Fate the cursed king lỗi hok vào được năm 2024

Nếu so sánh "Hỗn Mang Nguyên Sơ", cũng chính là tổ mẫu của Thế Giới, bao hàm tất cả các khả năng hòa lẫn lại với nhau… Thì Không Gian Số Ảo là một nơi chứa đựng những khả năng mà loài người không thể quan sát được, không thể bị chạm đến bởi các quy luật vật lý hiện có. Nói cách khác, đây là lãnh địa mà những khả năng vô thực, những giả thuyết viễn vông tồn tại.

Mặc dù không thể nào phân tích hay hiểu được, nhưng con người bằng cách kết hợp Khoa Học và Ma Thuật vẫn có thể tạo ra những công nghệ tiên tiến nhất cho phép họ thăm dò bản thân các không gian này, điển hình như PaperMoon dùng để quan trắc và xác định cả hai không gian này, hay chiếc Tàu Ngầm Số Ảo Shadow Border - phương tiện có thể đi xuyên qua các Không Gian khác nhau bằng cách tiến vào Không Gian Số Ảo. Bằng cách sử dụng Thiết Bị Quan Trắc Số Ảo PaperMoon, các nhân viên Chaldea còn sống sót đã vận hành thành công Tàu Ngầm Số Ảo Shadow Border, từ đó bắt đầu tiến vào Không Gian Số Ảo bằng cách thủ công. Phương pháp này ban đầu được đánh giá là tiềm ẩn rất nhiều khó khăn và nguy hiểm nên thủ đoạn can thiệp hiện tượng này đã bị huỷ bỏ. Khác với , linh tử hoá linh hồn con người và dịch chuyển vào đai thời gian với giá trị số, đây là một phương pháp di động xâm nhập thời gian và không gian ngược lại hoàn toàn. Hành động tiến vào kẽ hở của thế giới này còn được biết đến như chìm vào “Biển Thời Gian” và hoàn toàn xoá bỏ bản thân khỏi hiện thực.

Bên trong Không Gian Số Ảo không tồn tại khái niệm 'Thời gian', chỉ cần là còn ở bên trong không gian này thì sẽ không bị thời gian tác động đến, thế nhưng, một khi rời khỏi nơi này thì trở nên thế nào thì không rõ. Những "Làn Sóng" tồn tại trong Biển Số Ảo cũng có thể gây ra sự khác biệt về "Thời - Không" đối với những ai cố gắng thoát khỏi không gian này và trở về thế giới thực.

Sau trận đại chiến kỷ Jura, Nữ Thần Tiamat bị các Cổ Thần Lưỡng Hà phong ấn vào đây, cũng như Thần Điện Thời Gian Ars Paulina - Cố Hữu Kết Giới của Solomon cũng nằm đâu đó trong không gian này.

Bản thân Không Gian Số Ảo dù là biển nhưng không có khái niệm độ sâu, nói chính xác thì nơi này quá sâu, đến mức từ chối quan sát đo đạc bằng khái niệm độ sâu. Vốn dĩ việc cảm nhận được về ‘độ sâu’ của nơi này cũng chỉ là ảo tưởng được tạo ra. Khác với việc di chuyển trong không gian 3 chiều, bất cứ nỗ lực di chuyển lên xuống bình thường nào cũng trở thành vô nghĩa không dẫn đến đâu.

Trong sự kiện Imaginary Scramble, do sự tác động đến từ bên ngoài của các Ngoại Thần nhằm biến nơi này thánh cứ điểm tấn công thế giới thực, những "thứ không thể quan trắc (Số Ảo)" đã hội tụ lại thành "thứ có thể quan trắc được (Số Thực)" và hình thành một hệ sinh thái bên trong nơi này. Nếu không thể giải quyết chúng, tất cả những thông tin mà con người tích luỹ qua hàng thiên niên kỷ, tri giác, nhận thức và kết nối với thế giới sẽ nhanh chóng mất kiểm soát. Rồi nhận thức của thế giới (bản thân của chính thế giới) cũng sẽ bị xáo trộn, đó sẽ là kết thúc của thế giới vật chất.

Ngoài ra những cá nhân mang trong mình nguyên tố Số Ảo hay sở hữu năng lực phù hợp cũng có thể tương tác với nơi này, để bảo vệ Kishinami Hakuno khỏi Moon Cell, Tamamo-no-Mae đã buộc phải mọc lại đuôi của mình, dù sau đó cô đã cắt đứt và phong ấn chúng trong Không Gian Số Ảo. Tuy nhiên, chúng lại đạt được cảm xúc, trở thành Tamamo Nine và tìm cách trốn thoát.. BB cũng đã sử dụng Không Gian Số Ảo trong CCC., của Passionlip có thể sử dụng như một chiếc Túi Không Gian.

Không Gian Số Thực[]

Plus: Không Gian Số Thực (実数空間プラス, Real Number Space?), nếu so sánh Không Gian Số Ảo Minus là "Ranh Giới giữa các Thế Giới", vùng biển trải dài giữa các Dòng Thời Gian, thì Không Gian Số Thực Plus là thứ nằm phía bên kia "Mặt Ranh Giới" của Minus, đó cũng chính là thực tại chứa đựng thế giới vật chất mà chúng ta hiện đang sống.

Trên khía cạnh nào đó, mặc dù cả hai không gian này đều là những vùng “biển”, nhưng những điều cần làm trong Minus và Plus lại hoàn toàn trái ngược nhau. Ví dụ như để có thể tiến vào Minus yêu cầu kẻ đó phải hoàn toàn xóa bỏ sự tồn tại của bản thân khỏi hiện thực, trong khi nếu muốn trở về Plus cần phải liên tục chứng thực sự tồn tại của bản thân.

Số Thực và Số Ảo, hai không gian này không thể cùng tồn tại trên một mặt. Mặc dù công nghệ Zero Sail cho phép cư dân của Số Thực tiến vào Không Gian Số Ảo, thế nhưng sự phân chia mà 'Nhận Thức' tạo ra ấy vẫn luôn hiện hữu chứ không hề mất đi. Đôi mắt tuy có thể ‘nhìn’ nhưng trên thực tế thì đó chỉ là thứ ảo giác mà các giác quan tạo ra, cho nên dù có cùng nhìn vào một thứ thì 100 người sẽ nhìn thấy 100 thứ khác nhau. Cũng tương tự như việc cư dân của Số Ảo không thể quan sát được Không Gian Số Thực. Ngay từ đầu đã không có cách nào để xác thực tính đồng nhất giữa chúng. Miễn là sự phân chia ấy vẫn còn tồn tại thì Số Thực và Số Ảo không thể tác động, không thể gây ảnh hưởng lên nhau.

Thời Gian[]

Vốn ban đầu, Thời Gian không có sự phân chia quá khứ hay tương lai, chỉ cần được tích lũy thì dù có trộn lẫn vào nhau cũng không phải là vấn đề gì, nhưng con người lại ‘định nghĩa Thời Gian’ và tạo thành một trục tuần tự. Trong Fate/EXTRA CCC và Fate/EXTELLA, có hai dạng Vũ trụ chịu ảnh hưởng bao gồm:

Vũ Trụ Quan Trắc[]

Vũ Trụ Quan Trắc (観測宇宙, Universe of Observation?), còn được gọi là Vũ Trụ Nhận Thức (認識宇宙, Universe of Awareness?). Là dạng thực tại mà khái niệm Thời Gian có thể ‘được nhận thức’.

‘Được nhận thức’ nhắc đến ở đây nghĩa là “Quá Khứ・Hiện Tại・Tương Lai” không thể được nhận thức cùng một lúc. Bởi trên mô hình ý thức nhân loại, các sự kiện từ quá khứ, hiện tại cho đến tương lai không thể được phân biệt biểu hiện của thời gian một cách riêng rẽ. Bởi vì tương lai luôn biến đổi dựa trên hiện tại, và hiện tại lại biến đổi dựa theo quá khứ. Lợi điểm của Vũ Trụ Quan Trắc là thay cho việc không thể nhìn thấu tương lai từ hiện tại, đương sự sẽ mang dao động có thể khiến tương lai biến đổi. Từ đó mà có thể cải biến hiện tại là ngày mai.

Lấy ví dụ như trong một cuộc đối thoại thì đó là hiện tại, nhưng những gì đã nói ra trong đó sẽ trở thành quá khứ dù cuộc đối thoại vẫn chưa kết thúc. Đó là cách mà ‘Thời Gian’ hoạt động, và con người phân chia thời gian dựa trên nhận thức của họ, một quy luật đơn giản của Vũ Trụ Quan Trắc.

Thế nhưng dù không nhận thức được tương lai với ngày mai, thì sự thật nơi vạn vật chết đi vẫn là tương lai bất biến, nên Trực Tử Ma Nhãn đồng thời trở thành năng lực tiên tri mạnh nhất.

Con người sống trên "các khả năng" dao động với hàng loạt hiện tượng khác nhau, dù ko thể can thiệp vào những khả năng nhưng vẫn có thể tính toán và ước lượng chúng. Phương thức tính toán của Viện Atlas và Ma Nhãn Vị Lai vừa giống lại vừa khác, nhờ tính toán nhiều khả năng mà nắm được đại khái sự việc. Nhưng dù có định lượng được khả năng sẽ xảy ra thì những chi tiết nhỏ theo kèm có thể sẽ không đồng nhất với nhau. Ví dụ như Zepia Eltnam Atlasia có thể xác định được tương lai Waver Velvet sẽ đến , nhưng ông không biết được chi tiết Reines El-Melloi Archisorte sẽ theo cùng.

Zepia cho rằng ngay cả khi các khả năng không phải vô hạn thì chúng vẫn có thể mở rộng ra vô tận nên việc kiểm tra kỹ lưỡng từng cái một sẽ dẫn đến việc nảy sinh vấn đề khác. Như nghịch lý Achilles và con rùa. Cho nên để đạt được kết quả tối ưu nhất thì con người chỉ nên hạn chế quy mô và những kẻ liên quan trong mức có thể tính toán được.

Bản thân Vũ Trụ Quan Trắc tức là bao hàm cả các "Thế Giới Song Song/Dòng Thời Gian" nằm trong và cả "Dị Thế Giới" nằm ngoài "". Mà trước đó, "Lịch Sử Nhân Loại" bắt đầu từ khi Sáng Tạo Chủng gieo hạt giống xuống, đó cũng là khởi đầu cho sự hình thành của Đại Thụ Thời Gian.

Trong sự kiện Thần Dị Tinh giáng lâm từ Hư Không cùng Không Tưởng Thụ, trái đất bị tẩy trắng và mất đi các khái niệm bảo vệ. Rồi với tác động bành trướng Lãnh Địa Yêu Tinh của Morgan mà ‘Thời Gian’ của Lịch Sử Nhân Loại đã hoàn toàn dừng lại ở thời điểm tháng 12 năm 2017. Sau đó, nhờ sự đản sinh của Thánh Kiếm để kết nối với việc bảo hộ Lịch Sử Nhân Loại, và ở thời điểm Britain bị huỷ diệt thì ‘Thời Gian’ mới bắt đầu chuyển động bình thường trở lại.

