Gain admission là gì

Thực tế, không hề ít tín đồ học tiếng Anh cạnh tranh khác nhau những trường đoản cú . Dưới đây, Cửa Hàng chúng tôi dịch công chứng Phú Ngọc Việt giới thiệu những ví dụ thực tế, với phần đa Tóm lại hưu ích, xúc tích và ngắn gọn giúp chúng ta tránh phần đông sai trái, trường đoản cú đó cần sử dụng đúng, đúng đắn rất nhiều từ rất dễ gây nên lầm lẫn này. công ty chúng tôi dịch thuật Phú Ngọc Việt khuyên ổn học tập viên hãy dùng tài liệu này với những từ điển Anh-Anh khác ví như Oxford, Cambridge đã là hành trang không thể thiếu mang đến gần như ai mong nắm vững cách cần sử dụng từ bỏ tiếng Anh mặc dầu ở ngẫu nhiên trường hợp nào.

Bạn đang xem: Admission là gì

Gain admission là gì

Phân biệt phương pháp sử dụng admittance, admission

Phân biệt phương pháp cần sử dụng admittance, admission

Whats the admission? L 3 a head.

Tiền vào cửa bao nhiêu? 3 bảng 1 người

(Không sử dụng *admittance*)

dich tieng lao thanh lịch tieng viet

(= the cost of entry = tiền vào cửa)

You need to lớn be accompanied by a member lớn gain admission/admittance lớn the club.

Xem thêm: An Toàn Là Gì

Cần gồm một member đi thuộc thi anh bắt đầu được vào câu lạc cỗ.

Xem thêm: So Sánh Là Gì - Có Mấy Kiểu So Sánh

dich vu visa

(admission = được phxay vào, admittance được các bên chức trách rưới đến vào; để ý No addmission = ko được phnghiền vào với No Addmittance = nhà chức trách nát không cho vào; đối chiếu entry/entrance, không tương quan đến việc đến phép)

Nếu thấy bổ ích, hãy đánh giá SAO (thang điểm 1-10) đến bài viết này và giới thiệu mang đến chúng ta không giống thuộc học tập cùng với https://dichthuatvì chưng chúng tôi đang cập nhật hằng ngày để ngày càng đa dạng mẫu mã thêm kho tài liệu này.

3.5/5(11bình chọn )

Vui lòng liên hệ cùng với chúng tôi để được hỗ trợ tư vấn cùng cung cấp xuất sắc nhất!CÔNG TY DỊCH THUẬT PHÚ NGỌC VIỆT DỊCH THUẬT VÀ CÔNG CHỨNG NHANH TRONG NGÀY 217/2A1 Xô Viết Nghệ Tĩnh, P..17, Q. Q. Bình Thạnh, TPHCM

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Gain admission là gì

majority, most
Gain admission là gì

badly, very, very much

economical, cheap, economic

other, others, another

l&, country, countryside
labourer, workman

9 ngôn ngữ dịch trong ngày


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(redirected from hospital admission)
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access: Admission is on the side of the building.; entrance fee: For the price of admission, you get to see two shows; confession of guilt: His admission of the crime got him a lighter sentence.
Not to be confused with:
admittance the act of entering; the permission to enter: Only members are allowed admittance.
Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree


a. The act of admitting or allowing to enter: The admission of new students occurs in the spring.
b. The right to enter or be accepted: The ticket grants admission to the show.
c. The price required or paid for entering; an entrance fee.
d. The people admitted, as to an institution: Hospital admissions rose last month.
a. A disclosure or confession, as of having made a mistake or done something wrong.
b. A voluntary acknowledgment of a fact or truth; a concession: By his own admission the project was underfunded.
c. Law A statement against one's personal interests that can be used as evidence in a law case.

