Drop down list multiple columns Excel

Drop down list multiple columns Excel

Excel Data Validation - Select Multiple Items

Instead of limiting a data validation drop down list to a single selection, you can use this macro to allow multiple selections. Video and written instructions, and get the free workbook to see how it works.

  • Multiple Item Selection Articles
  • Video Multiple Item Selection Examples
  • Select Items With Drop Down List
  • Select Multiple Items From Drop Down List
  • View the Code for Select Multiple Items
    • Change the Column Number
    • Change the Sheet and Range Names
  • Video: Multiple Item Selection Setup
  • Allow Editing With Multiple Selections
  • No Duplicates in Cell
  • Remove Previous Selections From Cell
  • Multiple Selection Sample Code
  • Code on Protected Worksheet
  • Download the Sample Data Validation File

Multiple Item Selection Articles

This is the main page for the data validation multiple selection technique. I have also written several blog articles, and you can join in the discussion in the comments there:

  • Select Multiple Items from Excel Data Validation List
  • Edit Multiple Selections in Excel Drop Down Lists
  • How to Set up Multiple Selection Excel Drop Down
  • Excel Drop Down Multi-Select Update
  • No Duplicates in Multiple Selection Excel Drop Down
  • Excel Drop Down Multiple Select or Remove
  • Enter Multiple Items in a Non-Data-Validation Cell
  • Multiple Selection Drop Down With Codes
  • Data Validation - Select Multiple Items From Listbox
  • Select Cell Items From ListBox
  • Show Data Validation Items in List Box

Video Multiple Item Selection Examples

To see how this technique works, and a few multiple selection examples, you can watch this short video.

Select Items With Drop Down List

To make data entry easier, you can add an Excel data validation drop down list to your worksheet. Then, click the arrow, and select an item to fill the cell.

In the worksheet shown below, you can select any month from the drop down list, and it overwrites any previous entry in the cell.

Drop down list multiple columns Excel

Select Multiple Items From Drop Down List

Instead of limiting the drop down list to a single selection, you can use a bit of programming, combined with the data validation list, and allow multiple selections.

With a few adjustments to the VBA code, you can display all the selected items across a row, or down a column, or keep them in a single cell.

Fill Across a Row

In the first example, each item selected in this drop down list fills the next empty cell at the right.

With this option, you could fill player names across a list of innings, or employee names for days of the week.

Drop down list multiple columns Excel

Fill Down a Column

Another option is to fill the selected items down a column, instead of across the row.

Drop down list multiple columns Excel

Add Values To the Same Cell

With another variation in the VBA code, you can keep all the selected items in the same cell, separated by commas.

Drop down list multiple columns Excel

View the Code for Select Multiple Items

The sample workbook uses Excel VBA code, which is set up to run automatically, when you make a change on the worksheet.

To see the code for any sheet in the sample file, you can right-click the sheet tab, and click on View Code.

Drop down list multiple columns Excel

Change the Column Number

In the sample code shown below, column 3 is the only one where the change will occur. In the screen shot, the line is marked with a red dot:

If Target.Column = 3 Then

In your workbook, you could change the 3 to a different number.

If Target.Column = 6 Then

Or, add more columns in the code. For example:

If Target.Column = 3 _ Or Target.Column = 5 _ Or Target.Column = 6 Then

Or, use a starting and ending column. For example:

If Target.Column >= 3 And _ Target.Column <= 10 Then

Or, include a starting row as well. For example:

If Target.Column = 3 _ And Target.Row >= 4 Then

Or, if you don't want to limit the code to a specific column, you could delete the two rows that are marked with a red dot. When those lines are removed, the code will run when any cell with a drop down list is selected.

Drop down list multiple columns Excel

Change the Sheet and Range Names

In some code samples, the sheet names and named ranges are included. You will have to change these to match your sheet names and range names.

For example, shown below is a portion of the code from the LineBreakAddSort sheet. The sheet and range names are highlighted in yellow.

Also, this code is set up for a list in column 3.

i=ws.Cells(Rows.Count,3).End(xlUp).Row + 1

You would need to change that number, if your list is in a different column.

Drop down list multiple columns Excel

Video: Multiple Item Selection Setup

To see the steps for setting up data validation with multiple selection, watch this short video tutorial

Allow Editing With Multiple Selections

With this technique, you can select multiple items from a drop down list, but if you try to edit the cell, you might see a data validation error alert, or find that the VBA code simply added your revised text, to the existing text -- probably not the result that you wanted!

Drop down list multiple columns Excel

Edit the Multiple Selection Drop Down List

In the sample file, on the SameCellEdit worksheet, there is an "Edit Entries" check box. Check that box, and you can edit the cell, without any problems.

To edit a cell with multiple items selected:

  • Add a check mark in the Edit Entries check box
  • Select the cell, and edit the entries, either in the cell, or in the formula bar
  • Press Enter, to complete the editing

Drop down list multiple columns Excel

Return to Multiple Selection

After you finish editing the cell(s), press Enter, to complete the editing. Then, remove the check mark from the Edit Entries check box.

