How to turn off autoplay on YouTube home screen 2021

Late last year, we reported that YouTube was working on a new feature that would automatically play videos found on the mobile apps Home tab. Now, it appears that the Autoplay on Home feature is rolling out to the masses. Heres how to disable the YouTube app from autoplayingvideos in the Home feed

How to turn off YouTubes autoplaying videos in the Home feed on Android

  1. Turn off Autoplay on Home
  2. Enjoy

1. Turn off Autoplay on Home

First, open the YouTube app on your Android smartphone. Next, tap on your avatar in the top right corner of the interface to launch the Account menu. From there, select Settings.

Now, choose the Autoplay category near the top of the list. Here, you should see the option for letting YouTube autoplay a video after you finish watching one, and a new item listed as Autoplay on Home. Tap on this second choice.

In this last step, you will have three options to choose from when deciding when you want Autoplay on Home to run: Always on, Wi-Fi only, and off. Choose your preference.

Use the images below for help if you get lost along the way.

How to turn off autoplay on YouTube home screen 2021
How to turn off autoplay on YouTube home screen 2021
How to turn off autoplay on YouTube home screen 2021
How to turn off autoplay on YouTube home screen 2021
How to turn off autoplay on YouTube home screen 2021

2. Enjoy

Once you have selected whichever option you like, you should see the change reflected on your Home feed within the YouTube app. If you chose Always on, just know that you will most likely see a higher data usage from the app as it will always begin playing videos found on the Home feed even if it plays without audio.

Of course, if you like the feature but dont want to waste your monthly data allotment, choose Wi-Fi only. This way, you will still see video autoplay while at home or connected to a router and not worry about your carrier sending you a bill with any additional charges for going over your data cap.

If you have any questions, make sure to leave them in the comment section below orhit me up on Twitter.

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