How do i check if a python input is empty?

While s = "" ? How to check if the input I receive is empty using only the while command.

You can check input is empty or not with the help of if statement. x=input() if x: print(x) else: print('empty input')

How do i check if a python input is empty?

A tip: when you are dealing with EOF or something alike always remember that, to python, every null or empty or zero it's managed like a "false"... So you can put something like "while s:" because, if it's null or empty, will be false to python

How do i check if a python input is empty?

One pattern would be: s = input() while s: somelist.append(s) s = input() It's a bit annoying to write the same line twice, but there is no 'do while' like in c. Or you use this: while True: s = input() if not s: break somelist.append(s)

How do i check if a python input is empty?

input() returns a string. To check whether it is empty, just check its length. s=input() while len(s)==0: s=input()

How do i check if a python input is empty?

You might want to use the catch exception method. Whenever you enter an input, in case that input is empty, it produces an End of File Error written as EOFError. So your code should look something like this, try: #enter input s = input() #do something with your input except EOFError: #action when input is empty or there is no input The code above should do it. ;)

How do i check if a python input is empty?

x=input() if not x: print('empty input')

How do i check if a python input is empty?

Check if user input is Empty in Python #

Use an if statement to check if a user input is empty, e.g. if country == '':. The input() function is guaranteed to return a string, so if it returns an empty string, the user didn't enter a value.


country = input('Where are you from: ') if country == '': print('User input is empty') # ----------------------------------------- # ✅ Prevent user from entering empty input while True: country = input('Where are you from: ') if country != '': print(country) break # ----------------------------------------- # ✅ Using a try/except statement try: num = float(input('Enter your favorite number: ')) print(num) except ValueError: print('Empty input or not a number entered')

The first example uses an if statement to check if a user input is empty.

We directly check if the user didn't enter anything.

You can use the str.strip() method if you need to cover the scenario where the user enters only whitespace characters.


country = input('Where are you from: ') if country.strip() == '': print('User input is empty')

The str.strip method returns a copy of the string with the leading and trailing whitespace removed.


print(repr(' '.strip())) # 👉️ '' print(repr(' apple '.strip())) # 👉️ 'apple'

The second example uses a while loop to keep prompting the user until they enter a non-empty value.


while True: country = input('Where are you from: ') if country.strip() != '': print(country) break

The while loop keeps running until the user enters at least one, non-whitespace character.

On each iteration, we check if the user entered at least one character.

If the condition is met, we use the break statement to exit the loop.

The break statement breaks out of the innermost enclosing for or while loop.

You can also use a while loop that iterates until the user enters a value.


country = '' while country.strip() == '': country = input('Where are you from: ')

We used a while loop to iterate until the country variable doesn't store an empty string.

The input function takes an optional prompt argument and writes it to standard output without a trailing newline.

The function then reads the line from input, converts it to a string and returns the result.

You can also use a try/except statement to handle an empty input exception caused by trying to convert an empty string to an integer or a float.


try: num = float(input('Enter your favorite number: ')) print(num) except ValueError: print('Empty input or not a number entered')

The float() and int() classes raise a ValueError if passed a value that cannot be converted to the specific type or an empty string.

You can use a while loop if you want to prompt the user until they enter a valid number.


num = 0 while True: try: num = int(input("Enter your favorite integer: ")) except ValueError: print("Please enter a valid integer") continue else: print(f'You entered: {num}') break

If the code in the try block raises a ValueError, the except block runs, where we use the continue statement to continue to the next iteration.

The continue statement continues with the next iteration of the loop.

If the user enters a valid number, the try block runs successfully and then the else block runs where we use the break statement to exit out of the while loop.

How do you check if a Python input is empty?

Use an if statement to check if a user input is empty, e.g. if country == '': . The input() function is guaranteed to return a string, so if it returns an empty string, the user didn't enter a value.

How do you declare an empty input in Python?

Defining empty variables in Python is straightforward. If you wish to define a placeholder for a missing value that will not be used for calculations, you can define an empty variable using the None keyword. This is useful because it clearly indicates that the value for a variable is missing or not valid.

How do you validate input in Python?

Uses the isdigit() Function to Check if the User Input Is Valid in Python. The isdigit() function can be utilized to check whether the value provided of an input is a digit (0-9) or not. It returns a True value if the string contains numeric integer values only; it does not consider floating-point numbers.

How do I stop an empty input in Python?

To prevent an empty user input: Use a while loop to iterate until the user enters a non-empty string. On each iteration, check if the user didn't enter an empty string. If the condition is met, break out of the while loop.