Add printer to Microsoft Remote Desktop

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With Remote Desktop computing, you can connect to a computer that is at work, or anywhere in the world as long as you have an internet connection. Here is the catcher. If you want to print using your local printer then you have a few steps to do in order to have the ability to print.

  1. 1

    Download the drivers for your local printer.

  2. 2

    Set up a printer on the Remote desktop system, using the lpt1 port

  3. 3

    Install Printer Software and choose have disk. Browse to the folder you put the drivers in.

  4. 4

    Once you have installed the printer on the lpt1 port, you log off.

  5. 5

    On your RDP icon (if you have created one), right click and edit.

  6. 6

    Choose the local resources tab and check printers.

  7. 7

    On general tab, save your settings.

  8. 8

    Log on, and you will then see your printers.

  9. 9

    Delete the one you just setup on lpt1. Set the new one as your default. Test your printer by right clicking on the printer and go to properties and print test page.

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Updated: August 8, 2018

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Categories: Printers | Remote Access Services

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Add printer to Microsoft Remote Desktop

Add printer to Microsoft Remote Desktop

This manual contains the procedure of connection of a local printer through RDP to remote Windows Server. In order to connect the printer, open a context menu clicking the right mouse button on the file, downloaded from RDP, and select “Edit”

Add printer to Microsoft Remote Desktop

In the opened connection settings window, select “Local Resources” tab, then make sure that a check box, located against “Printers" option is enabled, and select at the bottom “More..."

Add printer to Microsoft Remote Desktop

Select all and press "ОК” in new window Local devices and resources

Add printer to Microsoft Remote Desktop

Now you can connect to the server:

Add printer to Microsoft Remote Desktop

If your printer is not supported by "Easy Print” driver, then configuring is completed, and you can begin to print documents. Otherwise you should to install a driver of your printer on the server.

So you have a printer installed on your Microsoft Windows computer, but the printer is notshowingin your Remote Desktop session? There are a few things to check when you experience this issue.

1. Check that Printers Are Enabled on Connection

Ensure that you have the Printers option selected in your Remote Desktop settings. You can check this by bringing up the Remote Desktop Connection screen, selecting Local Resources and ensuring the Printers option is selected.

Add printer to Microsoft Remote Desktop

2. Check Server Settings

If you are connecting to a Windows Server box, ensure the settings on the server don’t disable the sharing of Printers. Login to the server, and perform these steps.

Windows 2016 & 2019

In these versions of Windows Server, RDP settings are controlled in Group Policy.

  1. Launch “gpedit.msc“.
  2. Navigate to “Computer Configuration” > “Administrative Templates” > “Windows Components” > “Remote Desktop Services” > “Remote Desktop Session Host“.
  3. Expand “Printer Redirection“.
  4. Ensure that “Do not allow client printer redirection” is set to “Not configured” or “Disabled“. Another setting you may want to check is the “Redirect only the default client printer“. This policy should also set to “Not configured” or “Disabled”if you want more than just the default printer to be available to use.

Windows 2012

  1. Open “Server Manager“.
  2. Select “Remote Desktop” Services.
  3. Select “Collections“.
  4. Select “Tasks“, then choose “Edit Properties“.
  5. Under the “Client Settings” tab, ensure the “WindowsPrinter”is enabled.

Windows 2008

  1. Go to“Start” > “Administrative Tools” > “Remote Desktop Services” > “Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration“.
  2. Select “Connections“, right-click the name of the connection > “Properties” > “Client Settings” > “Redirection“. Ensure that“Windows Printer” is not checked.

3. Ensure Drivers Are Installed On Server

Check that the printer drivers for the printer you are attempting to use are installed on the computer you are connecting to. If the drivers haven’t been installed on the computer you are connecting to, the printer won’t appear at all.