị và chạy các phiên bản

Chủ Đề