Hướng dẫn python circular bit shift

Your attempted solution does not work because Python has unlimited size integers.


    It works in C (for specific values of N, depending on the type used, typically something like 8 or 32), because the bits that are shifted out to the left are automatically truncated.

    You need to do this explicitly in Python to get the same behaviour. Truncating a value to the lowest N bits can be done be using % (1 << N) (the remainder of dividing by 2N).

    Example: ISHFTC(57, 1, 6)

    We want to keep the 6 bits inside |......| and truncate all bits to the left. The bits to the right are truncated automatically, because the these are already the 6 least significant bits.

    n                  |111001|
    a = n << d        1|110010|
    m = (1 << N)      1|000000|
    b = a % m         0|110010|
    c = n >> (N - d)   |000001|(11001)
    result = b | c     |110011|

    Resulting code:

    def ISHFTC(n, d, N):  
        return ((n << d) % (1 << N)) | (n >> (N - d))
              #  ^^^^^^ a
              #             ^^^^^^ m
              #  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ b
              #                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^ c
    >>> ISHFTC(57, 1, 6)
    >>> bin(_)

    I'm a beginner coder and I'm trying to find cyclic shifts of strings. A cyclic shift of a string is obtained by moving characters from the beginning of the string to the end of the string. For example, the cyclic shifts of ABCDE are: ABCDE, BCDEA, CDEAB, DEABC, EABCD. The input will consist of exactly two lines containing only uppercase letters. The first line will be the text T, and the second line will be the string S.

    Output yes if the text, T, contains a cyclic shift of the string, S. Otherwise, output no.

    Sample Input:


    Output for Sample Input:


    Tom Karzes

    20.4k2 gold badges17 silver badges37 bronze badges


    So basically you can append the string S to itself and lets call this string S2

    s = 'ABCDE'
    s2 = s + s    # s2 = 'ABCDEABCDE'

    Since the length of the string S is 5, you will have to check whether s2[i:i+5] exists in T or not.


    t = 'ABCCDEABAA'
    s = 'ABCDE'
    s2 = s + s
    n = len(s)
    for i in range(n):
        flag = False
        if s2[i:i+n] in t:
            flag = True
        print(f"Checking for {s2[i:i+n]:s} in T = {flag}")


    Checking for ABCDE in T = False
    Checking for BCDEA in T = False
    Checking for CDEAB in T = True
    Checking for DEABC in T = False
    Checking for EABCD in T = False

    Time complexity : O(len(s)) * O(string_comparison)

    answered Mar 19 at 8:31


    2,0741 gold badge19 silver badges38 bronze badges

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    Given a string of size n, write functions to perform following operations on string.

    1. Left (Or anticlockwise) rotate the given string by d elements (where d <= n).
    2. Right (Or clockwise) rotate the given string by d elements (where d <= n).


    Input : s = "GeeksforGeeks"
            d = 2
    Output : Left Rotation  : "eksforGeeksGe" 
             Right Rotation : "ksGeeksforGee"  
    Input : s = "qwertyu" 
            d = 2
    Output : Left rotation : "ertyuqw"
             Right rotation : "yuqwert"

    Method 1: We have existing solution for this problem please refer Left Rotation and Right Rotation of a String link. We will solve this problem quickly in python using String Slicing. Approach is very simple,

    1. Separate string in two parts first & second, for Left rotation Lfirst = str[0 : d] and Lsecond = str[d :]. For Right rotation Rfirst = str[0 : len(str)-d] and Rsecond = str[len(str)-d : ].
    2. Now concatenate these two parts second + first accordingly.



    def rotate(input,d):

        Lfirst = input[0 : d]

        Lsecond = input[d :]

        Rfirst = input[0 : len(input)-d]

        Rsecond = input[len(input)-d : ]

        print ("Left Rotation : ", (Lsecond + Lfirst) )

        print ("Right Rotation : ", (Rsecond + Rfirst))

    if __name__ == "__main__":

        input = 'GeeksforGeeks'




    Left Rotation  : eksforGeeksGe 
    Right Rotation : ksGeeksforGee

    Method 2: We use extended string to rotate the string. We will solve this problem quickly in python by slicing extended string. Approach is very simple,

    Use extended string Extend_str, for Left rotation Lfirst = Extended_str[n : l1+n] . For Right rotation Rfirst = str[l1-n : l2-n].
    Now print this string. 



    def rotate(str1,n):

        temp = str1 + str1

        l1 = len(str1)

        l2 = len(temp)

        Lfirst = temp[n  : l1+n]

        Lfirst = temp[l1-n : l2-n]

        print ("Left Rotation : ", Lfirst)

        print ("Right Rotation : ", Lfirst )

    if __name__ == "__main__":

        input = 'GeeksforGeeks'




    Left Rotation :  ksGeeksforGee
    Right Rotation :  ksGeeksforGee