[Middle English, from Latin admissiō, admissiōn-, from admissus, past participle of admittere, to admit; see admit.]

ad·missive (-mĭsĭv) adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. permission to enter or the right, authority, etc, to enter
2. the price charged for entrance
3. acceptance for a position, office, etc
4. a confession, as of a crime, mistake, etc
5. an acknowledgment of the truth or validity of something
[C15: from Latin admissiōn-, from admittere to admit]
adˈmissive adj
Collins English Dictionary Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ædˈmɪʃ ən)

1. the act of allowing to enter; entrance granted, as by permission or monetary means.
2. right or permission to enter: to grant admission.
3. the price paid for entrance, as to a theater.
4. the act or condition of being received or accepted in a profession, office, etc.
5. confession of a charge, error, or crime; acknowledgment.
6. an acknowledgment of the truth of something.
7. a point or statement admitted; concession.
[140050; < Latin admissiō=admitt(ere) to admit + -tiō -tion]
admissive (-ˈmɪs ɪv) adj.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
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Gain admission là gì
admission - the act of admitting someone to enter; "the surgery was performed on his second admission to the clinic"
incoming, ingress, entering, entrance, entry - the act of entering; "she made a grand entrance"
readmission - the act of admitting someone again; "the surgery was performed on his readmission to the clinic"
matric, matriculation - admission to a group (especially a college or university)
Gain admission là gì
admission - an acknowledgment of the truth of something
acknowledgement, acknowledgment - a statement acknowledging something or someone; "she must have seen him but she gave no sign of acknowledgment"; "the preface contained an acknowledgment of those who had helped her"
confession - an admission of misdeeds or faults
Gain admission là gì
admission - the fee charged for admission
admission charge, admission fee, admission price, entrance fee, entrance money, price of admission
fee - a fixed charge for a privilege or for professional services
Gain admission là gì
admission - the right to enter
access, admittance, entree, accession
right - an abstract idea of that which is due to a person or governmental body by law or tradition or nature; "they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights"; "Certain rights can never be granted to the government but must be kept in the hands of the people"- Eleanor Roosevelt; "a right is not something that somebody gives you; it is something that nobody can take away"
door - anything providing a means of access (or escape); "we closed the door to Haitian immigrants"; "education is the door to success"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. admittance, access, entry, introduction, entrance, acceptance, initiation, entrée, ingress There have been increases in hospital admissions of children.
2. entry fee, entry, entrance, entrance fee, admission fee, entry charge Gates open at 9 and admission is free.
3. confession, admitting, profession, declaration, revelation, concession, allowance, disclosure, acknowledgement, affirmation, unburdening, avowal, divulgence, unbosoming She wanted an admission of guilt from her father.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. The state of being allowed entry:
admittance, entrance, ingress, ingression, introduction, intromission.
2. The right to enter or make use of:
access, admittance, entrance, entrée, entry, ingress.
3. The act of admitting to something:
acknowledgment, avowal, confession.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
άδεια εισόδουείσοδοςπαραδοχή
aîgangurviîurkenning, játning
ammissioneingressodivieto d'ingressoentrataammissibile
sự cho vào


