Disaster nghĩa là gì

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A recipe for disaster = công thức làm nên thảm họa -> nghĩa là hành động, hoạt động hoặc phương pháp làm việc rất dễ dẫn đến kết quả xấu, tiêu cực.

Ví dụ

Opinion: Magufulis COVID-19 apathy [lãnh đạm, thờ ơ] is a recipe for disaster. Tanzanian President John Magufulis latest attack on the countrys laboratory technicians will further hamper [làm cản trờ] efforts to fight COVID-19 if he is not reined in [kiềm chế], writes DWs Isaac Mugabi. Its time for the region to act.

Dr Hilary Jones has warned [cảnh báo] abandoning [gỡ bỏ] the coronavirus lockdown too early could be a recipe for disaster. The Good Morning Britain regular was inundated [tràn ngập] with questions after Boris Johnson said he could start to ease the measures as of Monday.

Weve long been concerned that allowing tests on the market that have not been approved [được phê chuẩn] and authorized for use is a recipe for disaster.

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