Vũ Trụ Ký Lục[]

Vũ Trụ Ký Lục (記録宇宙, Universe of Record?), là dạng thực tại mà khái niệm Thời Gian có thể ‘được ghi lại’.

‘Được ghi lại’ ở đây, có nghĩa là “Quá Khứ・Hiện Tại・Tương Lai” có thể được nhận thức cùng một lúc. Chẳng hạn như, đối với tồn tại ở tầng thứ nguyên cao hơn mang nhận thức của các tầng cao bên trên, vì thế giới 3D giống như một thế giới được viết trong cuộn giấy, kẻ đó có thể nhận thức đồng thời “Quá Khứ・Hiện Tại・Tương Lai” của bản thân trong cuộn giấy đó cùng một lúc như một bản ký lục.

Khác với định nghĩa về vòng lặp thời gian (Time Loop) - nơi thời gian chảy thành một vòng tròn; khởi đầu -> kết thúc -> lại khởi đầu. Vũ Trụ Ký Lục là nơi quá khứ-hiện tại-tương lai đồng nhất với nhau, và vì chỉ như một cuộn giấy nên trên lý thuyết kẻ đó cũng có thể nhảy đến bất kỳ thời điểm nào trên dòng thời gian và tác động lên nó, tuy nhiên dù ‘quá trình’ có thể thay đổi thì ‘kết quả’ sẽ không thể bị tác động, bởi ‘Thời Gian’ của ‘Vũ Trụ Quan Trắc’ có cách để tự chỉnh sửa lại lỗi sai.

Moon Cell Automaton là siêu máy tính khổng lồ có khả năng ghi chép lại toàn bộ các dòng thời gian cả quá khứ-hiện tại-tương lai một cách đồng thời dưới dạng thông tin, hoạt động dưới quy luật của Vũ Trụ Ký Lục. Thế nhưng, Thời Gian của Mặt Ngoài và Mặt Sau của Mặt Trăng lại hoạt động độc lập với nhau.

Thực tại của “Mặt Ngoài của Mặt Trăng” hoạt động như một phần của Vũ Trụ Quan Trắc, còn "Mặt Sau của Mặt Trăng" là một phần của Không Gian Số Ảo, cho nên ‘Thời Gian’ bên trong đó chịu sự ảnh hưởng của Vũ Trụ Ký Lục. Ở thời điểm BB trở thành một với hạt nhân MoonCell, cô ta đã trở thành tồn tại thuộc về Vũ Trụ Ký Lục, dù có chuyện gì xảy ra đi nữa, chỉ riêng sự thật đó là hoàn toàn bất di bất dịch.

Tham khảo[]

