Speaking and listening topics

Got any ideas for me to talk about in my speaking and listening? Thanks x

What is the task? Is it a presentation? Our presentation was about being lost in a deserted island, we had to explain what we would do what we would take with us and why etc.

We did something called a spleen talk, where you basically give an organised rant about something that really really annoys you or you feel passionately about. If you get a choice that would be something I'd recommend -

(Original post by AlphaNick) Has the teacher set a task? Do you need to focus on anything specific? IE - teenage issues, life problems, political affairs, etc?

They usually set some kind of boundary for the task. We did film reviews for our presentation, so I'd be surprised if they implied to just go off and do a presentation on what ever.

(Original post by guglemugle)
What is the task? Is it a presentation? Our presentation was about being lost in a deserted island, we had to explain what we would do what we would take with us and why etc.

We could do any topic we want and it is a me talking about it to a teacher. Many people are doing bullying, hobbies, about their life or a celebrity. But I want to do something more different...

any ideas on what I could do for my Speaking and Listening task? really stuck

You could: - Talk about your favourite band/singer. - Talk about a hobby that interests you. - Talk about the US presidential race. - 'The death penalty should be reinstated.' - You could discuss cruelty to animals in travelling circuses. - You could discuss a particular culture or country that interests you. - 'Homework should be banned.' - 'Hilary Clinton is a corrupt presidential candidate.' - 'Syrian refugees should/shouldn't be allowed into our country' - Your stance on brexit. - 'Students shouldn't have to wear school uniform.' - Technology addiction and reliance would be interesting, - The difference between LEDCs and HICs. - Your favourite subject and why. - Fav sporting team. - You could talk about Harambe. - You could discuss feminism/racism/sexism. - The difference in wages which men and women receive.

Anyway, I hope that you have now got some ideas. Do message me if you need any more help with the assessment. I did mine last year and got an A*, so I would be happy to assist further.

(Original post by ?Hannah?) You could: - Talk about your favourite band/singer. - Talk about a hobby that interests you. - Talk about the US presidential race. - 'The death penalty should be reinstated.' - You could discuss cruelty to animals in travelling circuses. - You could discuss a particular culture or country that interests you. - 'Homework should be banned.' - 'Hilary Clinton is a corrupt presidential candidate.' - 'Syrian refugees should/shouldn't be allowed into our country' - Your stance on brexit. - 'Students shouldn't have to wear school uniform.' - Technology addiction and reliance would be interesting, - The difference between LEDCs and HICs. - Your favourite subject and why. - Fav sporting team. - You could talk about Harambe. - You could discuss feminism/racism/sexism. - The difference in wages which men and women receive.

Anyway, I hope that you have now got some ideas. Do message me if you need any more help with the assessment. I did mine last year and got an A*, so I would be happy to assist further.

Hey I am currently preparing for it. Could you give me a smaple paragraph or example which will help me get an A*too. Thanks And could you also help me decide which topic to choose from the following- . Nationalism is a positive thing . It is much more difficult to do business in the East than in western European countries. Multinationals and globalization bring good and bad things. Democracy has bad aspects too. Stricter traffic laws could prevent serious accidents . . Capital punishment is the only way to deter criminals. People should not spend billions on exploring the space. Animals should not be kept in captivity. . Vegetarianism is a way to find the way of good life

. Emigration will solve our problems.

(Original post by positivee) Hey I am currently preparing for it. Could you give me a smaple paragraph or example which will help me get an A*too. Thanks And could you also help me decide which topic to choose from the following- . Nationalism is a positive thing . It is much more difficult to do business in the East than in western European countries. Multinationals and globalization bring good and bad things. Democracy has bad aspects too. Stricter traffic laws could prevent serious accidents . . Capital punishment is the only way to deter criminals. People should not spend billions on exploring the space. Animals should not be kept in captivity. . Vegetarianism is a way to find the way of good life

. Emigration will solve our problems.

if you message me, i can send you what i said in my speech. it is about how you present your speech also though, not just about the content.

(Original post by ?Hannah?)
if you message me, i can send you what i said in my speech. it is about how you present your speech also though, not just about the content.

yes please thank you so much. Could you please send me your speech?

