Tom clancys ghost recon future soldier đánh giá năm 2024

Future Soldier finds the perfect balance between the classic tactical shooter experience and the more modern high-octane approach that today's gamers crave.

While it may not be as "Future" as it was when it was announced 5 years ago, the sum of everything it brings to the table sets it apart from its fellow shooter contemporaries.

Just picked it up earlier today. I got it for $1.99. So I also picked it up for PS3.. ***SOMETHING I STARTED DOING RECENTLY ON OLDER BACKLOG GAMES. *And I played the PS3 version for 1 hour then the Xbox version. I never went back to the PS3 port.. Xbox360 OWNED that generation for sure! No worries PlayStation fanboys. PS4 owns this current gen ;) ~~I like many of these old reviews want more in a tactical solo & MP game then the corny nonsense of COD,,BF & Apex etc... ~~BUT OLD GAMES & COLLECT EM.. it's a lot of fun and makes ALL ManCaves look great when put on a shelf.. ~SIDE PERK~ Watch different Homies come over and spend a lot of time looking at you're shelf and will be content to just play a older game for hours.. This is why I have two awesome TV's in my ManCave. Not for CO-OP/ScreenWatching lol,,but that too.. But mainly because my friends come over and wanna play a single Player game and I got bored watching so I just went a& did my own thing.. I need to start taxing the homies.. Good Times 10/10

A fantastic game which is being **** about because of the multiplayer servers. It is a great game, introduces to really awesome tech which is close to being materialised in real war conflict. The cover mechanics is the best in gaming history(ok same as GoW series) and the tactics used to out flank and out position is spot on. The missions are linear, COD type but the way you do it has variation and requires strategy so that kinda overcomes its "on-rail" gameplay courtesy of Battlefield and CoD games. The Graphics is pretty good,not Battlefield 4 great though. The atmosphere is done right and it really feels like you are in a battlefield and not placed in studio with textures of destroyed landscape pasted in the background (like CoD). It was a great move to go 3rd person, and any rabid hater criticizing the game for its 3rd person view should go cry in a corner cuz THIS MAKES THE GAME MECHANICS WORK WELL!! The only good military game since Battlefield Bad Company 2...which is a shame for the gaming industry.. Its 8.5 out of 10 but im giving it a 10 to offset the **** user reviews

A surprisingly engaging campaign with a slew of co-op options, let down by okay graphics and inconsistent connectivity. Get some. [Aug 2012, p.66]

The multiplayer is engaging, whether you're gunning down your friends or enlisting them for team duty, and the gameplay never lets up, even though it bounces all over the place between non-controllable gunning segments, stealth and run-and-gun action.

While Future Soldier risks losing itself in the crowd of similar widescreen War on Terror blockbusters, it at least borrows its elements wisely, serves them up with style and polish, and retains enough of its strategic core to make it an easy recommendation for those hungry for another tour of duty.

Without a breadth of tactical options longstanding fans of the series will be disappointed in its change of approach, and while action fans will get some enjoyment out of its expansive arsenal and competent combat they'll surely find something more worthwhile and noteworthy elsewhere.

A third-person shooter that feels caught between doctrines--it's not tactical enough to feel like a deep, strategic experience yet it punishes run-and-gun tactics just enough to prevent fans of those sorts of games from having a great time, either.

Dudes this game is awesome i like it because of the tactic. It has not the best graphics but ok who cares? the game is fun. And to all noobs who dont read the controls, next time read them before saying it doesnt work or that its no realy aiming but just hip fire, well thats because u didnt read the controls it comes with the game. well ive glitches to like weird killcams (they shot in the wal and then i died in my spawn) and teammates kills or flashes me because they are idiots. that is what ruining the game, it are the players not the game. btw there is a teamdeathmatch in the dlc. Btw they graphics from cod are also bad and i didnt like the campaign. It was almost the same. cod is every year the same anybody complaining, no

This feels more like "Army of Two" than "Ghost Recon". Ubi Soft streamlined the gameplay much like they did with "Splinter Cell: Conviction". The result is more fast-paced action. Levels are linear and feature scripted events. However, there are plenty of challenges that you can complete. You can also customize your weapons with tons of add-ons. In addition to the campaign, there is a survival horde mode that you can play solo or with three buddies online. "Future Soldier" is a good but not great GR game. I would rate it with a 7.5 out of 10.

Стелс, стрельба, укрытия, технологии будущего, кастомизация оружия, скучный сюжет.

I remember grabbing the highly anticipated “Ghost Recon: Future Soldier” years ago & never playing it for some reason. One year during Raptr’s “clean out your closet” sweepstakes I decided to delve into Future Soldier & immerse myself in the Tom Clancy universe I once was immersed in years ago. Hopefully I would find answer as to why this game with so much hype was eerily quiet amongst the gaming culture once it made its official splash onto the shelves. Most of us older gamers remember when the classics such as Rainbow Six, Ghost Recon and eventually Splinter Cell came bursting onto the scene (the latter changing the stealth genre tremendously.) Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon were similar games. Both were tactical squad based shooters back when the genre was booming with games like SOCOM, Star Wars: Republic Commando, and Full Spectrum Warrior leading the pack. To me these games were that perfect blend of military warfare, stealth & tactics with you being able to specifically command your teams using various commands. As technology evolved so did the gaming experience with gamers being able to issue commands via headsets in future titles. So what happened to this genre? Call of Duty 4 happened. The gaming culture apparently was willing to spend millions of dollars to play an interactive linear Michael Bay movie than carefully plan & take out enemies in a variety of fashions. With this change map designs changed as well, everything became more centered around having “awesome” 2-3 second firefights than really strategic locations where drawn out battles of wit took place. The series of old still survived, but slowly were stripped of features with each iteration. Eventually it was just you & your AI partner whose only commands are usually to pick you up when you’re down if they have any at all. I read forums & I realize that a lot of people didn’t like to “babysit” AI teammates (yet they cry about how they constantly die on harder difficulty levels by themselves) so it was just due to Call of Duty, but I still miss the strategic elegance these games brought to the table. Yet, they still had huge amounts of action to keep you interested with those tense situations where you’re pinned down & don’t know what to do or clear out an area only to realize that there is 4 times the enemies in the next…& they have snipers wielding .50 caliber rifles as well. It seems today that only Operation Flashpoint (a game series that has decided to stick with realism & not a casual consumer base) is the only series left with these qualities, but hardly anyone on the consoles play it. Overall, I couldn't find my groove in Future Soldier. The series has been stripped of what made Ghost Recon special, the maps are uninspiring & the AI is extremely lacking. Frequently I found myself yawning in the middle of huge firefights (most of which took way too long.) There were a lot of annoying mechanics & bugs as well, one of which caused the enemies to infinitely respawn as the main objective never completed in a mission early on. After playing that mission for an exorbitant amount of time, killing hundreds of enemies, I restarted, completed the mission only for the same bug to happen on the next at which point I called it quits.

A diluted, dumbed-down version of a once groundbreaking tactical shooter franchise— obviously catering to the casual gamers in a futile attempt to grab a piece of the COD/BF pie. The first title update rendered co-op mode totally unplayable, with another 6-8 weeks to undo the damage. So Ubisoft continues to disappoint and alienate their core fan base. All they have to do now is ruin their RainbowSix franchise and their obsolescence as a AAA developer will be all encompassing.