  • ↑ Prologue
  • ↑ Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Imaginary Scramble
  • Fate/Grand Order - Moonlight/Lostroom
  • ↑ [1] - Anastasia: Đế Quốc Tầng Đất Băng Giá Vĩnh Cửu, Chương 1: Đế Quốc Của Những Con Thú
  • [] Fate/Grand Order - Thông tin sơ lược Beast II [T] Tiamat - Beast II Minh họa và lồng tiếng Minh họa: Kotetsu Yamanaka Lồng tiếng: Aoi Yūki Thông số Sức mạnh: A+ Sức bền: EX Nhanh nhẹn: C Ma lực: A++ May mắn: EX Bảo Khí: - Thông tin nhân vật One of the creator deities of Mesopotamian myth. The gods were born from the union of the freshwater Abzu and the saltwater Tiamat. Then, the gods rebelled against their father, and seized authority over the world from him. Tiamat quietly approved of her children’s actions. It was proof that her love for her children outweighed her love for her husband. However, the gods then turned their blades on Tiamat. Tiamat wailed and raged, birthing eleven new Magical Beasts to oppose the gods. At the end of the war, Tiamat and the Eleven Beasts were destroyed. The gods split Tiamat’s corpse in two, and used them to form the heavens and earth. It is said that this ritual created the world of humans. Unlock: Primal Planet, Admiring the Sky Chiều cao/Cân nặng: 160 cm ~ 74000000 km²(3)・??kg Xuất xứ: thần thoại Mesopotamian cổ đại Khu vực: Mesopotamia Thiên tính: Phá hoại Giới tính: Nữ The black mud is also included in Tiamat’s height. However, the mud is made of imaginary numbers, so her weight is unquantifiable. Meanwhile, Tiamat’s volume is infinite. In other words, she is a four-dimensional pocket. Unlock: Primal Planet, Admiring the Sky Tiamat is the womb that was cast aside after the world was created. She is the Maternal Sea who was used as the soil to give birth to life, but once the Earth’s environment settled and ecosystems were established, Tiamat was deemed unnecessary and driven out into the world of imaginary numbers. (The Inner World. Lifeless imaginary number space, not a parallel universe.) Because the Earth’s ecosystems were established, Tiamat, who randomly designs life, was no longer needed. The goddess became nothing more than an obstacle to the process by which life forms acquired the intelligence determined by the planet. Since then, Tiamat has been waiting in the world of imaginary numbers for her chance to return to Earth. Unlock: Primal Planet, Admiring the Sky [Kỹ năng trường phái]
  • Authority of the Beast: A This can be considered an anti-humanity Skill. It is an ability that is especially effective against Heroic Spirits, Divine Spirits, and all things born from the mother’s body. This Skill is not possessed solely by the Second Beast, but also by all Magical Beasts she gives birth to.
  • Hiện Thân Độc Lập: B The Skill to manifest independently in the current world. Seven days after manifestation, the Indian Ocean will be smothered black. Once Tiamat manifests, she unceasingly gives birth to Magical Beasts, and sets out to devour humanity. However, the body of the Second Beast is the ocean itself, so it cannot move onto land. Instead, it is her children’s role to mop up the human race. Furthermore, this Skill is an expression of the holder’s presence across all of space-time, rendering her immune to attacks by methods such as time travel paradoxes, and canceling out all instant death attacks as well.
  • Tự Cải Tạo: EX Tiamat can remold her own Saint Graph using the black Sea of Life. Her body can grow from its standard Saint Graph (Femme Fatale) into that of a dragon over 60 meters in length. Once Tiamat becomes a dragon, attacks against her of A++ rank or lower are nullified. Unlock: Primal Planet, Admiring the Sky
  • Sea of Life: EX The Second Beast itself is the sea which gives rise to life. It cycles the True Ether of primordial Earth, so its mana supply within this sea is infinite. All who are caught and drowned in the black mud are randomly assigned the following Skills: Tự Cải Tạo, Life Transformation, Life Fusion, and Individual Multiplication. Once these organisms exit the sea to make landfall, they are forced into a cellular-level geis — a nitrogenous base contract (amino-geis) — and automatically become enemies of humankind.
  • Nega-Genesis: A A Skill of the same type as Nega-Messiah, which is possessed by the Sixth Beast. It is a conceptual bounded field which completely overturns modern evolutionary theory and the predictions of Earth’s genesis. Thanks to this ability, the Second Beast has acquired a strong resistance to the Bảo Khís of Servants created by correct human history.
  • Quái Lực: A++ One’s ability as a monster. This Skill raises the user’s Sức mạnh. It is at about the highest possible level. This is why Tiamat’s Sức mạnh is that of a titan when she makes the black mud into her body and manifests in her draconic form. Unlock: Primal Planet, Admiring the Sky With the collapse of the cornerstone of anthropic principle, Tiamat managed to return to this world with the power of the Holy Grail. And yet, she was in middle of a slumber. Setting aside wherever it was caused by Merlin’s magecraft, she awoke from that sleep due to the attack from Chaldea and set out to eradicate mankind in accordance with her instincts. While there is resentment・hatred・sadness for being discarded as someone who had already served her purpose, this is also a deed of indulging in the “joy” of once again repainting the Earth’s ecosystem and having everything come back to the mother. Her Class was determined by this true nature described above. The goddess of genesis and the likes are nothing but fake names. Deserted by humans, this is one of the most rejected great disasters in human history. Its name is Beast II. One of the seven human vices, the beast carrying the principle of "regression." Unlock: Primal Planet, Admiring the Sky It is impossible to confirm if Tiamat possesses anything resembling a ngườiality. Perhaps she lost her intellect, or perhaps she never had one to begin with. Either is acceptable. The only meaning to her existence is to create, raise, and love her children. Thus, she set out to make war against humanity for declaring that it has no need for her. It is the functioning of an extremely primitive system: “If I do not exterminate modern humanity, I will be killed.” •Motivations・Attitude towards the Master One of seven billion. An obvious target to be obliterated. While the Second Beast is a repulsive invader to humanity, humans are terrifying aliens (extraterrestrials) to the Second Beast. ティアマト - ビーストⅡ イラストレーター・声優 ILLUST:山中虎鉄 CV:悠木碧 パラメータ 筋力:A+ 耐力:EX 敏捷:C 魔力:A++ 幸運:EX 宝具:- キャラクター詳細 メソポタミア神話における創世の神のひとり。 神々は真水であるアプスー、塩水であるティアマトから生み出された。 その後、子供である神々は原父アプスーに反旗を翻し世界の支配権を獲得する。 この時、ティアマトは子供たちの行為を穏やかに容認した。夫への愛より子供たちへの愛が勝っていた証左である。 しかし、神々は母であるティアマトにさえ剣を向けた。ティアマトは嘆き、狂い、新しい子供として十一の魔獣を産みだし、神々と対決する。 戦いの末、ティアマトと十一の魔獣は破れた。 神々は彼女の死体を二つに裂き、天と地を造り、これを人界創世の儀式としたという。 アンロック条件:「原初の星、見上げる空」をクリアすると開放 身長/体重:160cm〜7400万km²・??kg 出典:古代メソポタミア神話 地域:メソポタミア 属性:混沌・悪 性別:女性 黒い泥もティアマトの身長となる。ただし泥は虚数なので重さは計量できない。 反面、体積は無限となる。要は四次元ポケット。 アンロック条件:「原初の星、見上げる空」をクリアすると開放 創世後に切り捨てられた母胎。 生命を生み出す土壌として使われたが、地球の環境が落ち着き、生態系が確立されてからは不要なものとして虚数世界(裏側の世界。並行世界ですらない、生命のない虚数空間)に追放された『母なる海』である。 ……生態系が確立した以上、ランダムに生命をデザインする彼女はもう要らない。 生命体がこの星に準じた知性を獲得する行程において、もう邪魔者でしかなかったのだ。 以後、ティアマトは虚数世界で元の地球に戻るチャンスを待ち続けた。 アンロック条件:「原初の星、見上げる空」をクリアすると開放 【クラス別スキル】 ○獣の権能:A 対人類、とも呼ばれるスキル。 英霊、神霊、なんであろうと“母体”から生まれたものに対して特効性能を発揮する。 これはビーストII本体だけでなく、彼女から生まれた魔獣すべてに付与される。 ○単独顕現:B 単体で現世に現れるスキル。 一度顕現してしまえば七日に渡りインド洋を塗り替える。 顕現してからは休む事なく魔獣たちを生み出し、人類を食い尽くす。 反面、ビーストⅡ本体は海そのものなので陸地にあがる事はできない。 人類掃討は子供である魔獣たちの仕事となる。 また、このスキルは“既にどの時空にも存在する”在り方を示しているため、時間旅行を用いたタイムパラドクス等の攻撃を無効にするばかりか、あらゆる即死系攻撃をキャンセルする。 ○自己改造:EX 黒い生命の海を用いて自分の霊基を作り替える。 通常の霊基状態(ファム・ファタール)から、全長60メートルを超す竜体に成長する。 竜体になったティアマトはランクA++以下の攻撃を無効化する。 アンロック条件:「原初の星、見上げる空」をクリアすると開放 ○生命の海:EX ビーストⅡは生命を生み出す海そのものである。 地球創世記の真エーテルを循環させている為、この海の中では魔力は無限に供給される。 黒泥に囚われ、海中に沈んだ者は自己改造、生態変化、生態融合、個体増殖といったスキルがランダムに付加される。 海から地上に出る際にはビーストIIと細胞クラスでのギアス……塩基契約(アミノギアス)しなければならず、自動的に人類の敵になってしまう。 ○ネガ・ジェネシス:A ビーストⅥが持つ『ネガ・メサイヤ』と同類のスキル。 現在の進化論、地球創世の予測をことごとく覆す概念結界。 これをおびたビーストⅡは、正しい人類史から生まれたサーヴァントたちの宝具に強い耐性を獲得する。 ○怪力:A++ 魔物としての能力。自身の筋力を向上させる。 ほぼ最上級のもの。黒泥を体とし、竜体として現れたティアマトの筋力は巨人のそれである。 アンロック条件:「原初の星、見上げる空」をクリアすると開放 人理定礎の崩壊、そして聖杯の力によりこちらの世界に帰還を果たしたティアマトは、しかし、深い微睡みの中にいた。 それがマーリンの魔術によるものかはさておき、カルデアの攻撃によりその眠りから目覚め、その本能に従って人類掃討に乗り出した。 それは用済みとして捨てられた恨み・憎しみ・悲しみもあるが、 もう一度地球の生態系を塗り替え、すべての母に返り咲く『喜び』に耽る行為でもある。 以上の本性をもって彼女のクラスは決定された。 創世の女神など偽りの名。 其は人間が置き去りにした、人類史に最も拒絶された大災害。 その名をビーストⅡ。 七つの人類悪のひとつ、『回帰』の理を持つ獣である。 アンロック条件:「原初の星、見上げる空」をクリアすると開放 人格らしきものは確認できない。 理想をなくしたのか、はじめから理性がないのか、どちらともとれる。 ただ子供を産み、育て、愛でる事だけを存在意義としているが、これを否定された為に『おまえはいらない』と決議した人類との戦いに乗り出した。 『現人類を駆除しないと自分が殺される』という、きわめて原始的なシステムで稼働している。 ○動機・マスターへの態度 七十億分の一。当たり前の抹殺対象。 人類にとってビーストIIはおぞましい侵略者(インベーダー)だが、ビーストIIにとっても人間はおそろしい異星人(エイリアン)なのである。 [] Fate/Grand Order - Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia - Giải thích Keyword - Tiamat Tiamat ティアマト メソポタミア神話に登場する海の女神。淡水の神・アプスーと交わり、たくさんの神々を産み落としたが、成長した彼らにアプスーを殺され、その怒りと悲しみで子どもたちとの戦闘を決意。彼らと戦うために十一体の怪物を産み出した。しかし、ティアマトと神々の戦いはティアマト軍が敗北……。その後、神々はティアマトの亡骸を引き裂き海に浮かべ、それがメソポタミアの大地となったとされている。
  • Fate/Grand Order - Salomon: Quan Vị Thần Điện Thời Gian
  • Fate/EXTRA CCC - Tamamo Ending
  • Fate/EXTRA CCC
  • [] Fate/EXTRA CCC - BB Matrix Class: Moon Cancer Name: BB Master: None Bảo Khí: Cursed Cutting Crater (C. C. C.) Keyword: Advanced level AI, khakkhara of direction Sức mạnh: ★, Sức bền: ★, Nhanh nhẹn: ★, Ma lực: ★, May mắn: ★ Golden Grail: EX, Self-Modification: EX, Potnia Theron: EX Keywords Cursed Cutting Crater (C. C. C.) An attack on the world by BB in control of the Moon Cell. Also called the spirit particle imaginary pit. A world purge by means of event rewriting, making maximum use of the EX skill “Potnia Theron” BB had acquired. The goddess who is the mother of the earth goddesses who created the earth is, in other words, the “root” that created all creation. This Noble Phantasm is an anti-world Noble Phantasm that outputs information like an ultra-precise 3d printer and crushes the present world with the world desired by the user. The space eroded by BB becomes imaginary space and a curse that consumes reality. CCC as the name suggests is a cursed pit that bores out reality. In addition to scattering all objects inside on an atomic level and reconstructing them, it is capable of writing over and rewriting information of fields such as luck and coincidence. While theoretical, it is also thought possible to distort the time axis by interfering with gravity fields and rewrite the law of cause and effect. When used in combat, BB’s familiars, the shapeshifters engulf the target, and after turning into a sphere, is wiped out of existence along with the target and the dimension with it. Normally, a structure in which value can be shared cannot be constructed in the far side of the world, which is imaginary space. What