When two sides of an artwork are not the same but still balance each other?

In my experience, if there is a compositional problem with a design, poorly placed visual weight is often the culprit! In my opinion, understanding how balance and visual weight works are one of the most critical concepts in design. I have found that many of you instinctively understand the concept of asymmetrical balance, but once we begin breaking it down it can feel confusing!

Review of the basics of Balance Understanding the concept of visual weight is the key to understanding balance.

When two sides of an artwork are not the same but still balance each other?

Unconsciously, the viewer imagines a vertical axis running through the center of the picture plane. The visual weight of the artistic elements on either side of the vertical axis establishes balance.

When two sides of an artwork are not the same but still balance each other?

We unconsciously view the picture plane as having a top, bottom, left  and right side. We, in the U.S. learn to read left to right, so view art from left to right.

The visual weight of the artistic elements on either side of the vertical axis establishes balance.  This statement is true for both symmetrical and asymmetrical balance. If you haven’t done so, please read the blog on symmetrical balance.

Asymmetry balance often gives causal feeling to the viewer. But don’t be deceived, asymmetrical balance is more complex for the designer to correctly achieve than the other forms of balance. Instead of repeating the same artistic elements from one side of the vertical axis to the other side, as in symmetrical balance, asymmetrical balance uses different artistic elements on either side of the vertical axis to create balance (equal visual weight).

The goal of asymmetrical balance is that the (visual) weight of the artistic elements equals out from one side of the vertical axis to the other side. In the example below the blond woman on the left side of the vertical axis (which is size and detail) balances against the row of food (detail and color). Both sides have their own type of visual weight, and yet each element of visual weight balances one another. To get a clearer understanding, let’s look at the five elements of visual weigh.


When two sides of an artwork are not the same but still balance each other?

Visual weight  

Each artistic element used on the picture plane possesses some quality of visual weight. The challenge is to get the visual weight to equal out on both sides of the vertical axis.


When two sides of an artwork are not the same but still balance each other?

Size Place two squares on the picture plane, both the same value, created in the same manner, equal in every aspect but size. The larger of the two squares have more visual weight because the larger the item, the more space it takes up.

When two sides of an artwork are not the same but still balance each other?
The image of Lincoln on the left side of the vertical axis is an example
of size and visual weight.

When two sides of an artwork are not the same but still balance each other?

Value Place two stars on the picture plane, both the same size, created in the same manner, equal in every aspect but value. The darker star has more visual weight. The darker value absorbs more light, giving the illusion of being heavy. This type of heaviness also appears closer to the eye than lighter objects.

When two sides of an artwork are not the same but still balance each other?
The darker value on the left side of the vertical axis is an
example of value and visual weight.

When two sides of an artwork are not the same but still balance each other?

Interest or Detail Place two hexagons on the picture plane, equal in every aspect but one is created with more detail. The hexagon with more detail has more visual weight. Detail can be created by texture, pattern and/or how the artistic element is drawn, painted, etc. Detailed objects naturally pique the viewer’s curiosity, inviting the viewer to come in for a closer look. If the detail is texture, texture naturally appeals to the unconscious.

When two sides of an artwork are not the same but still balance each other?
This piece is loaded with detail throughout, but the left side has a great deal of
detail which is representing detail and visual weight.

When two sides of an artwork are not the same but still balance each other?

Color There are numerous ways to create visual weight with color, here is one way. Place two squares on a page, equal in all manners except one has color and the other is de-saturated, the square with pure, saturated, color will have more visual weight. When you study color theory, this concept will have more meaning. Color Theory will be added to this site in the future.

When two sides of an artwork are not the same but still balance each other?
Just one example of how color and visual weight works.

When two sides of an artwork are not the same but still balance each other?

3- Dimensional vs. 2-Dimensional Place two squares on a page, equal in size, value, etc. except one appears 2- dimensional while the other is 3-dimensional. The 3-dimensional square has more visual weight. This type of visual weight appears to be closer to the viewer due to the addition of depth. It creates the illusion of absorbing more space on the picture plane.