Drop down list multiple columns Excel

Add an Editing Check Box

To add a check box on your worksheet:

  • On the Excel Ribbon's Developer tab, click Insert, and then click the Check Box under Form Controls

Drop down list multiple columns Excel

  • Click at the top of the worksheet, to add a check box

Drop down list multiple columns Excel

  • Select the default text, and type "Edit Entries"

Drop down list multiple columns Excel

  • Somewhere in the workbook, create a cell named "EditMode". In this example, the EditMode cell is on a worksheet named AdminNotes.

Drop down list multiple columns Excel

  • Right-click on the check box, and click Format Control

Drop down list multiple columns Excel

  • On the Control tab, enter EditMode as the Cell link, and click OK.

Drop down list multiple columns Excel

The Revised Multiple Selection VBA Code

In the sample file, you can see the code that allows editing when the Edit Entries box is checked. In the screen shot shown below, the EditMode range is set as a variable (rngEdit), and the code looks at that cell's value.

  • If the value is False (no check mark), the multiple selection code runs.
  • If the value is True (check mark), the multiple selection code does not run.

Drop down list multiple columns Excel

No Duplicates in Cell

On the SameCellNoDups sheet, there is an example where you are not allowed to select the same item twice in any of the cell.

  • If the item is not currently in the cell, it is added to the active cell in column C, separated by a comma
  • If the item has been previously selected in the cell, that item is not added again.

On the SameCellNoDupsCol sheet, duplicate selections are allowed in cells in columns B and D, but no duplicates can be entered in the cells in column C.

Drop down list multiple columns Excel

Remove Previous Selections From Cell

On the SameCellAddRemove worksheet, there is an example that lets you remove items if they been previously selected. For example, the cell contains four items -- "One, Two, Three, Four".

Drop down list multiple columns Excel

When you select Three again, that number is removed from the cell, instead of being added at the end of the cell.

Drop down list multiple columns Excel

Video: Remove Previous Selections From Cell

This video shows how the multiple select and remove features work. You can also see the Excel VBA code, and the steps that it goes through, when you make a selection in the drop down list.

Multiple Selection Sample Code

The following code samples should be copied onto the worksheet module where you want to use the multiple selection technique. This code adds multiple items in the same cell, separated by a comma.

There are many more code examples in the sample workbook that you can download below.

NOTE: This code does not work if the sheet is protected.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) ' Developed by Contextures Inc. ' www.contextures.com Dim rngDV As Range Dim oldVal As String Dim newVal As String If Target.Count > 1 Then GoTo exitHandler On Error Resume Next Set rngDV = Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeAllValidation) On Error GoTo exitHandler If rngDV Is Nothing Then GoTo exitHandler If Intersect(Target, rngDV) Is Nothing Then 'do nothing Else Application.EnableEvents = False newVal = Target.Value Application.Undo oldVal = Target.Value Target.Value = newVal If Target.Column = 3 Then If oldVal = "" Then 'do nothing Else If newVal = "" Then 'do nothing Else Target.Value = oldVal _ & ", " & newVal ' NOTE: you can use a line break, ' instead of a comma ' Target.Value = oldVal _ ' & Chr(10) & newVal End If End If End If End If exitHandler: Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub

Code on Protected Worksheet

If the worksheet is protected, the Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeAllValidation) code will not work. Instead, you can check the .Validation.Type property of the target cell, to see if it contains a drop down list.

This example is on the SameCellProtect sheet in the sample file. It is set up to work on column 3 only.

NOTE: The Premium Version also works on protected worksheets.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) ' Developed by Contextures Inc. ' www.contextures.com 'code runs on protected sheet Dim oldVal As String Dim newVal As String Dim strSep As String Dim strType As Long 'add comma and space between items strSep = ", " If Target.Count > 1 Then GoTo exitHandler 'checks validation type of target cell 'type 3 is a drop down list On Error Resume Next strType = Target.Validation.Type If Target.Column = 3 And strType = 3 Then Application.EnableEvents = False newVal = Target.Value Application.Undo oldVal = Target.Value If oldVal = "" Or newVal = "" Then Target.Value = newVal Else Target.Value = oldVal _ & strSep & newVal End If End If exitHandler: Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub

AutoFilter With Multiple Selections

If you enter multiple items in a cell, you will see each unique combination of items in the AutoFilter drop downs. That can make it difficult to filter for a specific item, such as "Two".

Drop down list multiple columns Excel

In Excel 2010 and later, type in the filter Search box, just above the list of filter options. The list is automatically filtered as you type, to show only the items that contain the text that has been entered in the Search box..

Drop down list multiple columns Excel

In Excel 2007, where there is no Search box, use the Text Filters command. Then, click the Contains command, to open the Custom AutoFilter box, and enter the text you want to filter.

Drop down list multiple columns Excel

Read more about filtering multiple selection on my Contextures Blog: AutoFilter For Multiple Selections

Download the Sample Data Validation File

To experiment with this technique, you can download the zipped sample file: Select Multiple Items from Excel Data Validation List

If you copy the code into a different workbook, remember to check the code for sheet names, range names, row numbers and column numbers, and adjust those if necessary.