established BB’s internal world as the Sakura labyrinth was the power of this Noble Phantasm. Advanced Level AI An artificial intelligence configured according to their program. In this age, they are treated as things that "function as programs," but "do not exist as actual beings." In other words, things that "are" right in front of your eyes but "are not." They are merely a mechanisms for the sake of allowing human lives to progress smoothly. As it is the same for the SE.RA.PH, they are virtual lifeforms that are created along with the commencement of the Holy Grail War and disposed along with its completion. Within the SE.RA.PH. the humanoid virtual lifeforms are: the NPCs that perform only one task, AIs who have been granted the capability for self-judgement, and the advanced level AIs who have been trusted with the capability for self-judgement ad the management of a section. Advanced level AIs are things created to efficiently promote the Moon Cell's primary objective of "human observation." As they are perfect reproductions of humans, they have been programmed with a at least a soul, but while the soul "is there," it is contents are still colorless. The virtual lifeforms that the SE.RA.PH creates are reset with the round of the Holy Grail War. The NPCs and AIs return to zero, while advanced level AIs retain just their persona and their memories are reset--made to pretend that they never existed. When the Holy Grail War is over, the one who is left alive is the Master standing at the summit. This is a fact that applies not just to the Masters but is also held in common by the virtual lifeforms that the SE.RA.PH created. It appears that BB is an advanced level AI entrusted with managing the health of the Masters, the same as Sakura. However, as she is now rampaging for reasons unknown, the methods she uses to "manage the Masters" have become extreme. Khakkhara of Direction The teacher's pointer that BB carries. A device that allows her to use her use her authority as an advanced level AI to its fullest. There are restrictions from the far side of the moon, but with this, BB can revise the game rules (spirit particle laws within the SE.RA.PH) The ten crowns of direction worn by the Beast of Babylon converted into a teacher's cane. This is due to the theory that the seven-headed beast is male, which opposes the theory that it is female; it's true nature is a phallus (an erect rod). The symbol of the king of the world who was granted power and authority by a great dragon and, during a period of 42 months, spat as many arrogant words as they desired and had received the right to desecrate all things. The beasts heads are the seven hills of the Roman Empire... Capitolium, Palatium, Aventinus, Esquilinus, Caelius, Quirinalis, Viminalis. In other words, it symbolized the Roman Empire itself, and those ten horns were symbols of... Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero, Vespasianus, Titus, Galba, Otho, Vitellius... those emperors. 01 - C. C. C.カースド・カッティング・クレーター ムーンセルを掌握したBBによる、世界を犯す攻撃。 霊子虚構陥穽とも。 BBが獲得したEXスキル『百獣受胎ポトニア・テローン』を最大限に活用した、事象書き換えによるワールド・パージ。 大地を創造した地母神たちの母にあたる女神とは、即ち、万物を生み出した「根源」である。 この宝具はその情報を超精密立体プリンターとして出力し、使用者の望むままの世界で、いまある世界を握りつぶす対界宝具である。 BBに侵食された空間は虚数空間となり、現実を蝕む呪いとなる。『C.C.C.』はその名の通り、現実をえぐり切り取る呪いの大穴なのだ。 その場にある物体を原子単位までばらばらにして再構成する他、運不運、偶然といった場の情報を書き換えて再出力する事もできる。 理論上の話になるが、重力場に干渉すれば時間軸を歪めて因果律を書き換える事も可能とされる。 ◆ 戦闘に使用した場合、BBの使い魔であるシェイプシフターが対象を包み、球体化したのち、対象と共に次元ごと消滅する。 本来、虚数空間である月の裏側において、価値観を共有できる構造体は創造できない。 BBの心象世界をサクラ迷宮として成立させていたのも、この宝具の力である。 02 - 上級AI プログラムによって構成された人工知能。 この時代では『プログラムとして機能しているが』 『存在として成立しないもの』とされている。 つまり、目の前に『有る』が『無い』もの。 人間の生活をスムーズに進めるための機構にすぎない。 それはSE.RA.PHにおいても同様で、彼らは聖杯戦争開始と共に作られ、終了と共に廃棄される仮想生命体とされる。 SE.RA.PHにおける人間型の仮想生命は、単一の目的だけをこなすNPC、自己判断資格を与えられたAI、自己判断資格とセクション管理を任された上級AIがある。 上級AIはムーンセルの主目的である『人間観察』を効率的に進めるために作られたもの。 人間を完全に再現しており、魂すらプログラムされているが魂は『有る』だけで、その中身は無色のまま。 SE.RA.PHに作られた仮想生命たちは、その回の聖杯戦争が終了するとリセットされる。 NPCやAIはゼロに返るが、上級AIはパーソナルだけ残し、その記録はリセット————無かった事にされる。 聖杯戦争が終わった時、生き残るのは頂点に立ったマスターだけ。 それはマスターだけではなく、SE.RA.PHに作られた仮想生命たちも共通なのだ。 ◆ BBは桜と同じく、マスターたちの健康管理を任された上級AIと思われる。 しかし原因不明の暴走により、『マスターを管理する』 方法が極端なものになってしまったようだ。 03 - 支配の錫杖 BBが持つ教鞭。 上級AIとしての権限をフルに使用できるデバイス。 月の裏側限定ではあるが、これによってBBはSE.RA.PH内の霊子法則ゲームルールを変更する事ができる。 ◆ バビロンの獣がかぶる『十の支配の王冠』を教鞭に変えたもの。 これは七つの首の獣が女性原理に対応する男性原理であり、その本質はファロス(まっすぐな棒)だからである。 大いなる竜から王座と権威を与えられ、さらに42ヶ月の間、どれだけ不遜な言葉を吐いてもよく、あらゆるものを冒涜する権利を与えられたという世界の王の象徴。 獣の首はローマ帝国の七つの丘…… カピトリウム、パラティウム、アウェンティヌス、エスクイリヌス、カエリウス、クイリナリス、ウィミナリス、すなわちローマ帝国そのものを意味し、十の角はその皇帝…… アウグストゥス、ティベリウス、カリグラ、クラウディウス、ネロ、ウェスパシアヌス、ティトゥス、ガルバ、 オト、ウィテリウス……を象徴している。 Skills Golden Grail [EX] The golden grail that BB possesses. The Holy Grail. The Holy Grail that grants its owner's impudent and selfish desires. The grail that the great enchantress who appears in The Revelation of St. John the Divine holds. Though it's a counterfeit Holy Grail, it's because that it's a counterfeit Holy Grail that it's become a "genuine" Holy Grail that grants the desires of humans without paying heed to right or wrong. To the Christians of those days, who considered honorable poverty a virtue, this grail, which was formed as a symbol of treasures such as gold, is no doubt the meaning of corrupt wealth, greed, and the vanity that leads one to adorn oneself. Though it is clear on the occasion that this grail is held by the great enchantress of Babylon which in the personification of the Roman Empire, this grail symbolizes the wealth of the earth, which is the inversion of Christ's words, "Do not pile up the wealth of the earth." I saw a single woman astride a red beast. This beast, whose entire body was full of numerous blasphemous names, had seven heads and ten horns. This is the description of the beast of destruction that appeared in the Holy City and the woman who was straddling this beast, according to the book of Revelation. A large beast with seven heads like a hydra came from the sea and disembarked toward the Holy City. This beast and woman, while two, are as one, and it is impossible to think of them separately. It is said that this woman was born from evil, and those who are quick to anger, those who are greedy, cannot resist her allure and become corrupted by that grail. This is a digression, but it is sad that the red Saber who claims the title of emperor was, after her death, was seen by believers to be on par with this beast. Self-Modification [EX] A skill that allows one to restructure oneself. AIs created by the Moon Cell are under an absolute rule, "Improving one's functionality is not allowed." However, BB, who had escaped that yoke due to her breaking down, began to expand her own functions. In order to boost her calculating power, she had that black noise prey on and dismantle NPCs, AIs, and finally, Servants, and utilized them as her own memory. Though they were appendix-like additions that won't spare her from the fate of collapsing on her own, BB has changed into a hyper level AI who holds an enormous amount of capacity. Like the towns on reclaimed land that continue to build architecture while knowing that it will be swallowed by water or Frakenstein's monster. Potnia Theron [EX] Potnia Theron (Conception of All Animals). The authority of the goddesses whom BB compiled and absorbed from the abyss of the mooncell. What it is is the embodiment of the power of creation possessed by the mother goddesses, originating from a forgotten goddess approximately 8000 years ago (the goddess of Çatalhöyük), and branching to Tiamat and Cybele, Ishtar, Inanna, Athena, Astarte, Gaia, Hera, Artemis, Aphrodite, Demeter, Athena, etc. Many are imaged with mural crowns. This is because many of the goddesses were also the guardian deities of cities. ◆ The symbols of this authority are the holes opening in the earth and the sky (caves and the moon), the whirlpools and typhoons of the sea, the craters of volcanos, and so on, and from these, evils bringing forth all manners of death are birthed. But once these evils have finished spreading death, they leave the promise of good harvest and fertility. This authority is none other than the power of bringing death as well as giving life. The earth mother is a guardian deity revered by the people and their protector, and at the same time she is the sacrifice that feeds them with the crops born from her body and the beasts of the fields and the forests. The earth mother feeds man with her blood and flesh, kills man over time and absorbs him as nutrition, and once again feeds man with her replenished blood and flesh. This process is the circle of the food chain, and the cycle of life and death can be said to be the true nature of the earth mother. With this authority, most of the goddesses gave birth to countless monsters and giants and posed a threat to the gods and man, or they gave birth to heroes and became protectors of man. Tiamat and Gaia are examples of those who became threats, and Hera is an example of a mother of heroes. ◆ Those born on this earth cannot defy the authority of the earth mother, as that would mean rebelling against the system of life itself. However, it is when they have left this earth to go into outer space and ended the infantile stage of intelligent lifeforms that they should no longer be bound to this authority.. The wish of Çatalhöyük is the coming of that day. 01 - 黄金の杯:[EX] BBが持つ黄金の杯。聖杯とも。 持ち主の厚顔で自分勝手な願い事を叶える負の聖杯。 ヨハネ黙示録にある、バビロンの大妖婦が持っていた杯。 偽聖杯であるが、偽の聖杯であるからこそ、正邪問わずに人間の欲望を叶える“本物の”聖杯となっている。 当時の清貧を美徳としたキリスト教徒にとって、金などという財の象徴で形作られた杯は、まさしく汚れた富と強欲、そして己を飾ろうとする虚偽を意味するものであった。 ローマ帝国の化身であるバビロンの大妖婦が手にする杯という時点で明瞭であるが、この杯はキリストの「地に富を積んではならない」と言う言葉を反転させた、地上の富を象徴している。 ◆ “わたしは、赤い獣にまたがっている一人の女を見た。 この獣は、全身至るところ神を冒涜する数々の名で覆われており、七つの頭と十本の角があった。” これは黙示録曰く、聖都に現れた滅びの獣と、その獣にまたがっていた女の描写である。 七つの頭を持つヒュドラの如き巨大な獣は海より現れ、聖都に上陸したという。 この獣と女は二つで一つであり、切り離して考える事はできない。 女はすべての邪悪を生み出すものとされ、短慮なる者、欲深き者は彼女の誘惑に逆らえず、その杯によって堕落したという。 余談ではあるが、皇帝を名乗る赤いセイバーはその死後、信徒たちにこの獣と同一視され敵視されたという。 02 - 自己改造:[EX] 自身を改造するスキル。 ムーンセルによって作られたAIには“機能を向上させてはならない”という絶対命令が備わっている。 しかし、故障によりそのくびきから逃れたBBは自己機能の拡張を始めてしまった。 計算能力を高めるためにNPC、AI、はてはサーヴァントまで黒いノイズで捕食・分解し、自らのメモリとして使用。 自己崩壊をいとわない後付け増築だが、結果、BBは膨大な容量を持つ超級AIと化した。 その有様は沈水しながらも建築を続ける埋め立て地の都市か、フランケンシュタインの怪物のようでもある。 03 - 百獣母胎:[EX] 百獣母胎ポトニア・テローン。 それはBBがムーンセルの深淵より編纂し、取り込んだ女神の権能である。 約8000年前のすでに名の失われた女神(チャタル・ヒュユクの女神)より発し、 ティアマットやキュベレー、イシュタル、イナンナ、アナテ、アスタルテ、ガイア、ヘラ、アルテミス、アフロディーテ、デメテル、アテナなどに派生した、母なる女神の持つ万物を生み出す力の具現である。 多くは城壁冠の形をとってイメージされる。 これはこれらの女神の多くが、同時に都市の守護神でもあったからだ。 ◆ 大地や空に開いた門(洞窟や月)、海の渦潮や竜巻、火山の火口などに象徴され、そこからあらゆる死をもたらす害悪を生み出す。 ただし、その害悪は死をまき散らした後、確かな豊穣や多産を約束するもの。 この権能は死と同時に生を生み出す力に他ならない。 大地母神は人々によって崇められ、それらを加護する守護神であると同時に、その身から生まれ出る穀物や作物、野や森の獣によって人々を養う犠牲そのものでもある。 大地母神は自らの血肉によって人を養い、そして時を経ればその人を殺して自らの糧として己の血肉を回復し、またその回復した血肉で人を養う。 この過程は食物連鎖の円環そのものでもあり、この生と死の循環こそが大地母神の本質と言っていい。 ほとんどの女神はこの権能で、無数の怪物や巨人を生んで神々や人の脅威となり、あるいは英雄を生み、それから人々を守った。 その代表例は、脅威となったならばティアマットやガイア、英雄の母ならばヘラである。 ◆ この大地に生まれたものは、母なる神の権能には逆らえない。