rebeccas là gì - Nghĩa của từ rebeccas

rebeccas có nghĩa là

Rebecca is the sweetest lil' girl you'll ever meet. Don't let her exterior fool you though she's highly intelligent (she has a higher grade point average than you), extremely hilarious, gorgeous. Sometimes her sense of humor can lead her to come off as wacky... but she loves to have fun, make jokes, and she's always the life of the party.


Friend: Rebecca, What's up?
Rebecca: *laughter* the funniest thing just happened to me!

rebeccas có nghĩa là

A beautiful, strong, determined girl. The closest thing to perfect. Often one of unusual hotness. Naturally suspicious and has to feel you out. Hard to get close to but once you do will be the best thing that has ever happened to you.
Rebecca is the kindest most loyal person. She is hard working and honest. She can be very funny and weird to get a laugh but can also be serious and get mad at you often especially if you are being foolish. She is tiny but can kick your ass. Her anger is more like a bright flash and she will forgive you and be there for you. It's hard to stay mad at a Rebecca. She is too adorable.
Because Rebecca is so tough she endures a lot more than she should. Rebecca doesn't realize her worth but she is worth her weight in gold. Rebecca makes you feel better by just being near her.
If you are ever so lucky as to make friends with a Rebecca never let her go. You will regret it for all of eternity. If you get with her you are the luckiest son of a bitch on the planet. Never cross her because she is secretly a witch and has magic powers!


Guy 1: Whoa, who is THAT?
Guy 2: Oh, that's Rebecca. You don't stand a chance.

rebeccas có nghĩa là

A confident girl who fights for what she believes in and never puts her head down.She has taken alot of shit over the years but fought for her rights and her friends.She is beautiful and kind to the people who don't piss her off and always love to dance craizylly and not afraid of what people thinks about her cuz she knows she's magical and awesome and beautiful in every way i would say that she's a unicorn.She's also really funny and i laugh till it hurts when she says jokes or a hilarious story.And lastly (even thought there is so much more good things about her that i cannot name them all)she is amazing best friend who cares alot about her friends more then she cares about her she is the other half of me.


GIRL 1:that girl seems like such a bitch
GIRL 2:i wouldn't talk about her like that cuz she's da bomb she's kind and awesome more than ull ever be.
GIRL 2:I wish i was more like Rebecca

rebeccas có nghĩa là

A Rebecca is normally smart and nice. She sticks to her word and never lets her friends down. She chooses her friends carefully and always repeats "I love you" to the same people. They repeat that or something as meaningful as that because they feel as is they don't say it, nobody will know it. They have a lot of self doubt so you must always remind them and show them how good they are at the skill. She has a few super close friends and the rest are just good friends. She has few enemies, keeps her allies close. She is a sporty girl normally and is very competitive at certain things. She likes the world when happy and tries to make everyone happy. She is very pretty but doubt every time someone tells her. If you know a Rebecca you must always treasure her.


Damn, she is such a Rebecca.

rebeccas có nghĩa là

A Beautiful but insecure girl, she will bring herself down no matter how many times you tell her she's beautiful. She is good at advice and great at keeping secrets Amazing personality, great tits she weird but a good kind of weird she fighter when she mad and lover when she loving She can brighten anyone's day with a smile, her laugh is cute. She has eyes that will make you melt, if she falls in love with you don't let her go. She is faithful and will never do you wrong, Rebecca is a very amazing girl. She gives way to many chances but once she done she done , if your lucky enough to get her never watch her walk away. You'll regret it.


A Beautiful but insecure girl, she will bring herself down no matter how many times you tell her she's beautiful. She is good at advice and great at keeping secrets Amazing personality, great tits she weird but a good kind of weird she fighter when she mad and lover when she loving She can brighten anyone's day with a smile, her laugh is cute. She has eyes that will make you melt, if she falls in love with you don't let her go. She is faithful and will never do you wrong, Rebecca is a very amazing girl. She gives way to many chances but once she done she done , if your lucky enough to get her never watch her walk away. You'll regret it.

rebeccas có nghĩa là

A girl that is cray, but is also cute at the same time.


She is such a Rebecca, but somehow I really like her.

rebeccas có nghĩa là

She is a very loving, caring, beautiful girl who cares if you do anything that could hurt you and worries about you and if you need help with something she will be there and if she needs help she will tell you also she likes you for you not the size of you d*ck or your hair or your body she likes you for your personality also she likes music and doesn't force you to like hers but she will suggest you some and they are usually really good if your into that genre. Also she will deal with your @$$hole friends as long as they don't go to far (don't act like you don't have any friends like that) and she can take a joke,she may ball-tap you sometimes but she is doing it out of love saying you went full @$$hole, you never go full @$$hole and even then she does apologize. Also she likes being independent and likes buying her own food and stuff and opening her own doors and not everything being done for her (and gets mad at me when I do it for her but it doesn't mean I'm going to stop) but she does enjoy being carried. Also she is the only one that can make me smile and isn't afraid to be herself or weird and i'm extremely lucky to be dating such an amazing girl ~her @$$hole CJ


Rebecca is an amazing,funny,caring,helpful,generous girl and I love her with all my heart and would kill to protect her.

rebeccas có nghĩa là

rebecca is beautiful but if often insecure. she lives with confidence. very competitive and loves playing sports. but often gets bullied and doubts herself. its hard to gain her trust but once u do be careful because she dosent trust many people.


rebecca is such a good friend.

rebeccas có nghĩa là

Rebecca is a AMAZING friend she is always there for you she is perfect but she doesn't know it . She gets angry at the smallest things but its hard to stay mad at her because she is so nice. when she makes a joke you will laugh so hard that it will be hard to breathe. she has beautiful eyes i love you becca


Rebecca is a name

rebeccas có nghĩa là

She is a person who loves her books and a very pretty girl.


Wow she is a Rebecca