Choose something that you are genuinely interested in and are passionate about. I did mine on sitting on the fence - quite funny, right! I Basically set the scene in the first paragraph, making you imagine a blind man crossing the road and the car runs him over and you thought about it but did nothing about it. I then spoke about how it's so common in society that we think of doing something good but then ponder for too log and decide it's too late to do anything and then nothing gets done. I then gave the example of the Holocaust and how people didn't speak up for what's right and thought oh well, it doesn't concern me. Then brought in Martin Niemollers poem about 'First they came for... and I didn't speak out because I was not a ... and then they came for me and there was no oneeft ro speak out for me'. I spoke about the fact that many ignore the injustices out there in the world and the impact it has etc. And how even when it comes to voting, many people don't yet they complain about who's running the country. Also spoke about how many people sit on the fence because they don't know enough about a topic to give their views ( esp teens my age, they can't even convelse about controversial topics ) Then I ended with a little rant lol saying we need to wake up and read, listen, observe and aquaint ourselves with the facts so that we can give our views and prevent injustices instead of sitting or fence or waiting for disaster to strike. It was really informing and was definitely a wake up call to some of my classmates! Got 27/30 for it! Hope that's helped you and conveyed the level of interest and passion needed in your topic. Be sure to keep it cohesive but also add in your examples, scene setting and literature as appropriate. Wish I could direct you in person because I'm quite good at speech delivering and debating etc so I could really help you in the presentation part!

Good luck! With the guidance of your teachers and peers, there's no doubt that you'll do great. As long as you present and deliver your speech well ( and know enough about your topic to answer. The follow up questions ) it's a piece of cake 😉😉

Thanks that was of great help

(Original post by PocketSized) Choose something that you are genuinely interested in and are passionate about. I did mine on sitting on the fence - quite funny, right! I Basically set the scene in the first paragraph, making you imagine a blind man crossing the road and the car runs him over and you thought about it but did nothing about it. I then spoke about how it's so common in society that we think of doing something good but then ponder for too log and decide it's too late to do anything and then nothing gets done. I then gave the example of the Holocaust and how people didn't speak up for what's right and thought oh well, it doesn't concern me. Then brought in Martin Niemollers poem about 'First they came for... and I didn't speak out because I was not a ... and then they came for me and there was no oneeft ro speak out for me'. I spoke about the fact that many ignore the injustices out there in the world and the impact it has etc. And how even when it comes to voting, many people don't yet they complain about who's running the country. Also spoke about how many people sit on the fence because they don't know enough about a topic to give their views ( esp teens my age, they can't even convelse about controversial topics ) Then I ended with a little rant lol saying we need to wake up and read, listen, observe and aquaint ourselves with the facts so that we can give our views and prevent injustices instead of sitting or fence or waiting for disaster to strike. It was really informing and was definitely a wake up call to some of my classmates! Got 27/30 for it! Hope that's helped you and conveyed the level of interest and passion needed in your topic. Be sure to keep it cohesive but also add in your examples, scene setting and literature as appropriate. Wish I could direct you in person because I'm quite good at speech delivering and debating etc so I could really help you in the presentation part!

Good luck! With the guidance of your teachers and peers, there's no doubt that you'll do great. As long as you present and deliver your speech well ( and know enough about your topic to answer. The follow up questions ) it's a piece of cake 😉😉

Thank you so much. If i wrote one on " Multinationals and globalization bring good and bad things" What should I include? Could you please help me? i am reall nervous about it I am average in speeches and I want to get the top marks

Multinationals and globalization bring good and bad things

I did mine on "Racism and the lack of diversity in Hollywood/Film industry"

I don't know what exam board you're doing but for Edexcel it was marked like a music/dance exam with merits and distinctions

Speaking and listening topics

I honestly don't know much about your chosen topic but it's very easy to get top marks as long as it is structured correctly. Even if you lose your place (and some people even cried during theirs) They still got top marks.

Just make sure that you have an intro, then state your opinion and some positives, argue a bit against yourself (Giving someone elses opinion) and have a conclusion

Speaking and listening topics

I wish you the best of luck

(Original post by positivee) Thank you so much. If i wrote one on " Multinationals and globalization bring good and bad things" What should I include? Could you please help me? i am reall nervous about it I am average in speeches and I want to get the top marks

Multinationals and globalization bring good and bad things

I would absolutely love to help you! In terms of content, I have absolutely no idea about your topic but I would be more than happy to do a little research and help you structure it before you begin a draft. Although I am a little busy with my A Levels atm but I'll try find some time
Speaking and listening topics
))) And we did at least 5 drafts before the real thing so once you've completed your first draft you can send it to me to proof read and I'll give you some pointers! Also do you have any deadlines? We were told when we needed to get our basic ideas down and gather research material and when to have our first draft ready for marking etc. Don't worry so much cuz honestly your teachers are there to help you cuz they want the best grades for the school right. And there's absolutely no need to be nervous, it'll be absolutely fine, I promise. Don't listen to horror stories and move away from negative friends that just wanna complain about how difficult and embarrassing it is. "Doubts kill more dreams than failure ever will" Once you've completed it you just need to practice loads, the actual delivery more so than just the memorising. But we can talk about that closer to the time 😃

All the best and be sure to keep me updated!

