YouTube delete empty playlist

Bulk remove all clips from your playlist with a script

My YouTube Watch Later playlist contains more than 600 videos.

Every time something remotely interested me, I put it on that playlist. I can always watch it later, when I have time.

Unsurprisingly, I never had the time. Some of the clips are longer than one hour.

Lets delete all videos from my Watch Later playlist - tabula rasa.

Thats a nice thought, but YouTube doesnt allow you to bulk delete videos from a playlist.

I could live with manually clicking on the trash icon for a few clips, but over 600!?

Searching for a solution yielded some results from reddit, but they dont work anymore as YouTube changed their interface.

A Script to Delete All Videos

I found a GitHub Gist that solves my problem.

  1. You have to switch to the old interface

    Go to

  2. Open the developer tools of your browser

    For Firefox or Chrome: F12 or CTRL+Shift+I on Linux.

  3. Open the Console and paste this script:

    var timer = window.setInterval(function() { var videoDeleteButton = document.querySelector('.pl-video-edit-remove') if (videoDeleteButton) { setTimeout(function() { document.querySelector('.yt-uix-load-more').click() }, 5000) } else { window.clearInterval(timer) } }, 1000)

    The script searches for the delete button and uses a timer to execute the delete function.

  4. Hit the Enter key to execute the script.

  5. Leave the browser window open until your playlist is empty.