How do I get my icons back on my desktop?

A reader asks:

How do I get my desktop icons back on Windows? My nephew was playing around with my laptop, and now my desktop is blank except for the start button on the lower right. Im sure Ill smack my forehead when I learn how to fix this, but does anyone have an idea what he did and how to restore my desktop icons?

You might think that your desktop icons have been lost forever, but dont worrythey still exist! There are a couple of ways that you should be able to fix this, depending on which version of Windows youre running.

  • Start with a right-click on your icon-free desktop
  • Check the option for Display Icons.

If you dont see Display Icons listed:

  • Right click the desktop
  • Select View > Show Desktop Icon, and make sure the option is checked.

If neither of these options work, has some extra tips.

For more Windows tips:

This tip was originally published on IDG Answers, a reader-powered help desk for answering tech questions.

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