How can i get utc in php?

with string GMT/UTC +/-0400 or GMT/UTC +/-1000 based on local timings

Your custom format is just missing O to give you the timezone offsets from local time.

Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) in hours Example: +0200

echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s O');

2018-01-12 12:10:11 -0400

However, for maximized portability/interoperability, I would recommend using the ISO8601 date format c

echo date('c');


echo date('c');


You can use also gmdate and the timezone offset string will always be +00:00

echo gmdate('c');


echo gmdate('c');


Timezone conversion to a specific timezone helps to synchronize different DateTime. It is very useful to balance the server time and the user’s local time. PHP DateTime class provides an easy way to convert a date time stamp to UTC. You can convert any timezone to UTC DateTime using PHP.

In the example code snippet, we will show you how to convert local date&time to UTC DateTime (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format) in PHP.

Convert Current DateTime to UTC DateTime using PHP:

$dateTime date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); 
$newDateTime = new DateTime($dateTime);
$newDateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$dateTimeUTC $newDateTime->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");

Convert Local DateTime to UTC DateTime using PHP:

$dateTime '2021-04-28 18:37:54'; 
$tz_from 'America/New_York';
$newDateTime = new DateTime($dateTime, new DateTimeZone($tz_from));
$newDateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$dateTimeUTC $newDateTime->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");

Get Current Date/Time in UTC Using DateTime Class

To get the current time in UTC with the DateTime class, we can simply specify the UTC time zone with an instance of DateTimeZone like so:

$utcDateTime = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone('UTC'));

echo $utcDateTime->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // output: '2020-12-31 22:28:21'

Convert Existing Date/Time Into UTC Using DateTime Class

To convert the time zone to UTC of an existing DateTime class instance, we can do the following:

$utcDateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('UTC'));

echo $utcDateTime->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // output: '2020-12-31 22:28:21'

If the existing date/time is not already an instance of DateTime class, then we can convert it in the following ways:

$utcDateTime = new DateTime($existingDateTime, new DateTimeZone('UTC'));

echo $utcDateTime->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // output: '2020-12-31 22:28:21'

If the existing date/time has a custom format (which the DateTime object cannot automatically convert or recognize), then you can specify the date/time format in the following way and convert it to the DateTime object:

$existingDateTime = date('Y m d H-i-s');

$utcDateTime = DateTime::createFromFormat(
    'Y m d H-i-s',
    new DateTimeZone('America/New_York')

$utcDateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('UTC'));

echo $utcDateTime->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // output: '2020-12-31 22:28:21'

Hope you found this post useful. It was published 31 Dec, 2020. Please show your love and support by sharing this post.

How do I find my UTC timestamp?

Use the getTime() method to get a UTC timestamp, e.g. new Date(). getTime() . The method returns the number of milliseconds since the Unix Epoch and always uses UTC for time representation. Calling the method from any time zone returns the same UTC timestamp.

How do I convert a timestamp to UTC?

Getting the UTC timestamp Use the datetime. datetime. now() to get the current date and time. Then use tzinfo class to convert our datetime to UTC.

How can I get GMT in PHP?

PHP | gmdate() Function The gmdate() is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to format a GMT/UTC date and time and return the formatted date strings. It is similar to the date() function but it returns the time in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

Is GMT 0 same as UTC?

Although GMT and UTC share the same current time in practice, there is a basic difference between the two: GMT is a time zone officially used in some European and African countries. The time can be displayed using both the 24-hour format (0 - 24) or the 12-hour format (1 - 12 am/pm).