How to add delimiter in text file python

I have recently started my job as an ETL Developer and as a part of my exercise, I am extracting data from a text file containing raw data. My raw data looks like this as shown in the image. My Raw Data

Now I want to add delimiters to my data file. Basically after every line, I want to add a comma (,). My code in Python looks like this.

with open ('new_locations.txt', 'w') as output:
with open('locations.txt', 'r') as input:
    for line in input:
        new_line = line+','

where new_locations.txt is the output text file, locations.txt is the raw data.

However, it throws me error all the time.

UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte 0x81 in position 3724: character maps to

Where exactly am I going wrong?

Note: The characters in raw data are not all ASCII characters. Some are Latin characters as well.


A tab-delimited file is a well-known and widely used text format for data exchange. By using a structure similar to that of a spreadsheet, it also allows users to present information in a way that is easy to understand and share across applications - including relational database management systems.

The IANA standard for tab-separated values requires the first line of the file to contain the field names. Additionally, other lines (which represent separate records) must have the same number of columns.

Other formats, such as comma-separated values, often pose the challenge of having to escape commas, which are frequent within text (as opposed to tabs).

Opening Files with Python

Before we dive into processing tab-separated values, we will review how to read and write files with Python. The following example uses the open() built-in function to open a file named players.txt located in the current directory:

1    with open('players.txt') as players_data:


The open() function accepts an optional parameter that indicates how the file will be used. If not present, read-only mode is assumed. Other alternatives include, but are not limited to, 'w' (open for writing in truncate mode) and 'a' (open for writing in append mode).

After pressing Enter twice to execute the above suite, we will see tabs (\t) between fields, and new line breaks (\n) as record separators in Fig. 1:

How to add delimiter in text file python

Although we will be primarily concerned with extracting data from files, we can also write to them. Again, note the use of \n at the beginning to indicate a new record and \t to separate fields:

1    with open('players.txt', 'a') as players_data:
2    	players_data.write('\n{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}'.format('Trey', 'Burke', '23', '1.85', '2013', '79.4', '23.2'))


Although the format() function helps with readability, there are more efficient methods to handle both reading and writing - all available within the same module in the standard library. This is particularly important if we are dealing with large files.

Introducing the CSV Module

Although it was named after comma-separated values, the CSV module can manage parsed files regardless of the field delimiter - be it tabs, vertical bars, or just about anything else. Additionally, this module provides two classes to read from and write data to Python dictionaries (DictReader and DictWriter, respectively). In this guide we will focus on the former exclusively.

First off, we will import the CSV module:

Next, we will open the file in read-only mode, instantiate a CSV reader object, and use it to read one row at a time:

1    with open('nba_games_november2018_visitor_wins.txt', newline = '') as games:                                                                                          
2    	game_reader = csv.reader(games, delimiter='\t')
3    	for game in game_reader:
4    		print(game)


Although it is not strictly necessary in our case, we will pass newline = '' as an argument to the open() function as per the module documentation. If our file contains newlines inside quoted fields, this ensures that they will be processed correctly.

Fig. 2 shows that each row was read into a list after the above suite was executed:

How to add delimiter in text file python

Although this undoubtedly looks much better than our previous version where tabs and new lines were mixed with the actual content, there is still room for improvement.

The DictReader Class

To begin, we will create an empty list where we will store each game as a separate dictionary:

Finally, we will repeat the same code as above with only a minor change. Instead of printing each row, we will add it to games_list. If you are using Python 3.5 or older, you can omit dict() and use games_list.append(game) instead. In Python 3.6 and newer, this function is used to turn the ordered dictionary into a regular one for better readability and easier manipulation.

1    with open('nba_games_november2018_visitor_wins.txt', newline = '') as games:                                                                                          
2    	game_reader = csv.DictReader(games, delimiter='\t')
3    	for game in game_reader:
4    		games_list.append(dict(game))


We can go one step further and use list comprehension to return only those games where the visitor score was greater than 130. The following statement creates a new list called visitor_big_score_games and populates it with each game inside games_list where the condition is true:

1    visitor_big_score_games = [game for game in games_list if int(game['Visitor score']) > 130]


Now that we have a list of dictionaries, we can write it to a spreadsheet as explained in Importing Data from Microsoft Excel Files with Python or manipulate it otherwise. Another option consists of writing the list converted to string into a plain text file named visitor_big_score_games.json for distribution in JSON format:

1    with open('visitor_big_score_games.json', 'w') as games:
2    	games.write(str(visitor_big_score_games))


The write() function requires a string as an argument. That is why we had to convert the entire list into a string before performing the write operation.

If you just want to view the list, not turn it into a spreadsheet or a JSON file, you can alternatively use pprint() to display it in a user-friendly format as shown in Fig. 3:

1    import pprint as pp
2    pp.pprint(visitor_big_score_games)


How to add delimiter in text file python

As you can see, the possibilities are endless and the only limit is our imagination!


In this guide we learned how to import and manipulate data from tab-delimited files with Python. This not only is a highly valuable skill for data scientists, but for web developers and other IT professionals as well.

How do you add delimiter to a text file?

Open MSexcel , say file open , open txt file in excel ( while opening say all files since saved file must be in the text format) , it will take you to specify the delimiter , you can appropriately choose & take the action.

How do you add delimiters in Python?

Method #1 : Using loop + str() This is one of the ways in which this task can be performed. In this, we run a loop to add delimiter at end of each element, after converting each element to string.

How do you change the delimiter in a text file in Python?

Type python (replacing with the name of your Python file) then press Enter. The comma-separated file will now be read in then a new file will be output in . txt format with the new delimiter.

How do I open a text file with delimiter in Python?

Use str..
a_file = open("sample.txt").
file_contents = a_file. read().
contents_split = file_contents. splitlines().
a_file. close().