Matlab call python function with arguments

Your Python® documentation shows you how to call a Python function. Python function signatures look similar to MATLAB® function signatures. However, Python has syntax which might be unfamiliar to MATLAB users.

Positional Arguments

A positional argument is passed by position. These arguments appear at the beginning of a function signature.

Python SignatureMATLAB Usage

Argument X is required.

>> py.abs(-99)

Some functions accept an arbitrary sequence of positional arguments, including no arguments. In Python, these arguments are defined by prepending the name with the * character.

Python SignatureMATLAB Usage

The iterables argument is not required, in which case, the function returns a zero length iterator.

Aggregate elements from two lists.
>> py.itertools.izip(... py.list({1:10}),py.list({'a','b'}));

Create zero length iterator.
>> py.itertools.izip;


>> words = {'Hello','World!'};
>> py.print(words{:})

Keyword Arguments

A keyword argument is preceded by an identifier. Keyword arguments, also called named arguments, can be specified in any order. Keyword arguments are like name-value pairs in MATLAB. Use the MATLAB pyargs function to create keyword arguments for Python functions.

Python SignatureMATLAB Usage


sep, end, and file are keyword arguments.

Change the value of end.
>> py.print('string',pyargs('end','--'))

This example uses the default value for the file keyword. Create some text variables.

x1 = py.str('c:');
x2 = py.os.curdir;
x3 = py.os.getenv('foo');

To display the values on separate lines, use newline, \n, as a separator.


To change sep to an empty string and change the end value to display THE END, type:

py.print(x1,x2,x3,pyargs('end', sprintf(' THE END\n'),'sep',py.str))

Arbitrary Number of Keyword Arguments

Python defines an arbitrary number of keyword arguments by prepending the name with ** characters.

Python SignatureMATLAB Usage


>> D = py.dict(Joe=100,Jack=101)

Optional Arguments

An optional argument is a non-required argument.

Python SignatureMATLAB Usage

Argument step is optional.

>> py.random.randrange(1,100)

Optional arguments can have default values. A default value is indicated by an equal sign = with the default value.

Python SignatureMATLAB Usage


The default value for file is sys.stdout.

Print two values using default keyword values.
>> py.print(2,'2')

See Also


In R2021b, MATLAB errors when you use name=value syntax for passing keyword arguments to Python functions using the py. prefix. In R2021a, MATLAB silently gives the wrong answer or throws a Python error. Use pyargs to pass keyword arguments.

For example, the Python print function has a keyword argument sep. This Python statement sets the sep argument to a comma followed by a space:

print('comma','separated','values',sep=', ')

When you call this statement in MATLAB, MATLAB interprets sep=', ' as a name=value argument:

py.print('comma','separated','values',sep=', ')

R2021a BehaviorR2021b BehaviorHow to Update Your Code

    sep=', ')

Silent wrong answer:

comma separated values sep , 

    sep=', ')


Error using py.print 
Using name=value format is not supported. 
Use pyargs to pass keyword arguments

    pyargs(sep=', '))

comma, separated, values

Can you call Python from MATLAB?

You can call functionality from Python® libraries or execute Python statements directly from MATLAB®.

How does MATLAB integrate with Python?

To integrate a MATLAB® Compiler SDK™ Python® Package:.
In consultation with the MATLAB programmer, collect the MATLAB function signatures that comprise the services in the application..
Install and import the compiled Python package. ... .
Write the Python code to initialize MATLAB Runtime and load the MATLAB code..

How do I change the Python environment in MATLAB?

You cannot change the interpreter after MATLAB loads Python. To change the interpreter, restart MATLAB, and then call pyenv . pyenv displays details about the current (default) Python environment. pyenv( Name,Value ) specifies parameters for setting the Python environment.

How does Kwargs work?

**kwargs works just like *args , but instead of accepting positional arguments it accepts keyword (or named) arguments. Take the following example: # def concatenate(**kwargs): result = "" # Iterating over the Python kwargs dictionary for arg in kwargs.