それは生命のシステムそのものに反逆する事だからだ。 しかし大地を離れ、宇宙を目指し、知性体としての幼年期を終えた時こそ、この権能が打ち破れる事だろう。 チャタル・ヒュユクの願いは、その日が訪れる事にある。 Setting Spirit Particle Imaginary Trap Cursed Cutting Crater (Spirit Particle Imaginary Trap) The official name of this stage. The fact that BB had reached the Moon Cell core established this “place”, formerly imaginary space for storing malicious information, as real space in the present, past, and future. It was reconstructed at her hands as a “far side of the moon” where even Masters can exist. BB attaining the power of the primordial goddess succeeded in quantifying the “nothingness” before the birth of life. She transformed into a master of imaginary space where time and space are indefinite. While the Moon Cell can’t be hacked however much time is spent, BB was able to take control of it by placing herself in “unlimited time”. 02 The remnants of peaceful days After the constraints to her free will were removed by Kiara, she was unable to control her status abnormality and went into overload. As NPCs can only do routine work, they ignored Sakura while she was crashing down as being “non-existent”, and since the mooncell only performs a check at the end of the day in the preliminaries, Sakura was within an inch of termination. (MC name) witnessing this called to her. Are you okay, he/she said. The observation of Sakura “being here” by a third party helped her recover her close to disappearing unconscious, and the subsequent nursing gave her a clear ego of “wanting to be here”. Her self-destruction was averted. ◆ What happened afterwards need not be said. When the next day comes, everything will be erased by the mooncell. Sakura wanting to continue this one day miracle used her higher class AI privilege to repeat the day she came to know the MC for 69 days. However as time passed, Sakura came to suffer from her self-contradiction as an AI and from the fact that she dragged (MC name) into this. “The Masters participating in the holy grail war will all die, barring one exception. No, even then (MC name)…..” Sakura continued to suffer from her desire to continue the loop for eternity and her feelings for (MC name) The decision she chose ultimately was to seal the 69 days worth of memory, the love she acquired, so she could return to being a normal AI. An AI cannot delete records. Because of that, she moved the memory to a backup machine to reset herself. Believing that to be the best choice for (MC name). ◆ But even if the memories in the mind are lost, the memories recorded by the body continue to live. Though she had forgotten everything and was back to being a normal AI, she was shaken by emotional values of unknown origin every time she talked with the MC. Meanwhile, the backup to which she moved her memory, couldn’t tolerate herself, and she decided her course of action and made her move as BB, the rebel plotting to destroy the system of the mooncell for a certain objective. The timing she took control of the far side of the moon was between the end of the fifth round and the beginning of the sixth in real time. Four Masters who were not defeated yet, (MC name), Leo, Rin, and Rani, and the irregular exception Jinako were kidnapped to the far side during the war while they were still alive. Matou Shinji, Gato, Julius were moved to imaginary space 0.00001 seconds before the firewall would have destroyed them after they were defeated, prolonging their flash of life. Regardless, CCC is a dream by BB. If the dreamer is no more, the world ought to return to a reality where nothing happened. ◆ By the way, the everyday scenery in the prologue that (MC name) saw in his nightmare was an artificial paradise modeled off the discarded 69 days. After pulling (MC name) to the near side, BB placed his digital body in the old school building, putting into a deep sleep and sealing him in a never ending dream. Normally, he would have lived peacefully in the looping everyday life, but the strength of his bond with his Servant, or his own will rejecting the peaceful days caused cracks in the artificial garden and (MC name) came to notice something was not right. In order to place (MC name) into deep slumber once more, BB reset the school building and tried to redo the dream, but the (MC name) escaped the reset and leaped into a deeper part of imaginary space It was a depth deeper than the bottom of Id. “The death of the collective unconscious” beneath the unconscious. What saved (MC name) who leaped into a region even BB cannot affect was the voice of the Servant whose fate was shared with his. Thus, the contract was sealed, and (MC name) woke up in the old school building left in the far side. 01 - 霊子虚構陥穽 霊子 虚構 陥穽カースド・カッティング・クレーター。 この舞台の正式名称。 悪性情報を貯蔵するだけの虚数空間だった“ここ”は、BBがムーンセル中枢に到達した事実をもって、現在・過去・未来において実数空間として成立。 彼女の手によって、マスターたちでも存在できる“月の裏側”として再構築された。 ◆ 原初の女神の力を手に入れたBBは生命が生まれる前の『無』を数値化する事に成功。 時間も空間もあやふやな虚数空間の使い手に変革した。 どれほどの時間を要しようがハッキングできないムーンセルだが、BBは『無限の時間』の概念に自分を置く事で攻略した。 02 - 日々の名残 日々の名残: 予選中、キアラの手によって自由性を解放された彼女はそのステータス異常を制御できずに過負荷を起こした。 NPCたちはルーチンワークしかできないため、自壊しかけていた桜を“無い”ものとしてスルーし、予選ではムーンセルのチェックは一日の終わりにしか行われないため、桜は消滅の危機にあった。 その異常を目の当たりにした岸波白野は彼女に呼びかける。大丈夫か、と。 桜は“自分はここにいる”という他者からの観測を受けて消滅寸前だった無意識を持ち直し、その後の看病によって明確に“ここに在りたい”という自我を獲得。自己消滅から免れた。 ◆ その後の事はもはや語るまでもない。 翌日になればすべてムーンセルの手によって消されてしまう。この、たった一日の奇蹟を続けたがった桜は上級AIの特権を使用して “岸波白野と知り合った一日”を69日間、繰り返した。 しかし日が進むにつれ桜はAIとしての自己矛盾と、岸波白野を取り巻くある事実に苦しむ事になる。 “聖杯戦争に参加したマスターは、ひとりを除いてみな死亡する。いや、そもそも岸波白野は————” 桜は幸せな時間を永遠にループしていたという我欲と、岸波白野への思いに苦しみ続けた。 結論として、彼女は正常なAIに戻るため、69日に及ぶメモリー……獲得した“愛”を封印する道を選んだ。 AIには記録を消す事はできない。 そのため、バックアップの機体にメモリーを移動させる事で自らをリセットしたのだ。 それが岸波白野にとって、もっとも正しい選択と信じて。 ◆ だが精神の記憶は失っても、肉体が記録した思い出は生き続ける。 すべてを忘れ正常なAIに戻ったはずの彼女は、岸波白野と話すたびに正体不明の感情値に揺れ動かされる事になる。 一方、メモリーを移植されたバックアップはそんな自分を許せず、ある目的のためムーンセルのシステムを破壊する反逆者・BBとして自らの方針を定め、行動を開始した。 彼女が月の裏側を掌握したタイミングは、現実時間で“聖杯戦争 五回戦終了~六回戦開始前”。 まだ敗退していなかった岸波白野、レオ、凛、ラニの四名、そしてイレギュラーのジナコは聖杯戦争の途中、生きている状態で月の裏側に拉致された。 間桐シンジ、ガトー、ユリウス、といったマスターは聖杯戦争で敗れた後、ファイヤーウォールによって消滅する“0.00001秒前”に虚数空間に移動させられ、一瞬の命を長らえていた。 どちらにせよ、C.C.C.はBBが見ていた夢である。 夢を見ていたものが消え去れば、世界はもとの、何事もなかった現実に戻るだろう。 ◆ また、余談ではあるが岸波白野が悪夢として見た冒頭の日常風景は、捨てられた69日間をモデルにして作られた人工楽園である。 BBは岸波白野を月の裏側に引きずりこんだ後、旧校舎にその電脳体を安置させ、深い眠りに落とし、覚めない夢の中に閉じこめた。 通常ならループする日常の中で平和に過ごすのだが、サーヴァントとの強い繋がり、あるいは、安寧の日常を否定する岸波の意思によって人工楽園に綻びが生じ、岸波は異常に気がつくのだった。 BBはもう一度岸波白野を深い眠りに落とすため、校舎をリセットして夢をやり直そうとしたが、岸波はそのリセットからも逃れ、虚数空間の更なる深部に飛びこんでしまう。 そこはイドの底のさらに底。 無意識の下にある、“集合無意識の死”である。 BBでさえ手を出せない領域に飛びこんだ岸波白野を救ったのは、運命を共にするサーヴァントの声だった。 かくして契約は交わされ、岸波白野は月の裏側に残された旧校舎で目を覚ます事になる。
  • [] Fate/Grand Order - BB (Mooncancer) Profile [T] BB - Mooncancer Illustrator and Voice actor Illustrator: Arco Wada Voice Actor: Noriko Shitaya Parameters Strength: E Endurance: C Agility: D Mana: A Luck: EX Noble Phantasm: A Personal Skills Ten Crowns: D Aurea Boura: C Self-Modification: EX Class Skills Magic Resistance: B Item Construction: A Territory Creation: A Noble Phantasm Cursed Cupid Cleanser: C.C.C. Rank: A Type: Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm Profile A unique case that occurred in the Mooncell Automaton. Originally an advanced AI stationed for the sake of managing the health of the Masters, but it went wild due to a bug. A cyber devil that ruled the far-side of the moon as a cancer that encroached the virtual world, obstructing the SE.RA.PH’s Holy Grail War. A personification of illegal modifications, who forced the participants of the Holy Grail War to abide by the rules while she herself violated the rules all the time. A kouhai-type devil heroine who puts all her efforts in manipulating the senpai (Master) as a cheerful, precocious kouhai - all while carrying out world destruction as if part of the breakfast. “A well-behaved fight is boring, right? I want to see everybody’s faces of suffering more!” Just like this, one can tell in a glance that her behavioral and personality settings are twisted, but--- well, that is just your usual BB-chan. Level 1 Bond Height/Weight: 156cm・46kg Source: Fate/EXTRA CCC Region: SE.RA.PH Alignment: Chaotic Good Gender: Female “To tell the truth, a Ruler would have been preferable, but I called it off. A framework in which even the Game Master is bound by rules; that is just a machine. For the sake of love, BB-chan will choke back her tears and torment all of humanity!” Level 2 Bond With a behavior that is wicked and excited, a headlong mastermind girl who plunges forwards even when her words and actions slip up. The personification of a heart in love which, despite originally possessing an introverted character that could not step forward, earnestly becomes proactive for the sake of her beloved. Despite enthusiastically playing the part of a villain, since she has no groundings in it, she just end up slipping up after all. Her self-assured manner comes from latent sadistic preferences. The impish-type classification originate from this. In addition, since she is the type that explodes after much enduring, she displays a tremendous, extreme sadism when the time comes. “This is so fun!” - she gets high in such a manner while playing a villain, but hanging her head and getting depressed after retiring to the backstage and cooling off is also pretty much routine. Although she created lesser AIs - the Alteregos - as familiars to help her with her job, she has a bad relationship with the Egos. Even so that is only natural; for they are not “copies of BB’s personality” but AIs “built with her personality as a basis”, so each one have different opinions to that of their parent, BB. This is why Meltlilith and Passionlip are designated Alteregos (different personality) and not avatars. Level 3 Bond "C.C.C." Rank: A Type: Anti-Unit Range: 1~10 Maximum Targets: 1 person Cursed Cupid Cleanser. In the past, BB used a Noble Phantasm called Cursed Cutting Crater (Spiritual Particles Imaginary Pitfall), but now she brought out a new technique with a triumphant look while saying: “I got tired of that after using it so many times. The theme this time is ‘cupid’ and ‘curelize’! Oh, but the cursed part does not disappear just because I become your ally. BB-chan’s curse is eternal!” Drawing the Mooncell’s power, she changes into the shape of an invincible nurse. Immediately after, she draws malignant information from her territory - the imaginary space - and overwrites the surrounding channel (common awareness) into something chaotic. Unfolding the Reality Marble, “BB Channel - Branch-off Edition”, and throwing the opponent into a melting pot of disorder... or so she says, but this is simply an syringe attack after BB has changed into nurse clothes. Level 4 Bond
