Html to jquery converter online

About HTML conversion to JavaScript

The HTML to JS Converter was created for online converting HTML into JS code. This can come in handy for print HTML code via JavaScript print functions or set into variable, used in most JS frameworks like node.js, react.js, angular.js, etc. Very useful in applications where the code must be dynamically generated. Quote and backslash characters will be appropriately escaped with backslashes so the strings will print correctly.

How it Works?

Just paste your HTML code to the textarea above and click to the button "Convert" and you will get Javascript statements or variable in the next textarea.

Example of HTML conversion to JS


    Your Title Here

Html to jquery converter online

Best Online Web Toolsis a link to another nifty site

This is a Header

This is a Medium Header

Send me mail at [email protected].

This is a new paragraph!

This is a new paragraph!

This is a new sentence without a paragraph break, in bold italics.


document.writeln('    ');
document.writeln('    Your Title Here');
document.writeln('    ');
document.writeln('    ');
Html to jquery converter online
'); document.writeln('
'); document.writeln(' Best Online Web Toolsis a link to another nifty site'); document.writeln('

This is a Header

'); document.writeln('

This is a Medium Header

'); document.writeln(' Send me mail at [email protected].'); document.writeln('

This is a new paragraph!

'); document.writeln('

This is a new paragraph!

'); document.writeln('
This is a new sentence without a paragraph break, in bold italics.'); document.writeln('
'); document.writeln(' '); document.writeln('');


var variable = '' +
'' +
'    ' +
'    Your Title Here' +
'    ' +
'' +
'    ' +
Html to jquery converter online
' + '
' + ' Best Online Web Toolsis a link to another nifty site' + '

This is a Header

' + '

This is a Medium Header

' + ' Send me mail at [email protected].' + '

This is a new paragraph!

' + '

This is a new paragraph!

' + '
This is a new sentence without a paragraph break, in bold italics.' + '
' + ' ' + '' + '';

After the conversion, you can apply the JS Code to your project or use it for some other purpose.

Online HTML Code Convert To JavaScript Variable. You can use this converted javaScript code as another HTML tag innerHTML or innerText. It is useful for printing HTML code through JavaScript print functions.

Copy and paste single quote or double quote HTML code or plain text, it will solve double single quote problems.

Paste Your HTML Code Here And Convert To JS

Output javaScript Option

Variable name :

Select quote type single or double :

Add line break \n :