A. N
1. (to building) entrada f
admission is free on Sundays la entrada es gratuita los domingos
"admission free" entrada gratis
"no admission" prohibida la entrada, se prohíbe la entrada
we gained admission by a window logramos entrar por una ventana
2. (to institution as member) ingreso m (to en)
3. (= acknowledgement) confesión f, reconocimiento m
it would be an admission of defeat sería un reconocimiento de la derrota, sería reconocer la derrota
by or on his own admission él mismo lo reconoce
he made an admission of guilt hizo una confesión de culpabilidad, se confesó culpable
B. CPD admission fee N cuota f de entrada
admissions form N (US) (Univ) impreso m de matrícula
admissions office N (US) (Univ) secretaría f
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ədˈmɪʃən] n
(= admittance) (to college) admission f; (to country) entrée f; (to exhibition, night club etc) entrée f
Poland wanted admission to the European Community
BUT La Pologne a voulu entrer dans l'Union européenne.
hospital admissions admissions hospitalières
increases in hospital admissions l'augmentation des admissions hospitalières
admission to hospital admission à l'hôpital, hospitalisation f
to gain admission être admis(e)
to gain admission to être admis(e) dans
"admission free", "free admission" "entrée libre"
"admission £2.50" "entrée £2.50"
(= confession) aveu m
by his own admission de son propre aveu
an admission of guilt un aveu de culpabilité
an admission of failure un aveu d'échecadmission charge n (to club) droits mpl d'admission; (to museum, concert) prix m d'entréeadmission fee n (to club, organization) droits mpl d'admission; (to museum, concert) prix m d'entréeadmission price n (to club, organization) droits mpl d'admission; (to museum, concert) prix m d'entréeadmissions office n [university] bureau m des inscriptionsadmissions tutor n [university] responsable mf des inscriptions (dans université, faculté)
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(= entry) Zutritt m; (to university) Zulassung f; (to hospital) Einlieferung f ( to in +acc); (= price) Eintritt m; no admission to minors Zutritt für Minderjährige verboten; to gain admission to a building Zutritt zu einem Gebäude erhalten; he had gained admission to a whole new world er hatte Zugang zu einer ganz neuen Welt gefunden; a visa is necessary for admission to the country für die Einreise ist ein Visum nötig; unrestricted admission to a country unbegrenzte Einreiseerlaubnis; admission fee Eintrittspreis m
(Jur, of evidence etc) Zulassung f
(= confession) Eingeständnis nt; on or by his own admission nach eigenem Eingeständnis; that would be an admission of failure das hieße, sein Versagen eingestehen
Collins German Dictionary Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ədˈmɪʃ/ən] n
a. (entry, to society, school) ammissione f; (to exhibition, night club, building) entrata, ingresso; (price) prezzo del biglietto (d'ingresso)
"admission free" or "free admission" "ingresso gratuito"
b. (confession) ammissione f, confessione f
it would be an admission of defeat sarebbe come dichiararsi sconfitto
by his own admission per sua ammissione
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ədˈmit) past tense, past participle adˈmitted verb
1. to allow to enter. This ticket admits one person. is vir, geld vir يَسْمَح بِالدُّخُول допускам admitir vpustit Zutritt gewähren give adgang επιτρέπω την είσοδοadmitir, permitir la entrada sissepääsu võimaldama اجازه دخول دادن myöntää pääsyoikeus laisser entrer לְהַכנִיס प्रवेश देना dopuštati beenged dapat dipakai heimila aðgang far entrare 入場を許可する 입장을 허락하다 leisti įeiti ielaist kebenaran masuk toelatenslippe inn, gi adgang umożliwiać wstęp دننوتلو اجازه ورکول admitir a permite accesul впускать vpustiť pripustiti primiti släppa in, anta ยอมให้เข้า içeri almak, kabul etmek 允許...進入 впускати; приймати داخل ہونے کی اجازت دینا cho vào 允许...进入