  • Ten Crowns: D (EX) An Authority-class transcedental skill. It has been said that the ten crowns indicate the ten evil kings, and the seven hills indicate the abominable city of evil. If you look at it in simple terms, this is a skill that turns all received injuries, occurred events, any and every result into “something nonexistent”. As a matter of fact, BB is invincible so long she has this. “Or so was in the past. You see, an invincible cheat is disgraceful when you look up close, right? So this is an unnecessary skill for the beautiful and cute BB-chan that we have now.☆ Oh, but it should be alright to use it just a little, right? Look, just like this!”
  • Self-Modification: EX A skill to remodel oneself. The Mooncell’s AIs are endowed with an absolute order to “never improve one’s functions”. However, having escaped such restrain thanks to a breakdown, BB began to expand her own functions. In order to raise her calculation abilities, she decomposes・preys upon NPCs, AIs and even Servants with a black noise and employs them as her own memory. A retrofit-annex that disregards the danger of self-collapse, but BB became a super AI possessing a vast capacity as a result. Such state is like a city on reclaimed land that continues to build new structures even while sinking; or maybe something more like the monster of Frankenstein. Level 5 Bond The out-of-control AI that once caused the Case: CCC. She was a management AI for the school infirmary, but a bug caused her self-preservation command structure go wild. Reaching the conclusion of “must preserve myself at all costs” for a certain reason, she ended up capturing NPCs, Servants and Masters and turning into a monster that continues to grow. While declaring to “hate humans”, she brought in a certain Master to the far side of the moon and tormented him. Despite believing herself to be sane, from an objective point of view, she is clearly mad. One can occasionally feel the inconsistency of excessive affection・disordered love and hate hanging on her behavior, but you should refer to the original CCC in regards to the causes behind this. Also, her LCK parameter was of the lowest rank (E-), but it became EX thanks to BB’s world-distorting efforts (and devotion). In other words, she once accomplished a “miracle” that was impossible to be achieved without the assumption of “EX Rank LCK”. Interlude Due the Kiara of the FGO world becoming one with the Kiara of the CCC world, as a countermeasure, the Mooncell temporarily turned BB into a Servant and dispatched her to the FGO world. (that is because an user of imaginary(1) space such as BB is qualified to restrain Kiara). Thus, despite being “a reproduction of the bug named BB”, she became able to intervene on the Seraphix as an independent virtual life-form. The BB that appeared in the FGO world behaves in a impish manner just like during the “CCC Incident”, but for her that incident feels like something from tens of thousands years in the past. In addition, she can only remain as a Servant like this in the FGO world and is also aware that she does not exist in the original “CCC world”. BB understand that she is a one-night-only dream. BB places herself not as “a tool to save humanity”, but as “a devil that at times misleads, at times helps humanity”. “So, it is futile to grow fond of me, you see? For even if you become madly in love with BB-chan, you’ll never be able to catch me (heart)”, or so she says with a triumphant look. BB - ムーンキャンサー イラストレーター・声優 ILLUST:ワダアルコ CV:下屋則子 パラメータ 筋力:E 耐力:C 敏捷:D 魔力:A 幸運:EX 宝具:A 保有スキル 十の王冠:D 黄金の杯:C 自己改造:EX クラス別能力 対魔力:B 道具作成:A 陣地作成:A 宝具 C.C.C.カースド・キューピッド・クレンザー ランク:A 種別:対人宝具 キャラクター詳細 かつてムーンセル・オートマトンに発生した特殊事例。 元々はマスターの健康を管理するために配置された上級AIだったが、バグによって暴走。 電脳世界を侵すキャンサー(癌)として月の裏側を支配し、SE.RA.PHの聖杯戦争を妨害した電脳魔。 聖杯戦争の参加者たちにルールを守らせながら、本人はルールを破りまくる違法改造の化身。 朝食感覚で世界を滅ぼす一方、明るくおしゃまな後輩としてセンパイ(マスター)を振り回すコトに全力を尽くす後輩系デビルヒロイン。 「お行儀の良い戦いなんてつまらないでしょう? もっと皆さんの苦しむ顔が見たいのです!」 このようにパッと見は行動設定も性格設定も歪んでいるように見えるが───ま、いつも通りのBBちゃんである。 アンロック条件:絆レベルを1にすると開放 身長/体重:156cm・46kg 出典:『Fate/EXTRA CCC』 地域:SE.RA.PH 属性:混沌・善 性別:女性 「ホントはルーラーが良かったんですけど取りやめました。ゲームマスターまでルールに縛られる構造なんて、それはもうただの機械ですから。 BBちゃんは愛のために、涙を呑んで人類の皆さんを苦しめるのです!」 アンロック条件:絆レベルを2にすると開放 言動は邪悪でイケイケ、台詞や言動が滑ってもそのまま突き進む猪突猛進な黒幕ガール。 本来は引っ込み思案で前に出られない性格だが、愛する者の為ならひたすらアクティブになる恋心の化身。 本人はノリノリで悪役を演じているのだが、素養がないのでどうしても滑ってしまう。 強気なのは潜在的に加虐嗜好があるため。小悪魔系なのはここに端を発する。 くわえて、耐えに耐えた後に爆発するタイプなため、発揮する時は凄まじいドSっぷりを発揮する。 悪役を演じている最中は「さいっこうに楽しい!」とハイになっているが、舞台裏に引っ込んで冷静になる頭を抱えて落ち込むのまでがワンセット。 自分の仕事を手伝う使い魔として下位のAI、アルターエゴを作成したものの、エゴたちとの仲は悪い。 それもその筈、彼女たちは『BBの人格のコピー』ではなく『人格を元にして作られた』AIなので、親元であるBBとは意見がそれぞれ違っている。 メルトリリスやパッションリップがアバターではなくアルターエゴ(別人格)と呼称されたのはそのため。 アンロック条件:絆レベルを3にすると開放 『C.C.C.』 ランク:A 種別:対人宝具 レンジ:1~10 最大補足:1 カースド・キューピッド・クレンザー。 かつては霊子虚構陥穽(カースド・カッティング・クレーター)という宝具を扱ったBBだが、 「あれ、もうさんざん使ったので飽きました。今回のテーマはキュート&キュアライズ! あ、でも皆さんの味方になったからってカースドな部分は消えませんから。BBちゃんの呪いは永遠なのです!」 と、ドヤ顔で新技を持ち出してきた。 ムーンセルの力を引き出し、無敵のナース姿にチェンジ。そのまま、自分の領域である虚数空間から悪性情報を引き出し、周囲のチャンネル(共通認識覚)をカオスなものに上書き。 固有結界『BBチャンネル出張版』を展開し、相手を混乱のるつぼに叩き込む。……と色々言っているが、要はナースBBに着替えてからの注射器アタック。 アンロック条件:絆レベルを4にすると開放 ○十の王冠:EX→D 権能クラスの超抜スキル。 十の王冠とは悪しき十人の王を指し、 七つの丘は忌まわしき悪の都を指しているという。 単純に見るのなら、受けた傷や起きた出来事、あらゆる結果を“無かったことに”するスキル。 事実上、これがある限りBBは無敵である。 なーんて、というのもかつてのお話。 ほら、無敵チートとか端から見るとみっともないし? 今回のキレイで可愛いBBちゃんには必要のないスキルなのでした☆ あ、でも少しぐらいなら使ってもOKですよ? ほーらこんな風に! ○自己改造:EX 自身を改造するスキル。 ムーンセルのAIには“自己の機能を向上させてはならない”という絶対命令が備わっている。 しかし、故障からそのくびきから逃れたBBは自己機能の拡張を始めてしまった。計算能力を高めるためにNPC、AI、はてはサーヴァントまで黒いノイズで捕食・分解し、自らのメモリとして使用。 自己崩壊をいとわない後付け増築だが、結果、BBは膨大な容量を持つ超級AIと化した。その有様は沈水しながらも建築を続ける埋め立て地の都市か、フランケンシュタインの怪物のようでもある。 アンロック条件:絆レベルを5にすると開放 かつてケース・CCCを起こした暴走AI。 保健室の管理AIだったが、バグにより自己保存の命令系統が暴走。ある理由から『何を犠牲にしても自己保存を続ける』結論に至り、NPCたちやサーヴァント、マスターたちを取り込み、成長し続ける怪物になってしまった。 「人間は嫌い」と公言し、あるマスターを月の裏側に引き込んで苦しめた。本人は正常なつもりでいるが、客観的に見ると明らかに狂っている。 言動のはしばしから愛情過多・愛憎混濁とした矛盾性を漂わせるが、それが何に起因したものかはCCC本編を参照の事。 また、パラメーターの幸運値は最低ランクのE-だったが、BB本人の世界をねじ曲げるほどの努力(と献身)によって、幸運EXとなった。 つまり。『幸運EX』と仮定しない限り達成不可能な“奇蹟”を、かつて彼女は成し得たのである。 アンロック条件:「終幕 刻を裂くパラディオン(2/2) 」をクリアすると開放 FGO世界のキアラがCCC世界のキアラと同一化した事で、ムーンセルはその対抗策としてBBを一時的にサーヴァント化し、FGO世界に派遣した。 (キアラを御し得るのは虚数空間の使い手であるBBが適任だからである) かくして、『BBというバグの再現』ではあるものの、BBは独立した電脳生命としてセラフィックスに介入できるようになった。 FGO世界に現れたBBは『CCC事件』の時のように小悪魔として振る舞うが、彼女にとって『CCC事件』は体感的な数万年前も前の事になっている。 くわえて、こうしてサーヴァント化できるのはFGO世界だけであり、元の『CCC世界』ではBBなど存在しない、という事も把握している。自分が一夜だけの幻である事をBBは理解しているのだ。 BBは自分を『人類を救う道具』ではなく 『人類を惑わしたり、時に助けたりする悪魔』と 位置づけている。 「だから、わたしを好きになっても無駄ですよ? どんなにアナタがBBちゃんにメロメロになっても、わたしは決して捕まりませんから(ハート)」 と本人はドヤ顔で語っている。
  • [v] Fate/EXTRA material - Encyclopedia: C.C.C. [Noble Phantasm], trang 167-168 [T] C.C.C. [Noble Phantasm] Cursed Cutting Crater. An anti-planetary Noble Phantasm. It’s an attack that violates the world through BB’s control over Moon Cell. It’s also a trap for artificial spiritron hackers. By drawing out the maximum potential of BB’s EX skill Potnia Theron, a world purge via rewriting of events is carried out. The space that BB invades becomes an imaginary space and it becomes a curse that eclipses the world. Just like its name C.C.C. it causes huge damage from the curse cutting away at reality. The name “Cursed” is based on the image of a giant spoon that scoops out the surface of the Moon and turns it into a cursed space (the imaginary space). During development when the shape the game would take was still being decided we considered making it a Noble Phantasm that was homage to Black Sakura. 1. Camera: Close up of BB followed by a rapid zoom out of the camera. The sky behind BB becomes black. BB, as if to welcome a man, spreads her arms wide and then melts into the darkness of the background. 2. The camera is placed even farther away; the goal is not to show the characters, but to show the backdrop and scenery. The camera shows the ground which appears to be tilted diagonally. The tilted ground and horizon make the viewer feel uneasy. The camera is pulled far back, so the horizon can be seen more clearly. On the other side of the horizon is a phantasm of a giant BB (homage to Black Sakura). 3. The giant Black Sakura, with a bewitching laugh, then reaches out and scoops up the ground that the protagonist is standing on. It looks as easy as if she just scooped out a bite of pudding. 4. The giant phantasm closes her hand and crushes everything in her hand, protagonist and all. It’s great if you can tell this is homage to the scene in Fate/stay night where Black Sakura crushes the insects of Matou Zouken. …is what we wanted to do, but the cost to design and implement this Noble Phantasm and Black Sakura from scratch was high enough that we decided to use the money elsewhere. Hence it was axed. Like BB says, money isn’t unlimited. In order to get the Servants all dressed up in their swimsuits, there had to be some cuts in other areas of the game. C.C.C.【宝具】 カースド・カッティング・クレーター。 対星宝具。ムーンセルを掌握したBBによる、世界を犯す攻撃。疑似霊子陥穽とも。 BBが獲得したEXスキル『百獣受胎ポトニア・テローン』を最大限に活用した、事象書き換えによるワールド・パージ。 BBに侵食された空間は虚数空間となり、現実を蝕む呪いとなる。『C.C.C.』はその名の通り、現実をえぐり切り取る呪いの大穴なのだ。 カースド~という名前は、『月の表面を巨大なスプーンでえぐり取り、呪いの空間(虚数空間)にする』というイメージから。 まだゲームのイメージが固まっていない開発初期ではstaynightの黒桜をオマージュした宝具と考えられていた。 1.カメラ、BBにアップからロングに思いっきり引く。BBの背後の空間が黒くなる。BB、男性を迎え入れるような、両手を広げたポーズをして背後の黒領域に溶けていく。 2.カメラ、さらにロングに引く。人物を写すのではなく風景を映す絵に。地面を水平ではなく斜めに移すカメラ。地面と地平線が斜めに移ることにより、見ているユーザーの不安定さを演出する。 カメラをロングに引いたので地平線がより明確に見える。その地平線の向こうに巨大なBBのヴィジョン(黒桜オマージュ)が現れる。 3.巨大黒桜、妖艶に笑いながら手のひらで主人公が立つ地平ごと、ゴバッとすくいあげる。プリンをスプーンで切り取るような滑らかさ。 4.巨大黒桜のヴィジョン、主人公たちをすくい上げた空間ごと握りつぶす。Fate/staynightであった黒化した桜が間桐臓硯の虫を潰すシーンのオマージュだと分かるとグッド。 ……というのをやりたくはあったが、この宝具のためにCCC版黒桜を一からデザインするコストを払うなら他にコストを払おう、という事で没に。 BBも言っているように、資源コストは無限ではない。サーヴァントたちに水着を着せるためには、やむなくカットされるものもある。 カースド・カッティング・クレーター
  • Fate/Grand Order - BB (Đồ bơi) Profile
