How do you repeat multiple times in python?

How do I make the code reapte such that users can guess the answer to the random number only three times, how do I make it stop at a point? Thanks. This is a random number guessing game, I'm a total beginner to python and can't find anything that helps me on the web (or it may be that I'm just dumb)

import random
print('what difficulty do you want? Type Easy or Hard accordingly')
difficulty = input('')

if difficulty == 'Hard':
    print('your going to have a tough time')
    hardrandomnum = random.randint(1,100)
    def main():
        print('try to guess the number')
        playerguess = float (input(""))
        if playerguess > hardrandomnum: 
            print ("guess a lower number")
        if playerguess < hardrandomnum:
            print("guess a higher number")
        if playerguess == hardrandomnum:

        restart = 4
        if restart >4:

        if restart == 4:


How do you repeat multiple times in python?


18.4k2 gold badges47 silver badges60 bronze badges

asked Oct 12, 2021 at 12:54

How do you repeat multiple times in python?


Loops and breaks.

For example if you want to run the code three times wrap it in a for loop:

for i in range(3):
   [here goes your code]

or you could make a while loop and break:

    [here goes your code]
    if condition is met:

answered Oct 12, 2021 at 12:57


5624 silver badges17 bronze badges


you could use a for loop:

for i in range(3):
    #your code 

the number in range() indicates how many times you visit the code inside there are also while loops but for your usecase a for loop should do the trick

answered Oct 12, 2021 at 13:00


1091 silver badge9 bronze badges


Use a looping structure as below answer mentions.

Example with while loop

def repeat_user_input(num_tries=3):
    tries = 0
    result = []

    while tries < num_tries:
        tries += 1

    return result


Example with a list comprehension and range

def repeat_user_input(num_tries=3):
    return [float(input()) for _ in range(num_tries)]

answered Oct 12, 2021 at 13:04

How do you repeat multiple times in python?


7,2943 gold badges14 silver badges34 bronze badges

I believe you are looking for something like the below?

import random
import sys
guess_counter = 0
random_number = 0
easy_hard = input('Chose your difficulty lever by typing "easy" or "hard" ')
if easy_hard.lower() == 'easy':
    print('Your in luck! You are about to have fun')
    random_number = random.randint(1,10)
elif easy_hard.lower() == 'hard':
    print('Woow this game is not going to be easy')
    random_number = random.randint(1,100)
    print('You need to type either easy or hard and nothing else')
while guess_counter < 4:
    user_number = int(input('Guess: ')) 
    if user_number < random_number:
        print('Try higher number')
        guess_counter += 1
    elif user_number > random_number:
        print('Trye lower number')
        guess_counter += 1
        print('Congrats! You Won')
    print('Ooops! Looks like you luck run out.')

answered Oct 12, 2021 at 13:27


1227 bronze badges

How do you repeat 3 times in Python?

The Python for statement iterates over the members of a sequence in order, executing the block each time. Contrast the for statement with the ''while'' loop, used when a condition needs to be checked each iteration or to repeat a block of code forever. For example: For loop from 0 to 2, therefore running 3 times.

How do you repeat a set of times in Python?

To loop through a set of code a certain number of times, you can use the range() function, which returns a list of numbers starting from 0 to the specified end number.

How do I print 3 times a word in Python?

Use range() to print a string multiple times.
a_string = "abc".
for line in range(3):.
result = a_string * 2..

How do I print the same line multiple times in Python?

Use the multiplication operator * to repeat a string multiple times. Multiply a string with the multiplication operator * by an integer n to concatenate the string with itself n times. Call print(value) with the resultant string as value to print it.