How do I change the permissions on multiple files?

Change permissions for the current page, and all pages and files below

  1. Browse to the topmost page in the section.
  2. Follow the instructions on how to add or remove permissions.

Change permissions for selected pages beneath a common parent

  1. Browse to the parent page.
  2. Go to Edit > More > Sub-pages tab.
  3. Select the pages you wish to change permissions for. To quickly select adjacent pages on the Sub-pages tab use Shift+select or, to select pages one by one, use Ctrl/Cmd+select:

    How do I change the permissions on multiple files?

  4. Select the Permissions button in the toolbar.
  5. In the Add/remove permissions section, specify the group, individual or web group.
  6. Specify the permission type you want to change by selecting one of the four radio buttons: View, Contributor, Edit or Admin.
  7. To apply the permission select the appropriate button:

  8. When you have finished changing permissions, select the Done button at the top right.

Change permissions for multiple files uploaded to a page

  1. Browse to the page where the files are located.
  2. Go to Edit > More > Files tab.
  3. Select the files you wish to change permissions for. To quickly select adjacent files on the Files tab use Shift+select or, to select files one by one, use Ctrl/Cmd+select:

    How do I change the permissions on multiple files?

  4. Select the Permissions button in the toolbar.
  5. In the Add/remove permissions section, specify the group, individual or web group.
  6. Specify the permission type you want to change by selecting one of the four radio buttons: View, Contributor, Edit or Admin.
  7. To apply the permission select the appropriate button:

  8. When you have finished changing permissions, select Done.
  • Permission types
  • Allow someone else to edit your pages
  • Allow someone else to change permissions on your pages
  • Web groups

How do I change the permissions on multiple files?

  • August 10, 2022

Deleting permissions of multiple files within Google Drive can be very time-consuming. That’s why we’ve added bulk actions to our Monitoring & Reporting solution. Whether you want to delete users in bulk or want to update multiple Google Drive rights, all can be done within just a few clicks. This blog tells you how you can prevent possible data exposure with bulk actions.

Change the permissions of multiple files at once

Bulk actions offer you the superpowers to change permissions across your whole Google domain at once. They come in handy when you want to clean up your Google Drive permissions, or when you identify a specific problem with multiple files that needs to be changed. Delete users out of your Google Drive data, get rid of shares with certain domains, unshare all publicly available files or bulk change ownership of files. Just specify specific criteria, select which files should change and it’s done.

How do I change the permissions on multiple files?

How to add a bulk action

The bulk action functionality can be found below ‘actions’ when you are at the Monitoring & Reporting dashboard.

By clicking on ‘bulk actions’ directly, you’ll be able to perform bulk actions for

all files on your domain. Besides that, it shows an overview of previously performed bulk actions. By going to ‘audit files’ first, you will be able to perform bulk actions on files that match specific criteria. 

Let’s use the second option as an example.

How do I change the permissions on multiple files?

1) Select which files you want to change

To create a bulk action, you need to specify which files you want to change first. 
This can be done with the extensive search functionality. Use specific filters like location, exposure, owner or search for something specific like a title.

After running a search, you determine whether you want to change specific files or all files that match your search query.
Basically, it gives you the freedom to change almost all permissions within Google Drive: from a bulk change of all shared drive permissions to only removing external link sharing of certain users.

How do I change the permissions on multiple files?

After selecting the files, click on the upper right button ‘add bulk action’. This triggers a confirmation of which files will be changed.

How do I change the permissions on multiple files?

2) Specify which permissions need to be changed

After clicking ‘continue’ you select which permissions you want to change. There are a lot of options. You can remove specific people or groups from all these files at once, you can change all editors to viewers or even remove all permissions. If you identified orphaned files, you can use the ‘transfer ownership’ option as well. Pick a single option or add multiple changes within one bulk action.

How do I change the permissions on multiple files?

3) Multiple Google Drive permissions are changed at once

The third screen shows an overview of the action you are about to perform. After adding a description of the action you are going to perform, you can run the bulk action. This description will be saved in the list of previously performed bulk actions.

Click ‘Create’ and that’s it! You’ve unshared all files that we’re publicly accesible at once.

How do I change the permissions on multiple files?

Read more about Florbs:

How do I change the permissions on multiple files?

How do I change the permissions on multiple files?

How do I change multiple file permissions in Windows 10?

In the section "Owner"-Click on "Change", this will open "Select User or Group window. In the box, type "Everyone" and click "Check names", hit Ok. f. Check the box "Replace owner on subcontainers and objects" and hit Apply.

How do I change the security properties of multiple files?

To Browse and Edit Properties of Multiple Files and Folders.
Open the Properties dialog box by typing sdtfprop& at the command line. ... .
Click Browse or type the name of a file or folder in the File Name field..
Browse or edit the file or folder properties..
Click OK to apply the current settings and dismiss the dialog box..

How do I give permission to all files?

chmod o-rwx foldername To change directory permissions for everyone, use “u” for users, “g” for group, “o” for others, and “ugo” or “a” (for all). chmod ugo+rwx foldername to give read, write, and execute to everyone. chmod a=r foldername to give only read permission for everyone.

How do I force change permissions in Windows?

In this tutorial, you will learn how to change folder permissions on Windows. ... .
Right-click on the file or folder you want to change permissions and select Properties. ... .
Select the Security tab. ... .
Select the user you want to modify permissions and then click Edit..
To add a new user or group click on Edit and then Add..