When two sides of an artwork are not the same but still balance each other?
An example of visual weight and dimension.

Negative/Positive Space & Asymmetrical Balance

One last compositional aspect I like to consider with asymmetrical balance is the negative space. In the piece by Hernri Riviere (below), the composition has a strong negative space that creates visual interest, adding to the all-over visual weight. Before breaking it down, let’s take a quick look at negative/positive space.

What is Negative & Positive Space?    

Positive space is the subject/object(s) on the picture plane. Negative space is the area surrounding the subject/objects (positive space), sharing outer edges with the subject/objects. In the image below; the yellow vase is considered the positive space , while the black space is the negative space.

When two sides of an artwork are not the same but still balance each other?

Negative & Positive Space and asymmetrical balance  

Now that you have a basic understanding of Negative/Positive space, let’s look at how it effects visual weight and balance.

When two sides of an artwork are not the same but still balance each other?
Funeral under Umbrellas, by Henri Riviere. 

This piece by Hernri Riviere was created in 1895. The title tells us it is about a funeral in the rain. Victorian funerals were big business. In the top, left corner is a horse-drawn hearse. The funeral director and employees were in the front and sides of the hearse, next came family, lastly followed by friends and colleagues. This piece also reflects the interest in Japanese art and techniques. The chop, in the bottom, left corner is just one nod to that interest. The Chinese chop or seal is used in Taiwan and China to sign documents, artwork, and other paperwork.

When two sides of an artwork are not the same but still balance each other?
With the vertical axis.

When two sides of an artwork are not the same but still balance each other?
The strongest elements of visual weigh on the left side of the axis.

The two main elements of visual weight on the left side of the vertical axis are color and detail. Let’s address the color first. We see warm colors before cool colors. This is especially true with purer colors. The majority of the warm colors in this piece are located in the top, left, corner of the picture plane. There is also a red chop placed in the bottom, left side of the piece.

The second important element of visual weight on the left is in the top, left corner which is the horse-drawn hearse. This is detail. It is an important part of the story that the image is communicating. The audience of that day immediately knew what the horse and hearse represented. By adding the bright splashes of color near the horse and hearse, Riviere gives immediate importance to that part of the composition.

When two sides of an artwork are not the same but still balance each other?
The strongest elements of visual weigh on the right side of the axis.

On the right side of the vertical axis the main elements of visual weight are size and value. The fiures in the rain are created with mainly dark values. As the figures get closer to the viewer, the size of the figure increase.

When two sides of an artwork are not the same but still balance each other?
The negative / positive space.

Look through the images below an access what are the two top elements of visual weight on either side of the vertical axis.

When two sides of an artwork are not the same but still balance each other?

When two sides of an artwork are not the same but still balance each other?

When two sides of an artwork are not the same but still balance each other?


Credits: Some of the information in this presentation comes from the book, Design Basics, Seventh Edition by David Lauer

When an artwork is balanced but not the same on both sides its called?

In symmetrical balance, the elements used on one side of the design are similar to those on the other side; in asymmetrical balance, the sides are different but still look balanced.

How can artwork have balance but not be symmetrical?

Asymmetrical balance in art can be achieved through various elements that share contrasting visual principles—smaller, lighter, darker, or empty forms and spaces are always contrasted and balanced by their counterparts.

What is it called when a design has two sides that look different yet still feel balanced?

Asymmetrical balance is when you have two dissimilar sides of a design and have positioned visual weight unequally, and yet you've still achieved a sense of balance. It evokes a sense of modernism and movement.

What does asymmetrical balance mean in art?

In other words, asymmetrical balance comes into play when you have inequality between two sides of a picture, but the image still looks complete and sensible. The two parts are balancing each other. For example, Van Gogh's The Starry Night is an excellent demonstration of leveraging asymmetrical balance.