2. to say that one accepts as true. He admitted (that) he was wrong. toegee يَعْتَرِف приемам reconhecer připustit zugeben indrømme παραδέχομαιadmitir, reconocer möönma اعتراف کردن myöntää reconnaître לְהוֹדוֹת ב- स्वीकार करना priznati beismer mengakui viðurkenna ammettere, riconoscere 認める 인정하다 pri(si)pažinti atzīt; piekrist mengaku toegeveninnrømmeprzyznawać اعتراف کول reconhecer a recunoaşte признавать pripustiť, priznať, uznať priznati priznati medge ยอมรับความจริง kabul etmek, itiraf etmek 承認 допускати تسلیم کرنا thừa nhận 承认
adˈmissible (-səbl) adjective
allowable. admissible evidence. toelaatbaar مَقْبُول، جَدِير بِالقُبُول допустими admissível přípustný, přijatelný zulässig gyldig αποδεκτόςadmisible vastuvõetav قابل قبول hyväksyttävä acceptableקביל स्वीकृति योग्य dopustiv elfogadható bisa diterima gildur, lögmætur ammissibile, accettabile 容認される 허용할 수 있는 priimtinas, įtikinantis pieļaujams; pieņemams boleh diterima toelaatbaartillatelig, godtattdopuszczalny د منلو وړ admissível admisibil допустимый prípustný, prijateľný sprejemljiv prihvatljiv tilllåten, godtagbar ซึ่งยอมรับได้ kabul edilebilir 可採納的 допустимий, прийнятний قابل تسلیم ، قابل قبول، قابل تقرر có thể chấp nhận 可采纳的
adˈmission (-ʃən) noun
1. being allowed to enter; entry. They charge a high price for admission. toegang دُخُول допускане admissão vstup der Zutritt; der Eintritt adgang; optagelse δικαίωμα εισόδου admisión sissepääs ورودیه sisäänpääsy entrée רְשוּת כְּנִיסָה प्रवेश pristup belépés izin masuk aðgangur entrata, ingresso 入ること 입장 įėjimas ieeja kebenaran masuk toelatingadgang; inngangspengerwstęp دننوتلو حق admissão intrare доступ, вход vstup vstopno dovoljenje, vstop(nina) cena ulaznice inträde สิทธิ์ในการเข้าไป giriş 允許入場,允許入學 вхід, вступ داخلہ sự cho phép vào 允许进入
2. (an) act of accepting the truth of (something). an admission of guilt. erkentenis إعْتِرَاف приемане reconhecimento připuštění, přiznání das Eingeständnis indrømmelse αναγνώριση, ομολογίαconfesión, reconocimiento möönmine پذیرش myöntäminen aveuהודאה स्वीकृति priznanje beismerés pengakuan viðurkenning, játning ammissione 認めること 승인, 용인 pri(si)pažinimas atzīšanās; atzīšana; pieļaušana pengakuan erkenninginnrømmelse przyznanie się ننوتل reconhecimento recunoaştere признание pripustenie, priznanie priznanje priznanje medgivande คำสารภาพ Kabul, itiraf 承認 припущення اعتراف sự thừa nhận 承认
adˈmittance noun
the right or permission to enter. The notice said `No admittance'. toegang إذْن بِالدُّخُول достъп entrada vstup der Zutritt adgang είσοδος, άδεια εισόδουentrada, permiso de entrada sissepääs پذیرش؛ ورود sisäänpääsy entrée רְשוּת כְּנִיסָה प्रवेश की आज्ञा pristup belépés izin masuk aðgangur ingresso 入場許可 입장권 įėjimas, leidimas įeiti ieeja; iekļūšana membenarkan masuk toegangadgangwstęp دننوتلو حق direito de ingresso ac­ces, in­trare разрешение на вход vstup vstop pristup tillträde การอนุญาตให้เข้าได้ giriş izni/hakkı 有權或獲准進入 доступ; дозвіл на вхід گزر ، داخلہ sự cho vào 允许进入
adˈmittedly adverb
as is generally accepted. Admittedly, she is not well. toegegee بِاعْتِرَاف الجَمِيع естестевено de fato nesporně zugegeben utvivlsomt; rigtignok ομολογουμένωςmanifiestamente, declaradamente mööndavasti مسلماً myönnettäköön de l'aveu général יֶש לְהוֹדוֹת स्वीकार करते हुए doduše bevallottan diakui umum, tak dapat disangkal óneitanlega dichiaratamente, per ammissione generale 明らかに 명백히 reikia pripažinti pēc vispārēja atzinuma; jāatzīst, ka... diakui toegegevenutvilsomt, riktignok trzeba przyznać مسلماُ de facto după cum se ştie по общему признанию nesporne po splošnem mnenju doduše medgivet, onekligen เป็นที่ยอมรับกัน bilindiği üzere, itiraf etmek gerekirse 公認地 за загальним визнанням تسلیم کہ phải thừa nhận là 公认地
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


دُخُول přijetí adgang Einlass άδεια εισόδου entrada pääsymaksu admission prijem ingresso 入場 입장 toegang adgang wstęp admissão допуск tillträde การอนุญาตให้เข้า kabul sự cho vào 入场
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. [to a hospital] ingreso; internación, admisión;
___ diagnosis diagnóstico del ___.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


n ingreso
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

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