(Original post by PocketSized)
I would absolutely love to help you! In terms of content, I have absolutely no idea about your topic but I would be more than happy to do a little research and help you structure it before you begin a draft. Although I am a little busy with my A Levels atm but I'll try find some time

Speaking and listening topics
))) And we did at least 5 drafts before the real thing so once you've completed your first draft you can send it to me to proof read and I'll give you some pointers! Also do you have any deadlines? We were told when we needed to get our basic ideas down and gather research material and when to have our first draft ready for marking etc. Don't worry so much cuz honestly your teachers are there to help you cuz they want the best grades for the school right. And there's absolutely no need to be nervous, it'll be absolutely fine, I promise. Don't listen to horror stories and move away from negative friends that just wanna complain about how difficult and embarrassing it is. "Doubts kill more dreams than failure ever will" Once you've completed it you just need to practice loads, the actual delivery more so than just the memorising. But we can talk about that closer to the time 😃

All the best and be sure to keep me updated!

Thanks a lot for your advice it increased my confidence. The deadline for my work is the 6th January, 2017 and we are told that we are welcome to deliver the speech on any topic as long as it fits with the exam board policy. I will gather some research information and send you the draft so that you could tell me the area of improvements. Once again thank you sooo much it means a lot to me! Just another question that I wanted to ask you HERE ARE MY PREDICTED GRADES English Language-6/B English Literature-7/A Maths-7/A Chemistry-A Physics-B Biology-A Geography-A RE- C Business-A Do you think I will get a conditional offer from the London Academy Of Excellence

in Stratford? This is like my main headache rn. Honestly, Year 11 is too stressing

(Original post by positivee) Thanks a lot for your advice it increased my confidence. The deadline for my work is the 6th January, 2017 and we are told that we are welcome to deliver the speech on any topic as long as it fits with the exam board policy. I will gather some research information and send you the draft so that you could tell me the area of improvements. Once again thank you sooo much it means a lot to me! Just another question that I wanted to ask you HERE ARE MY PREDICTED GRADES English Language-6/B English Literature-7/A Maths-7/A Chemistry-A Physics-B Biology-A Geography-A RE- C Business-A Do you think I will get a conditional offer from the London Academy Of Excellence

in Stratford? This is like my main headache rn. Honestly, Year 11 is too stressing

Wait do you have to have the whole thing completed by 6th January??? That's gonna be difficult if you haven't even started it yet. And honestly, I have no clue about that school/college. I've never heard of them but looking at your predicted, your school is basically saying you can get 6As including your Maths, English and Science, so hopefully all will go well 😃😃 It is what is, you can't change it, all you can do is try really hard and call them up on Results Day with your grades ifthey don't accept you now. I mean I got 2A*s 6As 2Bs and I had only applied to 2 ofstedchools Good schools and my own. Ended up moving town and now I go to a private school and got a scholarship based on my grades. So don't stress to much! Everything will work out as long as you work hard.

All the best!

(Original post by PocketSized) Wait do you have to have the whole thing completed by 6th January??? That's gonna be difficult if you haven't even started it yet. And honestly, I have no clue about that school/college. I've never heard of them but looking at your predicted, your school is basically saying you can get 6As including your Maths, English and Science, so hopefully all will go well 😃😃 It is what is, you can't change it, all you can do is try really hard and call them up on Results Day with your grades ifthey don't accept you now. I mean I got 2A*s 6As 2Bs and I had only applied to 2 ofstedchools Good schosols and my own. Ended up moving town and now I go to a private school and got a scholarship based on my grades. So don't stress to much! Everything will work out as long as you work hard.

All the best!

Thanks a lot😊and yes I will have to give it within 6th January I know it is really hard and I am gonna start drafting it soon and send you a copy

(Original post by positivee)
Thanks a lot😊and yes I will have to give it within 6th January I know it is really hard and I am gonna start drafting it soon and send you a copy

Okay that's great, I've got your back!!

(Original post by PocketSized)
Okay that's great, I've got your back!!

Thanks x

(Original post by positivee)
yes please thank you so much. Could you please send me your speech?

hello, i don't think that it would be very productive for you if i sent my speech over. there are a lot of great ideas on this chat for you to write your presentation on. i would suggest that you choose one of the topics and then just write how you would about it. i am happy for you to send me your work once you have had an attempt at writing it.

good luck!

Speaking and listening topics