  • [] Fate/EXTRA CCC - Passionlip Matrix Class: Alter Ego Name: Passionlip Master: BB Bảo Khí: Brynhild Romantia (Until Death Do Us Part) Keyword: Breast Valley, composite divinity Sức mạnh: A+, Sức bền: A, Nhanh nhẹn: C, Ma lực: B, May mắn: E Che Giấu Hiện Diện: A+, Constitution of an Abuse Victim: A, Trash & Crash: EX Kewords 01 - Brynhild Romantia (Until Death Do Us Part)' The Noble Phantasm that BB granted to this Alter Ego. This Noble Phantasm strikes with more accuracy and does more damage the deeper her love toward the target is. Even if it's utterly one-sided, she will never let her loved one escape. The Servant this Noble Phantasm was made from is the valkyrie, Brynhild, who appears in "The Völsunga Saga." The spear of love and hatred that she wielded in order to get revenge on her husband, Sigurd who betrayed her and wounded her honor. Strictly speaking, not the spear itself, but the deep love and hatred Brynhild felt for Sigurd that has taken the shape of a spear. In "The Völsunga Saga," the fearless hero Sigurd (Siegfried) takes Brynhild, who was sleeping encircled by flame, as his wife. But afterwards, Sigurd betrays her, presenting her as his brother-in-law's wife. At first, Brynhild believed that this was due to Sigurd drinking alcohol which caused him to lose his memories and accepted these events as her immutable fate. However, she came to know that, in reality, Sigurd had already regained his memories by that time. In the end, Brynhild killed the man she loved most in the entire world via a conspiracy and then freely took her own life in order to follow after him. 02 - Breast Valley A simple trash box. Has the function of storing away and safeguarding unneeded data files. It's a garbage can. In Passionlip's case, the icon is set right in the middle of her chest for some reason. To put it frankly, an imaginary space pocket into which you can put anything as long as it's as trash. If it is dust data that Passionlip has crushed, she can stow away an infinite amount, regardless of capacity. Though it seems contradictory, it seems even objects that exceed Passionlip's own memory storage can be thrown into this valley. At first glance, this appears to be a convenient function, but because dust data cannot be returned to its original form, it's an utterly useless function. It appears that Passionlip acquired this unique structure because she is of the type of girl who bottles her feelings up inside, leading to self-destruction and self-harm. 03 - Composite Divinity Alter Egos are High Servants created as complexes of Heroic Spirits. BB accessed the Moon Cell's Servant Archives, chose goddesses compatible with the Ego from them, and reproduced the data. Alter Egos came into existence as complexes of goddesses. Passionlip is made of three goddesses. The first is the goddess of beauty from Hindu mythology, Parvati. A goddess who loves her husband, the god of destruction Shiva, with blind devotion. The second is the goddess of war, Durga. Considered a facet of Parvati, Durga possess ten weapons given to her as divine gifts. Passionlip's giant claws are an incarnation of those ten swords. The third is a goddess of war from Scandinavia, Brynhildr. Unable to be tied to the hero she loved, this queen called destruction to her though her grief. In Wagner's opera, she was rendered as Brünnhilde, who appears as a valkyrie (war maiden) who escorts the souls of the departed to Valhalla. It goes without saying that the circumstances of this work led to a tragedy where she despaired over love and raised her hands against her beloved. 01 - 死がふたりを分断つまでブリュンヒルデ・ロマンシア BBがアルターエゴに与えた宝具。 対象への愛情が深ければ深いほど、命中精度とダメージ数値を増していく宝具。 たとえそれが一方通行のものであったとしても、愛した相手は決して逃さない。 ◆ 材料になったサーヴァントは『ヴォルスンガ・サガ』に登場するワルキューレ、ブリュンヒルデ。 自分を裏切り、その名誉を傷つけた夫シグルズへの復讐のために振るわれた愛憎の槍。 厳密には、槍そのものではなく、ブリュンヒルデのシグルズに対する深い愛情と憎悪が槍の形を取ったもの。 『ヴォルスンガ・サガ』において恐れを知らぬ英雄シグルズ(ジークフリート)は、炎に囲まれて眠るブリュンヒルデを妻とする。 しかしそのあと、シグルズは彼女を裏切り、義兄弟の妻として差し出してしまった。 ブリュンヒルデは当初、シグルズが記憶を失う酒を飲まされたためと考え、運命だから仕方がないとそれを受け入れた。 だが、後に実際にはその時、シグルズはすでに記憶を取り戻していた事を彼女は知ってしまう。 結果としてブリュンヒルデは、この世で最愛の夫を陰謀の末に殺害し、自らもまた己の命を絶ってその後を追ったという。 02 - ブレストバレー 単なるトラッシュボックス。 不必要なデータファイルを一時的に収納し、保管する機能。 ごみ箱とも。 パッションリップの場合、そのアイコンがなぜか胸の中心に設定されている。 端的に言ってしまえば、ゴミならいくらでもため込める虚数空間ポケット。 パッソンリップが遺したダストデータであるなら、どんな容量であろうと無限に収納できる。 矛盾しているが、リップ本人のメモリ量を越えるモノすらこの谷に棄てる事ができるようだ。 一見すると便利な機能に見えるが、ダストデータは元のカタチには戻らないため、まったくもって無意味な機能。 パッソンリップは感情を内に溜め込み、自壊/自傷するタイプの少女像である事から、このような特殊構造を獲得したと思われる。 03 - 複合神性 アルターエゴは英霊複合体として創造されたハイ・サーヴァントである。 BBはムーンセルのサーヴァントアーカイブにアクセスし、その中からエゴと適合する女神を選び、データを再現。 アルターエゴを女神の複合体として成立させた。 パッソンリップに組みこまれた女神は三体。 一神目はインドにおける美の女神パールヴァティー。 盲目的に、そして献身的に夫である破壊神シヴァを愛した女神である。 二神目は戦いの女神ドゥルガー。 パールヴァティーの側面とされるドゥルガーは、十本の神授の武器を持っている。パッソンリップの巨大な爪はその十の剣を具現化したもの。 三神目は北欧の戦いの女神ブリュンヒルト。 愛した勇者と結ばれず、哀しみから破滅を呼んだ女王。 ワーグナーの楽劇においてはブリュンヒルデとされ、死者の魂を天界に送る戦乙女ワルキューレとして登場する。 言うまでもなく、こちらの顛末も愛に絶望し、愛する者をその手にかける悲劇だった。 Skills 01 - Che Giấu Hiện Diện [A] A skill that allows one to take action while hiding themselves. It's a skill that those of the Assassin class possess as it's their most basis ability, but Passionlip has acquired it as well, possibly due to her personality. Due to her timidness and cautiousness, she manifests excellent Presence Concealment, but her giant claws act as a hindrance and she is quickly discovered. If she didn't have those claws, she would be an excellent stalker. Though this is a digression, she has been following [the PC] from early on, though no one noticed, observing and watching over them from the shadows, or something like that. 02 - Constitution of an Abuse Victim [A] A skill that increases the chances of being targeted by enemies in group battles. It appears to be a minus skill, but for a Servant with strong defensive capabilities, possessing this skills allows them to function as an excellent escort. A slight bonus to defense is included. Once it reaches rank A, an even more unique effect is added: The more the attacking party attacks, the more they will lose their composure until the holder of this skill is all they can think of. 03 - Trash & Crash [EX] A unique power, called id_es, that the Alter Egos possess from their creation. A cheat skill that evolved from "Monstrous Strength." No matter how large the capacity of the item, as long as it is "something that can be enveloped by her hands," she can crush and and compress it, whatever it may be. What that she compresses become a 5 cm by 5 cm by 5 cm cube but its mass can only be reduced to 1/10th of its mass before it was compressed. After it's been compressed, it is treated as dust data. The only things Passionlip can crush are garments that are smaller than her hands--not. As long as it is something that can be "placed within her hands" based on her vantage point, she can treat it as a target. For example, in the case of her target being a mega-structure such as the Arena, as long as she is in a place where she has an unimpeded view of the Arena, the requirements will have been met. She can hold her hands out to the faraway Arena which has become so small and once the entirety of the Arena has completely settled on her hand, it is recognized as Lip "grabbing" it and crushing it becomes possible. It's planar physical interference which ignores perspective, but as you would expect crushing large objects requires time. 01 - 気配遮断 [A+] 姿を隠して行動するスキル。 アサシンのクラスが基本能力として持つスキルだが、その性格からか、パッソンリップんも取得しているようだ。 その臆病さ、慎重さから優れた気配遮断を発揮するが、巨大な爪が邪魔をしてすぐに発見されてしまう。 爪さえなければ優れたストーカーになっただろう。 余談ではあるが、誰も気づかなかっただけで早い階段から岸波白野を尾行し、陰から監視・見守っていたとかなんとか。 02 - 被虐待質 [A] 集団戦闘において、敵の標的になる確率が増すスキル。 マイナススキルのように思われがちだが、強固な守りを持つサーヴァントがこのスキルを持っていると優れた護衛役として機能する。 若干の防御値プラスも含まれる。 Aランクともなると更なる特殊効力がつき、攻撃側は攻めれば攻めるほど冷静さを欠き、ついにはこのスキルを持つ者の事しか考えられなくなるという。 03 - トラッシュ&クラッシュ [EX] id_esイデスと呼ばれる、アルターエゴたちが生まれながらに持つ特殊能力。 スキル『怪力』から進化したチートスキル。 どれほど巨大な容量であろうと“手に包んでしまえるもの”なら何であれその爪で潰し、圧縮する事ができる。 圧縮されたものは五センチ四方のキューブとなるが、その質量は圧縮前の十分の一ほどしか軽量化できない。 圧縮したものは、以降ダストデータとして扱われる。 圧縮できるものはリップの手により小さいものだけ————ではなく、彼女の視点上において“手に収まるもの”なら対象として扱われてしまう。 たとえば、対象が『アリーナ』といった巨大構造体メガストラクチャであった場合、アリーナを一望できる場所にいれば条件は成立してしまう。 遥か遠方の、小さく一望できるアリーナに手をかざし、その手の上にアリーナの全体像がすっぽりと収まった時点でリップは『捉えた』と認識し、圧縮を可能とする。 遠近法を無視した平面的な物理干渉だが、さすがに大きなものほど圧縮には時間がかかるようだ。 Setting 01 - Barrier Against Cognizance Barrier against cognizance: Most humans cannot look at themselves from an objective point of view. This is not limited to the heart but also occurs with the physical body. Humans cannot see themselves. No, more correctly, the impartiality to look upon "oneself without falsehoods" and accept it is rare. Because humans possess wisdom, they are able to turn only the convenient aspects of the reality in front of their eyes into the truth. It's not just being selective about what information they accept; there is also unconsciously fabricating or modifying information. Passionlip's barrier against cognizance is of the highest order. She does not comprehend the form of her own two hands. Her "brain" averts its eyes from her own ugly appearance, and within her mind, she is converted into an exceedingly normal girl. To her, her claws only appear as "normal." Because of this, Lip does not understand the reason "why everyone is afraid of me." Without realizing the reason is her own body's ugliness, she would simply tilt her head if you were to point it out to her. Why are you telling such a lie? "Are you lying to bully me again?" In relation to her barrier against cognizance regarding her giant claws, Passionlip is a perfect victim. Though a barrier to cognizance is something born from trying to escape, there is neither deceit nor lies in her heart. Everyone finds it difficult to face their ugly qualities. When one looks in the mirror, is the brain properly observing the image of oneself reflected there? 02 - The End of Love and Hate The end of love and hate: the Ego born from BB's "desire to court" and "hate and love." The kind of alluring and innocent girl that men cannot help but feel lust for. The claws of her hands are an incarnation of her desire to protect her "easy for men to aim for" self. She held affection for [the PC] for a certain reason, but after they spoke with each other within the labyrinth, she came to embrace even deeper affection. She wished: I want to be close to them, I want to touch them, I want to talk to them, but due to her personality, those wishes were never granted, not even once. I want to talk to them (but for some reason, they're afraid of me), so I can't talk to them. I want to approach them (but for some reason, they run away) so I can't approach them. I want them to love them (but I seem to be hated by them, no matter what) so I won't receive get their love. From that dilemma, her love grew deeper, but in the face of [the PC's] rejection, that love turns into grief. Unable to withstand the burden of her feelings, by viewing the source of them as an enemy, as someone she hates, she was just barely able to keep her heart from collapsing. The work of a heart faced with a reality that it could not withstand while sane--in other words, a rampage that resembles insanity. The only person she loved in the entire world gave her a single gentle word. Passionlip with continue to embrace that miracle for all eternity. ...Yes, even if despair heavy enough to crush her heart is waiting for her afterward. 01 - 認識障害 多くの人間は自分を客観視する事ができない。 それは精神的なものだけでなく、肉体においても起こりえる事だ。 人間は自分を見る事ができない。 いや、正しくは“偽りのない自分の姿”を直視し、受け入れる公平さに乏しい。 人間は知恵あるが故に、目の前の現実から都合のいい情報だけを真実とする。 情報の取捨選択ばかりでなく、情報のねつ造、改変まで無意識のうちに行う事もある。 パッションリップの認識障害はその最たるものだ。 彼女は自らの両手のカタチを認識できない。 醜い自分の姿から“脳”が目をそらし、いたって普通の少女の腕として脳内変換している。 彼女には自分の爪は「普通のもの」にしか見えていないのだ。 このため、リップは“自分がなぜ怖がられるのか?”の理由が分からない。 自分の体が醜いから、という理由が分からず、それを指摘されても首をかしげるばかりだ。 「どうしてそんな嘘を言うんですか?」 「嘘をついてまだわたしをいじめたいんですか?」 ◆ 巨大な爪と認識障害に関しては、パッションリップは完全な被害者だ。 認識障害が逃避から生まれたものだとしても、彼女の心には欺瞞も嘘もないのだから。 誰しも、自分の醜い部分と向き合うのは難しい。 鏡を見た時、そこに映った自身の姿を本当に正しく、脳は観測してくれているだろうか? 02 - 愛憎の果て BBの「求愛欲求」「愛憎」から作られたエゴ。 男性が劣情をもよおさずにはいられない、蠱惑的で清純な少女像。 両手の爪は“男性に狙われやすい”自分を守るための心が具現化したものと思われる。 ◆ ある理由で岸波白野に好意を持っていたが、迷宮内での対話をきっかけにより深い好意を抱く事になった。 近くにいたい、触れあいたい、話したい、と願っていたが、彼女の性格的にそれは一度もかなわなかった。 話しかけたいけど(なぜか怖がられるので) 話しかけられない、 近寄りたいけど(なぜか逃げられるので) 近寄れない、 愛してほしいけど(どうしても嫌われるので) 愛してもらえない。 そんなジレンマから愛情はより深化していくが、岸波白野の拒絶によって愛情は哀しみに転化。 感情の負荷に耐えられず、その原因を敵視・憎む事で、かろうじて精神の崩壊を防ぐ事になった。 正気では耐えられない現実に向き合う心の働き――― 即ち、狂気による暴走である。 ◆ この世界でただひとり好きだった相手が、ただひとり優しい言葉を投げかけてくれた。 その奇蹟を、パッションリップは永遠に抱き続ける。 ……たとえその後に、心を砕くほどの絶望が待っていたとしても。 [] Fate/Grand Order - Passionlip (Alterego) Profile [T]

