League of legends top lane champions tier list năm 2024

In Patch 14.4, based on the assessment of our high elo game experts, the best champions to climb with below low Diamond right now are darius, masteryi, ahri, vayne, and janna. Below, you will find a more detailed assessment of their strengths. For the ranks above low Diamond, we recommend checking out our high elo tier list instead. If you'd rather explore Mobalytics data instead of our curated expert recommendations, refer to our champions stats instead.

Top Tier List

Darius is stomping a TON of top lanes right now and winning a huge amount of games across a wide variety of ranks, so if you’re looking for someone to one trick to 1v9 with, give this guy a go! Darius has amazing damage, fantastic item options, and his ability to snowball is insanely scary, as once he gets ahead he basically becomes ungankable, and if you do get ganked? Just kill them both… GG!


League of legends top lane champions tier list năm 2024


League of legends top lane champions tier list năm 2024


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Jungle Tier List

Master Yi has had a pretty solid season 2024 so far and now with the Terminus buffs in Patch 14.4 we think he’s only going to get better. Lethal Tempo has been nerfed for melee users but this won’t remove Yi’s ability to stomp lobbies, especially as you can still go Hail of Blades if it’s that bad anyway! Master Yi spikes insanely hard with his current items and once he spikes he just starts sprinting into backlines and annihilating enemy carries in seconds, and if he has the right team comp built around him, it’s just free LP!


League of legends top lane champions tier list năm 2024


League of legends top lane champions tier list năm 2024


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Mid Tier List

Ahri's buffs, along with the buffs to some of her items, have brought her back into those top tiers and we feel she is an excellent pick to carry with this patch! She's got amazing mobility with those ultimate resets, fantastic pick potential with clutch charms and tons of burst damage to bring to the table too. Ahri is a pretty flexible pick that suits plenty of different team compositions, making her a great champion to main in solo queue right now!


League of legends top lane champions tier list năm 2024


League of legends top lane champions tier list năm 2024


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Bot Tier List

Vayne has been super consistent all season so far across every single rank, and although she wasn’t as popular in the lethality meta, she’s always been up there with an impressive win rate. She goes another patch here without any nerfs and with the Terminus buffs her on-hit item build is only going to get better. This item in combination with Jak’Sho gives Vayne amazing defenses along her crazy damage in the late game, so give her a go!


League of legends top lane champions tier list năm 2024


League of legends top lane champions tier list năm 2024


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Support Tier List

Janna is the ultimate utility monster in the support role right now and is having a blast this season with a super high win rate across the board. Janna just brings everything you want from your support, shields, peel, engage, disengage, slows, and of course her amazing game changing ultimate too. So if you enjoy that real support playstyle of making the difference in games with creative playmaking utility? Give her a go!


League of legends top lane champions tier list năm 2024


League of legends top lane champions tier list năm 2024


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League of legends top lane champions tier list năm 2024


Our tier lists are curated by the following experts:

We recommend using the Low ELO list for as long as you can before switching the High ELO list. It usually works until around high Diamond. If a champion isn't on our tier list, it doesn't necessarily mean that you can't climb with them.

What is the best top lane champions?

S+ Tier Top Champions:.

Twisted Fate. Twisted Fate has risen to the top not only because he is a great flex pick, but his oppresive laning phase coupled with his great roaming potential make him quite a threat..

Vayne. ... .

Fiora. ... .

Malphite. ... .

Darius. ... .

Trundle. ... .

Zac. ... .


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Top Lane Champion Types.

Who is the best top lane champion to carry in low Elo?

Best Top Laners for Low Elo:.

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Best champions.