Java to php converter online

Are you able to use this online java to php converter to convert the whole encog-java-core project to PHP so I can use the encog ML library in PHP ?
The java source is here:
I tried this but it errors out:
This lady was working on it but abandoned it in 2015:

Thanks, this would be really helpful, since none of the PHP ML libraries allow multidimensional array data for training, but Encog does if the library can be ported to PHP.

syntax highlight

time limit: 5s 15s

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Java to php converter online

Is there are tools for converting java code to php? I have source code of java library and I need it to convert to php.

asked May 19, 2011 at 10:06


It is possible to automatically convert it. This is called a source to source compiler. Normally when you compile software, the parser will build an abstract syntax tree and convert this into the target machine language code. But it is just as possible to have a compiler convert this into another high level (compilable) language.

Java is a strongly typed language, and PHP is not, so source to source compilers are rare and the code conversion process is incomplete. However this said, there is a reasonably good one with a free demo at:

answered Jun 27, 2013 at 2:52


1191 silver badge3 bronze badges


Automatically - No. Now. Maybe in future. Don't spend time, write new code bro.

answered May 19, 2011 at 10:10


9585 silver badges8 bronze badges


I don't think there is a solution like this currently.

You might try using a php-java bridge that would allow you to call the java code from within PHP:

Zend Server also provides a bridge

answered May 19, 2011 at 10:13


1,1886 silver badges18 bronze badges

Team of 5 folks at Facebook have spent 18 month to write sofrware that converts PHP to C++ (meet: HipHop). There is no such software for transforming from Java to PHP yet.

The answer is: yes... it is possible if you have year and a half and team of pro programmers :) Otherwise, you rewrite it manually (I think, this is your choise).

answered May 19, 2011 at 10:08


8,5166 gold badges38 silver badges65 bronze badges

There are lots of aspects of Java that cannot be expressed in PHP. Type safety for one. This sounds like a fool's errand to me. If you were looking to go in the opposite direction the question might have some interest.

answered May 19, 2011 at 10:47


Can we convert Java code to PHP?

Java and PHP are two of the most used programming languages today. Although both technologies offer advanced functionality and dynamic portability, converting one to the other is not quite possible yet.

Can Java work with PHP?

There are two possible ways to bridge PHP and Java: you can either integrate PHP into a Java Servlet environment, which is the more stable and efficient solution, or integrate Java support into PHP. The former is provided by a SAPI module that interfaces with the Servlet server, the latter by this Java extension.

How can I connect PHP with Java?

For J2SE, installation is simple:.
Install J2SE 1.6 or above..
Install PHP 5.1. 4 or above..
Extract the php-java-bridge_5. 2.2_j2ee. zip to a folder..
From the command prompt, navigate to this folder and type: …> java –classpath JavaBridge. ... .
In the current folder, you should see an ext folder that contains four . jar files..

Can I change HTML to PHP?

The web server will know that everything between is php code and will execute it, the rest will be sent directly to the browser, because it is just static HTML. So, you can “convert” every html page to php just by renaming the file with . php extension.