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What is identity and contradiction?

Identity. An equation that is true for all acceptable values of the variable is called identity. x+3=x+3 is an identity. Contradiction. Contradictions are equations that are never true regardless of the value substituted for the variable.

Can Photomath solve trig identities?

Photomath supports arithmetic, integers, fractions, decimal numbers, roots, algebraic expressions, linear equations/inequalities, quadratic equations/inequalities, absolute equations/inequalities, systems of equations, logarithms, trigonometry, exponential and logarithmic functions, derivatives and integrals.

Is the given equation an identity a conditional equation or an inconsistent equation?

Evaluating the Equation: An identity equation is equal and has true values. A conditional equation is true for particular values of the variable but it will not suitable for all values. An inconsistent equation has no solution. To find this, we have to find a solution to the equation.

What is an example of an identity equation?

An identity is an equation which is always true, no matter what values are substituted. 2 x + 3 x = 5 x is an identity because 2 x + 3 x will always equal regardless of the value of . Identities can be written with the sign ≡, so the example could be written as 2 x + 3 x ≡ 5 x .