Convert number to roman numeral php

Check out my solution here . It works both ways.

     * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2015, Stefan (frostymarvelous) Froelich
    namespace Whisppa\Misc;

     * This class allows you to convert from Roman numerals to natural numbers and vice versa.
     * I decided to do this as a fun challenge after reading
     * Took me about 30 minutes to come up with, research and code the solution.
     * It can convert numbers up to 3,999,999 because I couldn't find any numerals for 5,000,000 above.
     * Due to my inability to get the correct accented characters 5000 above, I resulted to using the pipe (|) to represent accent. 
    class Numeralo
        * @var string[] A notation map to represent the common Roman numeral values. 
        * @static
        protected static $NOTATION = 
            '|', //one
            '[', //five
            ']', //ten

        * @var \ArrayObject[] A map of Roman numerals based on place value. Each item ends with the first numeral in the next place value.
        * @static
        protected static $NUMERALS_BY_PLACE_VALUE =     
            ['I', 'V', 'X',], //ones
            ['X', 'L', 'C',], //tens
            ['C', 'D', 'M',], // hundreds
            ['M', 'V|', 'X|',], //thousands
            ['X|', 'L|', 'C|',], //tens of thousands
            ['C|', 'D|', 'M|',], //hundreds of thousands
            ['M|', '~', '~',], // millions. there are no values for the last two that I could find

        * @var string[]  sA map of numbers and their representative Roman numerals in notation format. This map allows us to make any numeral by replacing the the notation with the place value equivalent.    
        * @static
        protected static $NUMBER_TO_NOTATION = 
            '0' => '',
            '1' => '|',
            '2' => '||',
            '3' => '|||',
            '4' => '|[',
            '5' => '[',
            '6' => '[|',
            '7' => '[||',
            '8' => '[|||',
            '9' => '|]',

        * @var int[] A map of the major Roman numerals and the number equivalent.
        * @static
        protected static $NUMERALS_TO_NUMBER = 
            'I' => 1,
            'V' => 5,
            'X' => 10,
            'L' => 50,
            'C' => 100,
            'D' => 500,
            'M' => 1000,
            'V|' => 5000,
            'X|' => 10000,
            'L|' => 50000,
            'C|' => 100000,
            'D|' => 500000,
            'M|' => 1000000,

        * Converts natural numbers to Roman numerals.
        * @static
        * @param int|string $number a number or numeric string less than 3,999,999
        * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if the provided $number argument is not numeric or greater than 3,999,999.
        * @return string Roman numeral equivalent   
        public static function number_to_numerals($number) {
                throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Only numbers allowed');
            if($number > 3999999)
                throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Number cannot be greater than 3,999,999');

            $numerals = '';
            $number_string = strrev((string) $number);
            $length = strlen($number_string);

            for($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
                $char = $number_string[$i];

                $num_map = self::$NUMERALS_BY_PLACE_VALUE[$i];
                $numerals = str_replace(self::$NOTATION, $num_map, self::$NUMBER_TO_NOTATION[$char]) . $numerals;

            return $numerals;   

        * Converts Roman numerals to natural numbers.
        * @static
        * @param string $numerals the Roman numerals to be converted
        * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if the provided $numerals argument contains invalid characters.
        * @return int the equivalent number
        public static function numerals_to_number($numerals) {
            $number = 0;
            $numeral_string = strrev((string) $numerals);
            $length = strlen($numeral_string);

            $prev_number = false;
            $is_accented = false;

            for($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
                $char = $numeral_string[$i];

                if($char == '|') //check if it is an accent character
                    $is_accented = true;
                    continue;//skip this iteration and process it in the next one as the accent applies to the next char
                else if($is_accented)
                    $char .= '|';
                    $is_accented = false;

                //TODO Make a check using maybe regex at the beginning of the method.
                    throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid character '{$char}' in numeral string");

                $num = self::$NUMERALS_TO_NUMBER[$char];

                //this is where the magic happens
                //if the previous number divided by 5 or 10 is equal to the current number, then we subtract eg. 9 = IX. I = 1, X = 10, 10/10 = 1
                    if(($prev_number / 5) == $num || ($prev_number / 10) == $num)
                        $number -= $num;
                        $number += $num;
                    $number += $num;

                $prev_number = $num;

            return $number;



How do you convert Roman numerals to numbers in PHP?

convert-integer-to-roman.php $integer = intval($integer); $result = ''; // Create a lookup array that contains all of the Roman numerals.

How do you convert numbers into Roman numerals?

To do this, you'd start with the largest unit represented by a Roman numeral—in this case, that's 50, which is represented by an L. Then, you'd add a V (5) followed by an I (1) to make 6. This would give you LVI, or 56.

How do you write 50000 in Roman numerals?

50,000 (fifty thousand) is the natural number that comes after 49,999 and before 50,001 . ... 50,000..

How do you write 2022 in Roman numerals?

In Roman Numerals, 2022 is written as MMXXII.