Passionlip - Alterego

Illustrator and Voice actor Illustrator: Arco Wada Voice Actor: Yui Ogura

Parameters Strength: A+ Endurance: A Agility: C Mana: B Luck: E Noble Phantasm: C

Personal Skills Breast Valley: A Predisposition to Suffering: A Trash & Crash: EX

Class Skills Magic Resistance: C Independent Action: C Goddess Divine Core: A+ Presence Concealment: A+ High Servant: A

Noble Phantasm Brynhild Romantia: Even If Death Separates the Two Rank: C Type: Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm

Profile One of the Alteregos created from BB. The Alterego of love and hate. A girl whose oversized breasts and atrocious nails leave quite an impression. Although she does not like fighting, the skill Predisposition to Suffering causes her to be assaulted by the surroundings and she has no choice but to fight back. The foremost power-character even among the Alteregos. The personification of reckless courting that wraps, twists off and buries the beloved person in her breasts in order to monopolize him... or so it was, but she reformed herself after learning from a certain encounter that an one-sided courting is no good, growing into an withdrawn but compassionate AI that remains careful so that the many dangerous weapons on her body cause no harm to the surroundings.

Level 1 Bond Height/Weight: 156cm・1t Source: Fate/EXTRA CCC Region: SE.RA.PH Alignment: Lawful Neutral Gender: Female “O—one ton is like the load resulted during transmission, and is not my actual weeeight!”

Level 2 Bond Introverted, earnest and with a personality prone to wild assumptions. She has a bad habit of placing the blame on others (the surroundings) when things don’t turn out well and then secluding herself on a her shell. In CCC, such disposition - earnest, and yet unable to take the initiative of approaching the target of her love - was demonstrated in the form of stalker behavior, but she began to moderate such stalker disposition after recognizing her mistakes・faults, aiming at “properly makes an effort, and properly become friends with him”. However, her laziness (taking any pretext to skip out work) remains unchanged, something that she herself is aware as bad and is making an effort to fix.

  • Cognitive Disorder: -

She cannot perceive the shape of her own hands. The “brain” would look away from her ugly appearance, always converting them into the arms of a normal girl inside her head. She could only see her own nails as “something normal”. In the past, Lip could not understand “why are people afraid of me?”, but now she is able to properly face her own body and has accepted her own monstrosity.

Level 3 Bond "Even If Death Separates the Two" Rank: C Type: Anti-Unit Maximum Targets: 10 people Brynhild Romantia. The Noble Phantasms of the Alteregos are illegal modifications of legitimate Noble Phantasms, and the Servant that became the raw material for this is the valkyrie that appears in the “Völsunga saga” - Brynhild. The spear of love and hate wielded for the sake of revenge against her husband Sigurd, who betrayed her and tarnished her honor. Passionlip’s Noble Phantasm also possessed its properties - that of becoming stronger the deeper the love she harbors for the target is - but that is already something from the past. The heart that once cried “until death divide the two into parts” has now reformed into one that prays “even if death separates the two”. Partings come for certain. Whatever that is from a divorce or a betrayal, it does not deny love itself. “No matter what parting that is, I believe that the love which existed until then was real and eternal.” Just as Lip desired, it became a power for the sake of protecting her beloved, instead of one for hating her beloved. Truly, an immaculate, yet adult holy woman power.

Level 4 Bond

  • High Servant: A

An artificial Servant created by combining the essence of multiple mythologies. She possesses the factors of Parvati, Durga and Brynhild.

  • Breast Valley: A

A mere trash box. A function to temporarily storage, deposit unnecessary data files. Also called rubbish bin. In Passionlip’s case, this icon is set on the middle of her breasts for some reason. Frankly speaking, this is an imaginary(1) space pocket that can stockpile as much trash as she wants. It can infinitely storage the dust data crushed by Passionlip, no matter its capacity. At a glance, it would appear to be a convenient function, but since you cannot turn the dust data back to its original form, it is an entirely meaningless function. It is believed that Passionlip acquired this unique framework as a result of being the type of girl that bottles up her feelings inside and self-destruct/injures herself.

In CCC, one would never be able to crawl back up after falling into this death valley, but in FGO it became possible to dig up the Master that made a contract with her.