Who is a paternalistic leader

Paternalistic and Maternalistic Leadership - Daddy and Mommy Knows Best or More...?

Paternalistic and Maternalistic Leadership are leadership styles that are not given a fair shot so much in the western world as they are throughout. First off, what are they? A paternalistic leadership style is one that comes form a seat of strength and discipline. Is respectful and caring and expects loyalty in return for benevolence.

Paternalistic leadership is more concerned with loyalty than performance. This is often referred to as a form of management, but it is also a form of leadership, especially in the western world where the two are more separated than anywhere else. The paternalistic leadership style is one that posits that the leader is like a father figure who care and provides for his family.

Imagine a leader who really cared how your day was going, and wasnt just giving the verbatim, but really cared? Wouldnt that be a change? This works extremely well in a collectivist society, not so much an individualistic one like the united states of America. There is a difference. There is a proximity and distance accord here, that is not the prerequisite everywhere else.

The positive effects of a paternalistic leadership style can be that there is an atmosphere of family at the workplace. A negative result is that some people are resentful of the favor shown particular, favorite sons or daughters of the leader and/or organization. Another positive is that the employees are encouraged to come to the leader and express themselves, so there is a tension in many work settings that does not exist in one run from this dynamic. Another negative is that certain people can be developed at the expense of others, due to favoritism, or perceived loyalty.

Maternalistic leadership did not have a definition until recently, as Google searches used to yield the return question: Did you mean paternalistic? Maternalistic leadership is the more feminine, even more caring face of Paternalistic leadership.

There are many people who are looking for a female president to be elected, and there are also those who believe that a more caring leadership, more heart centered, and people centric will result in more warm and inclusive relationship building with competitors and potential customers. Think of customer service-oriented positions. Who would you rather have introducing your company, or receiving guests that could potentially become customers and why?

Women are very serious about their levels of success and more often than not, are willing to invest in their personal and professional development, while at the same time, men often do what they have to do, but if left to their own devices will not look towards building themselves unless it is attached to an external goal. This is something I have experienced as a coach in working with people for years.

Women appear to be more driven by the numbers, percentage wise. As enthusiastic as I am, and as important as I know the building of self to be, it is also to be noticed that when I do have men in front of me in a learning capacity it is often at the behest of the women in their lives. They are doing it for their wives, their mothers, or the women they want in their lives. There is a potential there to be tapped into if it can be done correctly, an opportunity.

Most of paternalistic and maternalistic leadership styles can be leveraged to galvanize an authentic desire to increase ones efficiency and effectiveness, a tendency to lean towards loyalty, and a sincere, genuine opportunity to be of good in the lives of others, and inspire and motivate them to make better of themselves.

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