Can I use Sudocrem on my face?

Sudocrem is a medicated diaper rash cream, popular in countries like the United Kingdom and Ireland but not sold in the United States. Its key ingredients include zinc oxide, lanolin, and benzyl alcohol.

The main use of Sudocrem is for the treatment of babies’ diaper rash. But research has shown it may help treat other conditions. Here, we’ll look at different ways people use Sudocrem and whether it’s effective.

Sudocrem is thought by many to be effective in the treatment of acne spots because of the zinc oxide and benzyl alcohol it contains.

Zinc is an important nutrient your body needs to fight infection and inflammation. While zinc is great to consume in foods that you eat, there is no evidence that topical zinc will reduce the inflammation associated with any types of acne.

A 2014 review showed topical anti-acne creams were more effective if they contained zinc. The nutrient was found to be either equal or superior to erythromycin, tetracycline, or clindamycin when used alone in reducing the severity of acne. However, acne was not controlled by topical zinc alone.

Benzyl alcohol may have a drying effect on cystic acne and may also help to dull pain associated with breakouts. Yet there’s no evidence it’s an effective acne treatment.

Yes, it’s possible that Sudocrem can be an effective treatment for wrinkles.

A 2009 study found the zinc oxide in Sudocrem stimulates the production of elastin in the skin. It may also help regenerate elastic fibers, which would reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Rosacea is an inflammatory skin condition that can cause your skin to become flushed, red, itchy, and irritated. There’s no evidence to support the use of topical products containing zinc to treat rosacea, although there’s also no evidence against it.

The benzyl alcohol in Sudocrem may be irritating to sensitive skin, especially in people who have rosacea. This means it may make redness and dryness worse.

Topical products that contain zinc may be effective in treating eczema.

A 2014 review of zinc products for skin conditions found topical zinc reduced symptoms in people who had eczema on their hands. Topical zinc has both antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Sudocrem can be a highly effective treatment for dry skin. While its main use is for the treatment of diaper rash, it’s also useful as a protective layer for hands.

One of its main ingredients, lanolin, is the main ingredient in many different moisturizers. A 2017 study found lanolin can help your skin retain 20 to 30 percent more water, keeping it moisturized longer.

Sudocrem can be an effective barrier cream that may protect against bed sores (pressure ulcers).

A 2006 study examined skin irritation in older adults with incontinence. The group that used Sudocrem experienced 70 percent less redness and irritation than those who used zinc oxide alone.

Sudocrem was designed as a cream to treat diaper rash and eczema in babies. It acts as a protective barrier for babies’ delicate skin.

Its zinc and lanolin ingredients protect skin against moisture while hydrating the skin. The benzyl alcohol in Sudocrem acts as an anesthetic that prevents pain associated with diaper rash.

Another effective use of Sudocrem is the treatment of minor cuts, scrapes, and burns. Because it acts as a protective barrier, it prevents infection by blocking bacteria from entering a wound.

A 2018 review found zinc can help speed up healing times for wounds. Another benefit to Sudocrem for wound treatment is that benzyl alcohol can act as a pain reliever.

There are many unproven, off-label uses for Sudocrem, including using it as:

  • skin barrier for hair dye
  • treatment for scars and stretch marks
  • sunburn relief

Potential side effects of Sudocrem include itching and burning at the site where it’s applied. This may happen if you’re allergic to any of the ingredients in Sudocrem.

Sudocrem is not sold in the United States, but is sold over the counter in many countries, including:

  • England
  • Ireland
  • South Africa
  • Canada

Research has shown that Sudocrem can be an effective treatment for diaper rash and eczema, as well as a protective barrier for people with incontinence. But while there are many claims that Sudocrem is effective for other uses, most of them are not backed up scientific evidence.

The ingredients in Sudocrem may individually be effective for treating conditions like rosacea, acne, or even wrinkles.

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If you're a mother, then you're likely very familiar with Sudocrem. But while one might think it can only be used for nappy rash and eczema, there are actually so many ways you can use the healing cream.

A 125g pot at Priceline will cost you just over AUD $10 and, well, it lasts a lifetime. But for those who don't use the miracle product—or perhaps have never even heard of it—it's obvious to wonder exactly what Sudocrem is used for, whether it really works and why it has a cult following.

According to the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), the standard indications of Sudocrem are the treatment of minor skin disorders such as wounds, scratches, eczema, dermatitis, bruising, cuts and abrasions. 

The product's manufacturers, Nice-Pak, have also listed that Sudocrem can be incredibly beneficial for:

  • mild eczema
  • dermatitis
  • chapped hands
  • minor burns
  • rough skin

Containing active ingredient Zinc Oxide, Sudocream is unlikely to result in side effects from its zinc concentration. However, it's important to note that two of its other ingredients, butylated hydroxyanisole and benzyl alcohol, may result in minor irritation. Of course, if you are allergic to either ingredient, you should consult with a health professional before using Sudocrem.

