Which relationship means one record in a table has exactly one matching record in the related table?

Inside a single pattern, relationships will only be matched once. You can read more about this in Cypher path matching.

Relationship types with uncommon characters

Sometimes your database will have types with non-letter characters, or with spaces in them. Use ` (backtick) to quote these. To demonstrate this we can add an additional relationship between 'Charlie Sheen' and 'Rob Reiner':


  (charlie:Person {name: 'Charlie Sheen'}),
  (rob:Person {name: 'Rob Reiner'})
CREATE (rob)-[:`TYPE INCLUDING A SPACE`]->(charlie)

Which leads to the following graph:

Which relationship means one record in a table has exactly one matching record in the related table?


MATCH (n {name: 'Rob Reiner'})-[r:`TYPE INCLUDING A SPACE`]->()
RETURN type(r)

Returns a relationship type with spaces in it.

Table 10. Result


Rows: 1

Multiple relationships

Relationships can be expressed by using multiple statements in the form of ()--(), or they can be strung together, like this:


MATCH (charlie {name: 'Charlie Sheen'})-[:ACTED_IN]->(movie)<-[:DIRECTED]-(director)
RETURN movie.title, director.name

Returns the movie 'Charlie Sheen' acted in and its director.

Table 11. Result

"Wall Street"

"Oliver Stone"

Rows: 1

Variable length relationships

Nodes that are a variable number of relationship->node hops away can be found using the following syntax: -[:TYPE*minHops..maxHops]->. minHops and maxHops are optional and default to 1 and infinity respectively. When no bounds are given the dots may be omitted. The dots may also be omitted when setting only one bound and this implies a fixed length pattern.


MATCH (charlie {name: 'Charlie Sheen'})-[:ACTED_IN*1..3]-(movie:Movie)
RETURN movie.title

Returns all movies related to 'Charlie Sheen' by 1 to 3 hops.

Table 12. Result

"Wall Street"

"The American President"

"The American President"

Rows: 3

Variable length relationships with multiple relationship types

Variable length relationships can be combined with multiple relationship types. In this case the *minHops..maxHops applies to all relationship types as well as any combination of them.


MATCH (charlie {name: 'Charlie Sheen'})-[:ACTED_IN|DIRECTED*2]-(person:Person)
RETURN person.name

Returns all people related to 'Charlie Sheen' by 2 hops with any combination of the relationship types ACTED_IN and DIRECTED.

Table 13. Result

"Oliver Stone"

"Michael Douglas"

"Martin Sheen"

Rows: 3

Relationship variable in variable length relationships

When the connection between two nodes is of variable length, the list of relationships comprising the connection can be returned using the following syntax:


MATCH p = (actor {name: 'Charlie Sheen'})-[:ACTED_IN*2]-(co_actor)
RETURN relationships(p)

Returns a list of relationships.

Table 14. Result

[:ACTED_IN[0]{role:"Bud Fox"},:ACTED_IN[2]{role:"Gordon Gekko"}]

[:ACTED_IN[0]{role:"Bud Fox"},:ACTED_IN[1]{role:"Carl Fox"}]

Rows: 2

Match with properties on a variable length path

A variable length relationship with properties defined on in it means that all relationships in the path must have the property set to the given value. In this query, there are two paths between 'Charlie Sheen' and his father 'Martin Sheen'. One of them includes a 'blocked' relationship and the other does not. In this case we first alter the original graph by using the following query to add BLOCKED and UNBLOCKED relationships:


  (charlie:Person {name: 'Charlie Sheen'}),
  (martin:Person {name: 'Martin Sheen'})
CREATE (charlie)-[:X {blocked: false}]->(:UNBLOCKED)<-[:X {blocked: false}]-(martin)
CREATE (charlie)-[:X {blocked: true}]->(:BLOCKED)<-[:X {blocked: false}]-(martin)

This means that we are starting out with the following graph:


MATCH p = (charlie:Person)-[* {blocked:false}]-(martin:Person)
WHERE charlie.name = 'Charlie Sheen' AND martin.name = 'Martin Sheen'

Returns the paths between 'Charlie Sheen' and 'Martin Sheen' where all relationships have the blocked property set to false.

Table 15. Result


Rows: 1

Zero length paths

Using variable length paths that have the lower bound zero means that two variables can point to the same node. If the path length between two nodes is zero, they are by definition the same node. Note that when matching zero length paths the result may contain a match even when matching on a relationship type not in use.


MATCH (wallstreet:Movie {title: 'Wall Street'})-[*0..1]-(x)

Returns the movie itself as well as actors and directors one relationship away

Table 16. Result

Node[5]{title:"Wall Street"}

Node[3]{name:"Oliver Stone"}

Node[2]{name:"Michael Douglas"}

Node[1]{name:"Martin Sheen"}

Node[0]{name:"Charlie Sheen"}

Rows: 5

Named paths

If you want to return or filter on a path in your pattern graph, you can a introduce a named path.


MATCH p = (michael {name: 'Michael Douglas'})-->()

Returns the two paths starting from 'Michael Douglas'

Table 17. Result



Rows: 2

Matching on a bound relationship

When your pattern contains a bound relationship, and that relationship pattern does not specify direction, Cypher will try to match the relationship in both directions.


MATCH (a)-[r]-(b)
WHERE id(r) = 0

This returns the two connected nodes, once as the start node, and once as the end node

Table 18. Result

Node[0]{name:"Charlie Sheen"}

Node[5]{title:"Wall Street"}

Node[5]{title:"Wall Street"}

Node[0]{name:"Charlie Sheen"}

Rows: 2

What is a relationship in which there is one record in one table that can have many matching records in another table?

A many-to-many relationship means that for each record in one table there can be many records in another table and for each record in the second table there can be many in the first.

In which relationship one record in a table is associated with?

In a one-to-one relationship, one record in a table is associated with one and only one record in another table. For example, in a school database, each student has only one student ID, and each student ID is assigned to only one person.
One-to-One Relationships A pair of tables bears a one-to-one relationship when a single record in the first table is related to only one record in the second table, and a single record in the second table is related to only one record in the first table. Figure 10.3 shows a generic example of a one-to-one relationship.

What is a one

A one-to-one relationship is a link between the information in two tables, where each record in each table only appears once.