What is the use of array_count_values () in php explain with example?

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    The array_count_values() is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to count all the values inside an array. In other words we can say that array_count_values() function is used to calculate the frequency of all of the elements of an array.


    array array_count_values( $array )

    Parameters: This function accepts single parameter $array. This parameter is the array for which we need to calculate the count of values present in it.

    Return Value: This function returns an associative array with key-value pairs in which keys are the elements of the array passed as parameter and values are the frequency of these elements in an array.

    Note: If the element is not a string or integer then an E_WARNING is thrown.


    Input : array = ("Geeks", "for", "Geeks", "Geeks", "Welcome", "for")
    Output : 
              [Geeks] => 3
              [for] => 2
              [Welcome] => 1
    Input : array = (1, 1, 2, 3 , 1 , 2 , 4, 5)
    Output :
             [1] => 3
             [2] => 2
             [3] => 1
             [4] => 1
             [5] => 1

    Below program illustrates the working of array_count_values() function in PHP:

    function Counting($array){



    $array = array("Geeks", "for", "Geeks", "Geeks", "Welcome", "for");




        [Geeks] => 3
        [for] => 2
        [Welcome] => 1

    Reference: http://php.net/manual/en/function.array-count-values.php

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    In this article we will discuss about array_count_values()function in PHP

    The array_count_values() function is used to count all the values inside an array. In other words, we can say that array_count_values() function is used to calculate the frequency of all of the elements of an array.


    array array_count_values( $array )

    Parameters: This function accepts a single parameter $array. This parameter is the array for which we need to calculate the count of values present in it.

    Return Value: This function returns an associative array with key-value pairs in which keys are the elements of the array passed as parameters and values are the frequency of these elements in an array.

    Example: PHP Program to count values in an array.


    $array1 = array("Python", "c/cpp", "php", "java");




        [Python] => 1
         => 1
         => 1
         => 1

    Example 2:


    $array1 = array("Python", "c/cpp", "php"

        "java","R programming", "c/cpp", "php", "java");




        [Python] => 1
         => 2
         => 2
         => 2
        [R programming] => 1

    How do you count the frequency of an element in an array in PHP?

    array_count_values() function in PHP The array_count_values() function returns an array with the number of occurrences for each value. It returns an associative array. The returned array has keys as the array's values, whereas values as the count of the passed values.

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    The array_flip() function flips/exchanges all keys with their associated values in an array.

    How do I count the length of a object in PHP?

    The count() function is used to count the elements of an array or the properties of an object. Note: For objects, if you have SPL installed, you can hook into count() by implementing interface Countable. The interface has exactly one method, Countable::count(), which returns the return value for the count() function.

    How can I find the difference between two arrays in PHP?

    The array_diff() function compares the values of two (or more) arrays, and returns the differences. This function compares the values of two (or more) arrays, and return an array that contains the entries from array1 that are not present in array2 or array3, etc.