Hướng dẫn how can i read gmail with gmail api in php? - Làm thế nào tôi có thể đọc gmail với gmail api trong php?

Đây là mã mẫu tôi đã sử dụng để phát triển một hệ thống bán vé email. Nó cho thấy cách lấy nhãn, tin nhắn và tiêu đề.


  // Load previously authorized credentials from a file.
  $credentialsPath = expandHomeDirectory(CREDENTIALS_PATH);
  if (file_exists($credentialsPath)) {
    $accessToken = json_decode(file_get_contents($credentialsPath), true);
  } else {
    // Request authorization from the user.
    $authUrl = $client->createAuthUrl();
    printf("Open the following link in your browser:\n%s\n", $authUrl);
    print 'Enter verification code: ';
    $authCode = trim(fgets(STDIN));

    // Exchange authorization code for an access token.
    $accessToken = $client->fetchAccessTokenWithAuthCode($authCode);

    // Store the credentials to disk.
    if(!file_exists(dirname($credentialsPath))) {
      mkdir(dirname($credentialsPath), 0700, true);
    file_put_contents($credentialsPath, json_encode($accessToken));
    printf("Credentials saved to %s\n", $credentialsPath);

  // Refresh the token if it's expired.
  if ($client->isAccessTokenExpired()) {
    file_put_contents($credentialsPath, json_encode($client->getAccessToken()));
  return $client;

 * Expands the home directory alias '~' to the full path.
 * @param string $path the path to expand.
 * @return string the expanded path.
function expandHomeDirectory($path) {
  $homeDirectory = getenv('HOME');
  if (empty($homeDirectory)) {
    $homeDirectory = getenv('HOMEDRIVE') . getenv('HOMEPATH');
  return str_replace('~', realpath($homeDirectory), $path);

 * Get list of Messages in user's mailbox.
 * @param  Google_Service_Gmail $service Authorized Gmail API instance.
 * @param  string $userId User's email address. The special value 'me'
 * can be used to indicate the authenticated user.
 * @return array Array of Messages.
function listMessages($service, $userId, $optArr = []) {
  $pageToken = NULL;
  $messages = array();
  do {
    try {
      if ($pageToken) {
        $optArr['pageToken'] = $pageToken;
      $messagesResponse = $service->users_messages->listUsersMessages($userId, $optArr);
      if ($messagesResponse->getMessages()) {
        $messages = array_merge($messages, $messagesResponse->getMessages());
        $pageToken = $messagesResponse->getNextPageToken();
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      print 'An error occurred: ' . $e->getMessage();
  } while ($pageToken);

  return $messages;

function getHeaderArr($dataArr) {
    $outArr = [];
    foreach ($dataArr as $key => $val) {
        $outArr[$val->name] = $val->value;
    return $outArr;

function getBody($dataArr) {
    $outArr = [];
    foreach ($dataArr as $key => $val) {
        $outArr[] = base64url_decode($val->getBody()->getData());
        break; // we are only interested in $dataArr[0]. Because $dataArr[1] is in HTML.
    return $outArr;

function base64url_decode($data) {
  return base64_decode(str_pad(strtr($data, '-_', '+/'), strlen($data) % 4, '=', STR_PAD_RIGHT));

function getMessage($service, $userId, $messageId) {
  try {
    $message = $service->users_messages->get($userId, $messageId);
    print 'Message with ID: ' . $message->getId() . ' retrieved.' . "\n";

    return $message;
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    print 'An error occurred: ' . $e->getMessage();

function listLabels($service, $userId, $optArr = []) {
    $results = $service->users_labels->listUsersLabels($userId);

    if (count($results->getLabels()) == 0) {
      print "No labels found.\n";
    } else {
      print "Labels:\n";
      foreach ($results->getLabels() as $label) {
        printf("- %s\n", $label->getName());

// Get the API client and construct the service object.
$client = getClient();
$service = new Google_Service_Gmail($client);
$user = 'me';

// Print the labels in the user's account.
listLabels($service, $user);

// Get the messages in the user's account.
$messages = listMessages($service, $user, [
    #'maxResults' => 20, // Return 20 messages.
    'labelIds' => 'INBOX', // Return messages in inbox.

foreach ($messages as $message) {
    print 'Message with ID: ' . $message->getId() . "\n";

    $msgObj = getMessage($service, $user, $message->getId());

    $headerArr = getHeaderArr($msgObj->getPayload()->getHeaders());

    echo 'Message-ID: ' . $headerArr['Message-ID'];
    echo "\n";
    echo 'In-Reply-To: ' . (empty($headerArr['In-Reply-To']) ? '' : $headerArr['In-Reply-To']);
    echo "\n";
    echo 'References: ' . (empty($headerArr['References']) ? '': $headerArr['References']);
    echo "\n";


    $bodyArr = getBody($msgObj->getPayload()->getParts());
    echo 'Body: ' . (empty($bodyArr[0]) ? '' : $bodyArr[0]);


https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/quickstart/php https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/v1/reference/users/messages/modify#php

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