What is 2024 color of the year?

COVER takes a look at Coloro and WGSN’s key colours for Spring/Summer 2024

What is 2024 color of the year?

Coloro and WGSN’s latest white paper ‘A Window to the Future of Colour’ reveals the companies’ key colours for Spring/Summer 2024. Reflecting the dramatic shifts the world has been undergoing recently, the report demonstrates how the uncertainty that remains a major influence in our lives is driving colour choices. In the selection of the five colours: Radiant Red, Cyber Lime, Elemental Blue, Fondant Pink and Nutshell, a dominant theme is how to balance uneasiness with optimism. 

In the report WGSN suggest there are three key drivers behind the colour choices. The concept of ‘care community’ is being driven by situations such as the war in Ukraine, the refugee crisis and the pandemic, and brings a need for warm tones and calming pastels shades. Crisp, clean colours are also increasing in demand thanks to our ongoing online lifestyles. The third driver is our increasing quest for work/life balance, which really soared during the pandemic. Our questioning of the physical versus digital world and our work/life habits will see an increase in neutral and mid tones, for which Elemental Blue is perfect. 

Joanne Thomas, Head of Content at Coloro: ‘Cultivating a hopeful and positive mindset has become a powerful coping mechanism for consumers. Care, connection and community underpin our five key colors for S/S 24. From Fondant Pink and Radiant Red’s stimulating, sweet qualities nurturing a loving culture, to Elemental Blues and Nutshell’s grounding and stable attributes, and finally, Cyber Limes synthetic realism, connecting us to our ever expanding digital lives. These sensorial shades open up a window to the future of color and allow for seamless passage between our IRL and URL worlds.’

Jenny Clark, Head of Color at WGSN: ‘Our five key colours speak to the rapid change which consumers are navigating on a daily basis. They reflect the ongoing desire for stability and need to nurture and care for each other in these difficult times. These colours will touch us mentally and physically, raising our energy levels or grounding us back down, they connect to the evolving, fast paced and technologically driven world we live in.’

Here the 5 key Coloro + WGSN colours are demonstrated in 5 rugs.

Elemental Blue

Elemental Blue is light indigo blue that appeals to all age groups. It represents stability and moderation and suits a minimalist aesthetic.

What is 2024 color of the year?
Casellario Monocromo, Parisotto + Formenton x cc-tapis

Fondant Pink

This youthful pastel shade offers feelings of delight and wellness. According to WGSN Fondant Pink will be used for digital gamescapes and virtual goods.

What is 2024 color of the year?
Block 03 Pink on DarkGrey, Rug Star

Radiant Red

WGSN describe it as optimistic, sweet and playful as well as connecting to the care economy and loving culture.

What is 2024 color of the year?
Gunta, Child Studio x Floor Story


A rich and spicy brown that evokes warmth and reassurance. Nutshell speaks about sustainability, authenticity and craftsmanship.

What is 2024 color of the year?
Benzoic, Curated Colour by Reuber Henning

Cyber Lime

A punchy almost neon colour that energises the body and mind. Seen as a gender inclusive, dopamine bright, the green shade signifies the powerful connection between nature and technology. 

What is 2024 color of the year?

Ikat Royal Damask, Knots Rugs

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