So sánh vivo v5 vs oppo f1s năm 2024

It is 5AM in Los Angeles, my brain suddenly switched on as I rolled over in bed. With a long work week ahead, I knew more sleep was essential but I just couldn’t anymore.

There’s a certain anticipation about today and the next few days that’s got me excited and wide awake. After a year of build-up, not too long from now, people will actually be able to buy Apple Vision Pro. And I have a feeling, just like the iPhone, its going to change the world.

Ahead of its retail launch, I’m getting ready for some special hands-on time with the device. This includes some never-before seen demos. I feel grateful. Not everybody gets the opportunity, so I want to pay it forward.

Hopefully this first hand account will be of some help while you consider taking this pretty pricey plunge.

Setup & controls

So sánh vivo v5 vs oppo f1s năm 2024

Before picking up a Vision Pro, you’ll need to get sized for a Light Seal. If you wear glasses, have your most recent prescription handy.

I’ve thankfully never needed glasses for most of my life. However, I recently started using readers so I used custom inserts by ZEISS during my hands-on. You can order these with Vision Pro and are easily snapped on and off with magnets.

The Light Seal is the piece that rests on your face so the perfect fit is essential. The sizing process is similar to setting up Face ID. When you order Vision Pro online you’ll be prompted to scan your face via the Apple Store app.

To put Vision Pro on, hold onto the front of the device and pull on the strap to secure around your face. There’s a nob on the right hand side that you can twist to tighten if needed. On me it was comfortable. Never in the 30 minutes or so that I had it on did it feel heavy or painful.

Making it work

So sánh vivo v5 vs oppo f1s năm 2024

It was time to get started. A quick press and hold on the Digital Crown powers up the device. The familiar, “Hello” appeared, floating in front of me, the rest of the room was visible.

I couldn’t contain my excitement. But there were setup tests that needed to be completed first. One for eye calibration involves looking at dots on the screen and tapping your fingers together. The other is for the hands — you just lift them in front of the Apple Vision Pro. Setup didn’t take too long and is a one time thing.

Finally, a bunch of icons appear in front of me — this was Home View. Everything felt fresh and new, but also familiar. Nothing was intimidating or confusing, I instinctively knew exactly what to do.

Navigate with your eyes. Select with your fingers.

Specifically look at what ever you want to select then bring two fingers together in a pinching motion and then release — to enter. It can be either hand. Preferably with your thumb on the bottom and with nothing blocking line of sight to Vision Pro.

I understand some photos show otherwise, but there’s no need to have them raised. Resting comfortably on your lap works perfectly too.

Pinching with two hands lets you zoom in and out. Or make a canvas smaller or larger. I promise it’ll all make sense.

Spatial video & connectedness

So sánh vivo v5 vs oppo f1s năm 2024

The first app I dove into to was Photos. The app opens like a window on my Mac. But instead of my desktop, I see the room around me. And yes, you can have different apps open at a time pinned all around your room, including a mirror of whats on your Mac.

Windows can be pinned anywhere you like and are securely planted in this space. Unlike other headsets I’ve tried, there’s a certainty and security about how they are placed — so much so that it’s not dizzying.

I scrolled through a few photos, pinched in to explore details like I’ve been doing it for years. But it was when I got to spatial videos that I had my ‘aha’ moment.

You know how in Harry Potter when Harry uses Dumbledore’s pensive to go back in time, as a spectator, reliving his memory (or someone else’s). That’s how it felt like, watching a spatial video clip on Vision Pro.

BTW, currently, Spatial video clips can be shot using Vision Pro or the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max.

Sharing space virtually

So sánh vivo v5 vs oppo f1s năm 2024

In this one demo I was seated on the other side of a dining table watching a mom interact with her two kids. It was playful banter over what looked like a breakfast table. I felt like I was in the room with them and it was that moment that tugged on my heartstrings.

You see, my family has a group chat composed mostly of videos of my nephew David’s many milestones. This chat has been a godsend as David lives in a different country from both his grandparents and his favorite uncle (moi). I immediately thought of him and my other nephew (still inside his mom’s tummy) — and how a device like the Apple Vision Pro will hep us feel more a part of their lives despite the distance.

Panoramas, environments and escape

Phones have long had the ability to stitch photos together to make these extra long panoramic photos that capture the entire landscape BUT they’ve inherently had one problem. Unless you blow them up and print them — you don’t really get to appreciate them.

On Vision Pro, however, when you open up a panoramic image. It wraps around you 180 degrees, you almost feel like you’re actually there. And its this ability of the device to transport you to other places that’s tickles my fancy, thinking about the possibilities.

Immersive video

Coming soon to Apple TV+ is a category called Immersive Video and I got a sneak peak. One moment I was on a hot air balloon, the next moment I was underwater with sharks. I lunged back when some wild animals got too close. One moment I was up close and personal with Alicia Keys. She was serenading me and it felt like I was the King of England requesting a private concert. And another I was watching a football match, from the perspective of a goalie. Man, I thought my World Cup Final seats were great.

It’s fascinating how the brain works. And how I was able to feel all these sensations, excitement, thrill, and fear. Even if I wasn’t truly at any of these places at all.


Speaking of a flurry of emotions, I aspire to master the art of stepping away from the chaos of my everyday life. To pause, and center myself. I feel like doing so feeds me with energy to thrive. Built into Vision Pro is a feature called Environments, and I have a feeling it will be one that I use the most.

With just a few twists of the Digital Crown you can choose partial or full immersion. Twist enough and the whole world fades away and you’re immediately transported somewhere else.

I found myself atop Haleakala above the clouds in Maui. One word came to mind — escape. This could be my sanctuary where I go to just be alone to my thoughts even when the world feels a lot, or even when anxiety sinks in. Paired with the Mindfulness app, I could hop on a one minute mini meditation and get back to a place of zen.

Never alone

So sánh vivo v5 vs oppo f1s năm 2024

The best kind of tech is the kind that can suck you in. Immersive. Engaging. A part of me though worries about how this strips away part of what makes us human, where we become so disconnected with the world around us.

I’m grateful that Apple’s approach to Vision Pro has been different. While it is a device you put on over your eyes you’re never fully disconnected from the real world.

I recall looking at photos and still being able to look to the side and have a conversation with someone else in the room. And when I was in an environment or movie, something that took over the entire display, if someone came close, they’d gradually fade into view.

I also got to be on the flip side of this. Being in a room with some using VisionPro. I could see a live rendering of his eyes, they even blinked when he did. When he was viewing an app full screen or was in an Environment the display shifted to shimmer of color. But every time I came close and he could see me, I could see his eyes again. If he took a photo or video the screen would turn flash white. We strangely felt connected.

More to come for the Apple Vision Pro

So sánh vivo v5 vs oppo f1s năm 2024

There were plenty more highlights from my 30 minutes with the Vision Pro. Watching Disney+ movies from the top of the Avenges Tower (loaded as an environment, Tatooine was another option), typing on a keyboard floating in front of me by punching my fingers through the letters, opening a 3D model of an F1 car then using my fingers to reposition it in a way that it was like I was in it, oh and scrolling through pages on

But this is only the beginning and it’s the reason why I am pre-ordering one despite its steep US$ 3500 asking price. What the iPhone and the iPad were when they launched is nothing like what they have grown into. And I am confident Apple Vision Pro is the same. There are a few apps and experiences for now, but I can only imagine what things will be like in 5 years.

My pre-order is an investment in that future today. A VIP ticket, so that I am part of the ride from the beginning.