Curious about how to use the miracle cream? Below, we round up six ways you can use Sudocrem for healthy and hydrated skin.

Note: If symptoms persist, please consult your healthcare practitioner.

Main image: @ninapark


6. It can be used as a primer for your foundation

Aside from soothing skin rashes and bites, it turns out that the product can also be used as a primer to hold foundation all day.

A Makeupalley reviewer explains, "We all know it works wonders on baby butts and acne. Cuts and scrapes. But I use my little pot as a foundation primer! Only on my nose and forehead though, they're the only places I get a little shiny. And my foundation stays flawless and more importantly on my face all day!! I don't even need to powder again. Once I've baked with loose powder. I'm good to go"



5. It can be used to help heal stubborn acne and pimples

The healing properties of zinc can work wonders when it comes to reducing redness and drying out persistent pimples.

As per Makeupalley, a reviewer says, "Many people said it's great for clearing acne and scars acne leaves behind and for the best results you should sleep with Sudocrem on your face overnight. So I decided to try!"

"My skin hasn't got bad acne but it does break out often and is sensitive and I've many small acne scars. The first time I tried this, I woke up the next morning and noticed my cheeks weren't as red as usual. I continued to use sudocrem as an overnight mask two times a week and now my skin has almost completely cleared up. Amazing!"



4. It can be used to heal painful burns and sunburn

For those who can't break the habit of spending a day or two soaking up the sun's rays or those with a penchant for accidental hair straightener burns, then it's best to opt for Sudocrem.

One reviewer explains that they "had a really bad curling iron burn" on their arm, but "this cream literally sped up the healing process and it looked better within two uses."



3. Sudocream can speed up the removal of mosquito bites

Come summer time, mozzies (and their violent tendencies) are in full swing. So, don't suffer in silence. A small application of Sudocrem can help speed up healing when it comes to those nasty, itchy bumps. 

One reviewer even claimed that the cream healed hers in a single day, saying, "Reduced the swelling and redness of mosquitos bite the next day. Highly recommended."

sudocrem shaving bumps

2. It can be used to soothe shaving bumps

If you've ever taken a shaving razor to your legs, armpits or bikini line then you're surely familiar with the pain of those nasty little bumps and ingrown hairs. And if those unwanted friends are a regular occurance for your skin, then you'll know how difficult it is to get rid of them. Turns out, Sudocrem can help in that department.

Another reviewer says, "Its great to apply on your bikini area after shaving to prevent bumps and redness, gets rid of bum pimples, makes scabs go away faster and smells really nice. However, it needs to be used sparingly, especially if used on the face, as it does dry the skin out."



1. And finally, Sudocrem can rehydrate rough skin

Whether it's the dry, winter chill or a result of dehydration via genetics, dry skin can be a cross to bear for many. And while there are endless hydrating offerings on the market, it's worth turning your attention to oh-so-affordable Sudocrem.

One reviewer says, "This is absolutely amazing on my feet—especially my heels. I slather it on at night and slip on socks right away (otherwise, it will mark floors, carpets, bedding) and it softens my feet better than even the pricey foot creams I have."

"I also find it really good to apply on hang-nails (which I get often during winter, with the cold, drying weather and constant hand-washing)."

Clearly, there's a plethora of skin concerns that Sudocrem can fix. So, what are you waiting for? Scroll on to grab yourself a fresh tub of the cream bound to return your skin to its natural glory. 


Healing Cream 125g by Sudocrem, $11.49 at Priceline.

Hannah Hempenstall

Hannah Hempenstall is a Writer, Life Coach and Meditation Facilitator, based in Byron Bay. She loves the art of storytelling and is obsessed with understanding human behaviour.

Can you use Sudocrem all over face?

As a face mask Because of the high zinc oxide content, many people find that a Sudocrem facial, once a week, is one of the best acne treatments if you're on a budget. Simply apply a thin layer before bed, then wash off any excess in the morning (unless you like the chalky look).

Can Sudocrem be used as a Moisturiser?

Sudocrem can be a highly effective treatment for dry skin. While its main use is for the treatment of diaper rash, it's also useful as a protective layer for hands. One of its main ingredients, lanolin, is the main ingredient in many different moisturizers.

What are the benefits of putting Sudocrem on your face?

5 Benefits of Sunscreen For Your Face.
Should You Wear Sunscreen Everyday?.
#1 It Can Prevent Skin Cancer..
#2 It Helps Prevent Premature Aging..
#3 It Can Help You Maintain an Even Complexion..
#4 It Can Prevent Painful Sunburns..
#5 It Sets a Good Example For Others..

How often should I use Sudocrem on my face?

I used Sudocrem as a full on overnight face mask for several months when I incorporated it into my routine. I used it about 2-3 times a week and noticed a drastic difference, the results were coming in fast.